
Creating Krona

Juno pov:

It had been a long time, since I had killed the God's well for now I mean. Currently I was travelling throughout space, looking for a perfect space to create a new planet. I also took the chance, to explore other planets and their biomes. A few years later, I had found it. A perfect zone devoid of any war mongering barbarians or intergalactic races such as the kree.

There was a golden sun about 2 times the size of Earth's sun. It was perfect, I exited my ship and held out the flower, that had survived the destruction of my previous planet. It would serve, as the planets core and life line. I pushed into the empty space and fed it a little bit, of my cosmic energy. I imagined what my planet would look like. A Utopia with luscious land and mountains, for miles.

There would be a variety of climates, some that would never be seen on Earth or any other planets. After, I had formed an image of my new planet in my mind, I sent out a final wave of energy that had my very will, inside of it. I watched, as it started to rotate faster and faster, I watched as a mass of dirt began to sprout from no where and form a protective shield around the core. A few hours later, the mantle was successfully formed.

A little while later, I could see a successfully formed planet but still devoid of all life. Yes it held cosmic energy, but that was to stabilise the planet and how it would function in terms of it's environment. I needed to, do some of the work myself. I flew higher and higher to a point, where I looked like a dot in the sky. I encompassed myself, in a ball of cosmic energy and then started, to fly down to my planet.

I went faster and faster, I could almost swear, that time had slowed down to a near stand still but that instantly became an after thought as I neared closer and closer. I held my fist back and circulated most of my energy, to a capacity where it was sparking a violent purplish red.


A large clash of energy, could be heard throughout space as it echoed through time itself, my planet's plates began to split and crack in half, creating entire continents. The rock beneath, began to melt and turn into molten rock. Lava began to spew upwards and the earthquakes, raged all over the planet.

To prevent any, negative affects I forcefully pushed down all of the magma underneath the mantle. Done. I had successfully created a convection currents, which would help my planet to grow and terraform over time. Now that the ground had been complete, I focused my attention to the sky. I flew up, and manipulated matter to form an atmosphere that would trap any heat, as I would need them for the flora (plants) to photosynthesis.

I then, created clouds nothing special, just any normal thing you'd see on Earth. I then looked down, at the ground though I had formed continents, there were no oceans. I once again, flew back up into space. I then created thousands of asteroids, filled to the brim with water. I waved, my hand forward and watched as the asteroids flying throughout my entire planet, watching as large amounts of water came forth. A few years, had passed and the water on my planet had settled down.

I flew down, to my planet and then plunged myself into the depths of the ocean's and then created micro-organisms that would eventually grow into what would be known as my second race, the engineers. They'd be 9ft and have completely white skin. They would have the ability to survive in a vacuum and have enhanced strength, from absorbing energy.

I could finally rest. I summoned my scythe, and lunged it with enough force with it travelling across the planet creating, many shockwaves until it had made impact, with the ground which created huge surges of energy along with many explosions, with the ground once again splitting apart.

I telekinetically pulled apart the ground, and watched as it sunk beneath the planet below the molten rock. I then, grasped my hand together which caused it's entrance sight to come together. I then raised my hand up into the sky and caused a huge mountain to erupt from the ground. I called down the cybertronians as that would be there land, they'd grow alongside the engineers, the last thing I did was instil my consciousness into every being on the planet to make sure they would know of my existence and how I created them.

It was time for me to rest. I looked down towards the ground, and dug my hand into the planet, which caused a rocks and wood to sprout upwards encompassing me. By the end of it's transformation, I had been placed into it's centre. I hadn't had a good sleep since i'd arrive here. I had sensed that my body had experienced minor lash backs, as I had over used anti matter. My eyes dimmed down as the cosmic flame in my mouth evaporated.

It was time to rest.

A/N: This is not the end, this is just the beginning of a long ass timeskip

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