
Killing the God's and a rebirth

A/N: Ok I am not precise with his stats so I am going to stop showing that stuff, and I saw that some one was angry with how I kept on changing the spelling of the spelling of the celestial known as the progenitor, so I will keep it the same and not change it, because I easily forget, and this guy is asking me to make the mc get with Hera. The reason why contemplate that, is because my parents know about this book, so if they read it and see the r-18 they'll kill me, but u know what? SCREW IT I'LL DIE A HERO.

Lastly, as this is a fanfic that talks about God's, I just want everyone to know that me and HelloDarkness07 mean no disrespect to the faiths of others as this is just a fanfic, so please don't feel offended if any God's that you worship are mentioned.

Juno pov:

This fight, had been going on long enough before any of the other Gods could make a move, I slammed my scythe into the ground, instantly killing any other remaining mortals or minor God's, I had been taking them too lightly. I looked over the area and could see that the only remaining being's were the Sky father's who had managed to survive due to a shield they had managed to create with whatever magic they had left.

I shrunk down, to an ordinary human size but still retained my celestial form and image. As they walked closer and closer, I saw that Zeus immediately dashed towards me. No mercy. I readied my fist and coated it in anti matter. I swung, and as it made contact, his entire body began to grow pale, his electric blue eyes went grey and there was a visible change in skin tone as he went completely grey.

He began to fell to the floor. The last thing you'd expect to hear, was a thud on the floor of his dead body, but no that wasn't the case, behind me, you'd see that he was being erased from existence, with parts of his body glowing white and then slowly withering away, until there was nothing but a sword left in his place.

I stopped in my tracks, and raised my hands at the 2 remaining Sky fathers, I was getting ready to unleash a wave of cosmic energy that would most likely, completely destroy the entire planet, that this massacre had taken place on. But I had a better idea. I teleported Odin to my side, leaving just Shiva there to take on, the full force of the blast. I let loose. The entire dimension began to collapse, due to the explosion of energies that I had created.

Before the waves, could travel towards me which I doubt would even affect me. I teleported along with my ship, outside the dimension, and felt a feeling of wholeness as I could see the stars and different planets in space. My happy mood, quickly went down as I looked down at my hand holding a half dead Odin in my hands.


Odin pov:

I had awoken in my palace, ah yes we were celebrating the defeat of the Celestial known as Juno the Searcher.

quick a/n: There may be a chapter, in the future where the mc fights Eson the searcher as they are both celestials, who hold the titles of searcher, and as everyone knows there must be only one as there MUST BE BALANCE.

Back to Odin POV:

After a few hours of dining and drinking, I had gone to my chambers to rest as I had depleted most of my magical reserves, during the battle. I entered my room and for the first time in millions of years, I was about to jump on my bed. I had finally done it, after I had been made a fool by the fourth host, I had finally taken down one of the o called 'space gods'.

As I had made contact with the bed something was wrong, I opened my eyes, and could see that my blankets and clothes were eroding, my clothes became muddy and burnt, they bed beneath me had become a hot firm rock, I looked up and could see a sky that looked like it contained millions of Zeus's master bolts as lightning of different colours, struck the ground causing raging fires, earthquakes, and caused the ground itself to split open which only gave way to even more fire and magma and lava coming forth .

I then noticed, the scars across my body and how my left arm was deadly pale, I then saw how the infinity stone, that I had gotten from the celestial disappear from my helm. And then, I saw him. The celestial.

Juno pov:

You are finally awake you foolish God.... ONE YOUR KNEES.

Odin: Ho..How? Before, the words could escape his mouth, he found himself on his knees.

Juno: Beg. I watched him there he was still in shock, BEG. I said again, with power which caused the sky to split apart revealing the abyssal space. I saw that, he began to cower in fear and started to say words of pleas.

A few minutes had passed. I was at this moment in my true size, with my head nearly piercing through the clouds. A curse or a blessing? I couldn't tell my awareness reached a point, to where I could see everything that had happened on this planet from when I arrived, to now how it was reduced to a waste land.


I shouted with even more power, which caused the ground to crack and spew what seemed to be left over cosmic energy, from when I had given this planet life. This only brought up more bad memories. I looked down at Odin, and saw the corruption of the Gods, later I would deal with them all.

I swung my scythe up so high, it pierced space itself, and swung it back down with so much force that it travelled across entire continents, which caused the planet to nearly cut in half, it was approaching. It swiftly seemed through, his neck. It took a few seconds, for him to realise what had just happened, as he looked down at his hands as they were withering away, flashing in and out of existence. He was gone.

Was a satisfied?


I, knew that as long as humans existed so would the Gods, it was just an unbreakable bond. In a few hundred years they would just pop back into existence, as those were the rules of this universe and countless others. It was simply the way of the one above all.

I looked down at my planet and saw hope. A single flower that had blossomed, and was not affected by the fires thunders and countless other disasters that had sprouted from my planet. I flew back down, and picked it up but infused it with cosmic energy, to keep it sustained. I looked out at the endless space. It was time for a new planet. It was time for a rebirth.

This time, I wouldn't use a dead planet I would create my own planet, from nothing and from the start, evolve my race, they'd stand at 10ft have a lifespan of 500-800 years, they'd be pale in complexion as they'd have completely white skin.

I'd rip off dc, and give them the powers of a Kryptonian along with the healing factor that surpassed Deadpool. I'd be their ruler. All I needed, was a perfect spot in space to create my planet.