

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Racing through the trees toward Konoha, Jin can see the birds in the sky flying away, terrified of the fight he's sensing.

Leaving the village to allow Pain to launch his assault is risky, but necessary. Now he just needs to follow his plan.

Kill the Naraka Path before the real conflict begins.

Execute all the paths.

Find Nagato.

Get his Knights.

He almost smiles at the thought of everything coming together so well, only the constant feeling of chakra signatures being snuffed out dampens his mood. He doesn't enjoy it, but it is necessary.

"I can't sense Naruto, that means she sent him to...the toads? Without Pa or Ma to help him. Maybe that old sage can do more than just spout prophecies after all..." he mutters to himself while arriving at the outer wall of the village.




Those are all his eyes see, innocent people crushed under buildings. The lucky ones dying instantly, the unlucky ones slowly fading away as their loved ones try their best to dig them out.

Fire encroaching on trapped families, their deaths approaching.

"Focus Jin, can't be getting soft not," he reprimands himself, ejecting the thought of helping these people from his mind, "find Naraka Path, that's all that matters right now."

Closing his eyes, he focuses his chakra sensing far and wide.

'I can feel Nagato...and Konan, they're maybe 20 miles away, but what I need right now is...that! Souls slowly being snuffed out and chakra lingering for moments after, found you.'

He immediately disappears and begins running toward his target.

Running through the warzone, Jin sees and feels many shinobi nearby. He sees their elated faces as they recognize him, within moments he's across the village to see the Naraka Path holding two jounin by their throats.

'I can't let him see me, Nagato is stronger than me so I can't give him any intel'

Steadying his breathing for barely a moment, beneath his visor the familiar orange pigment forms around his eyes.

With one swift push, he shatters the building under his feet to rocket toward his target.


Both Jounin are crushed and mangled to pieces as Jin slams into all three people.

Blood and gore stain Jin's clothes as well as the now crippled path in his hand.

As the body tries to turn to look at him he reacts quickly.


He slams its face into the stone ground. In a cloud of dirt and dust, he plants his foot on the back of its neck and begins pulling at its head with both hands.

One disgusting tearing sound later, he holds the Naraka Path's head.

Looking up to the massive chakra he's sensing, Jin sees a shockwave in the distance.

"Shit, Deva path is fighting already, Kakashi...Choza...Asuma? C'mon man I didn't save you just for you to die here..." Jin groans as he disappears in the opposite direction.

Seeing the rockets ahead and not sensing anyone capable in the area.

As he leaps through the battlefield with the Naraka Path's head and body in his arms he sees the Asura Path launching rockets from atop a water tower. He uses all his speed to tackle the Asura Path, shattering it into pieces and scattering it across the floor.

"Fuck, you just had to make things difficult..." he picks up the two pieces of the Asura Path as well before disappearing toward a familiar chakra signature.

Moments later he arrives before Shikamaru and Shikaku.

"You two ok?" he quickly asks while dumping both bodies at his feet, seeing Shikamaru with a bloodied face while his father seems to have a sprained ankle.

"We'll manage, you killed two of the intruders?" the older man asks.

"Not dead yet, tear out the black rods fast!" Jin orders as he drops down and begins removing the Naraka Path's chakra rods.

"You're the one the princess was waiting for?" A feminine voice reaches Jin's ears, looking up he sees lady Katsuyu crawling over to Shikaku.

"Oh, you, what's the status elsewhere?" he quickly asks as both Naras begin helping him remove the rods from the Naraka Path.

"Pain is currently speaking with Princess Tsunade, he's...what..." Katsuyu looks toward the sky in a panic.

Looking toward she's staring, Jin sees the Deva Path ascending toward the sky.

"We need to get out of here! Something big is coming!" Shikaku points out.

"No, just remove the rods," Jin ignored his panic as he continues pulling out the rods on the Naraka Path.

Shikamaru doesn't even speak, he simply does as Jin says.

As they remove the last few rods...


In a cloud of smoke, the Asura Path disappears from beside them.

"You...you knew what he was planning?" Shikaku realizes.

"Somewhat, he's dividing the Rinnegan's power, our power, into six bodies, this one is the medic," he points to the body with all the holes pouring out blood.

"Hmm, that makes sense, but now we can't escape." Shikaku looks up at the sky.

A sudden shockwave of chakra echoes out, the battlefield falls silent for barely a moment, before all hell breaks loose.

A Cacophony of horror drowns out the cries of thousands as a tidal wave of debris rages toward the trio.

"STAY BEHIND ME!" Jin yells out as he stands to face the attack.

With both hands in front of him he directs his chakra inward, and his power forward.


Dust and destruction are all that's left as the air becomes clear.

Sitting behind Jin are Shikaku and Shikamaru with Katsuyu healing them, a moment later Katsuyu disappears in a puff of smoke.

A crater surrounds them, starting at Jin's feet and reaching all the way back to the edge of the village is a narrow pathway. Untouched by Pain's attack. Barely 20ft wide the narrow area spared from destruction holds a lucky few, a very lucky few.

"Holy shit..." Jin mutters almost breathlessly as he looks at the massive crater where a village once stood.

He's never had the reason to use such large attacks after his first mission, for most of his fights they would be horrendous overkill. The only opponent who'd warrant this would have been Kisame but Jin had to babysit during that encounter. He had to physically stop himself from smiling.

'I actually have to put work into this...' he thought to himself as Deva Path dropped out of the sky to land in the crater below.

"What intel do we have?" he asks, his eyes never leaving Pain.

As Tsunade jumps into the crater and begins yelling, Jin can feel other shinobi crawling to the steep cliff carved into the earth to watch their Hokage.

"Shouldn't you help her!" Shikaku argues.

"She's already dead, she's out of chakra, she's using her life to keep standing... I need to know what intel we have so I can kill this guy, do we know which one absorbs chakra?" Jin responds as Tsunade begins yelling at Pain.

As the Animal Path lands in the crater, he summons the others. All but the Naraka Path appear. A mangled Asura Path appears as a pile of scrap metal.

"The big burly guy on the left," Shikamaru points out as he forces himself to stand.

"Thanks, he'll drop next then, don't join the fight..." Jin says as he flickers down to the crater.

A moment before Tsunade charges at Pain, Jin appears between them with his back to her.

"Lady Hokage, I'm here now, you can go rest..."

She couldn't see it, but he gave her a warm smile.

To him, she finally did something to earn his respect, to make up for all her shortcomings.

In one swift motion, he turns around and grabs her shoulder, throwing her toward where he senses Ino and Sakura at the edge of the crater.

As she careens through the air she sees how serious his expression was.

'Pain is gonna die, Jin will take care of it,' she couldn't help but think as she was caught by her pink-haired student.

For all the things she couldn't stand about him, she recognized he was a fine shinobi, currently their best by a large margin. She could trust him to protect the village.

"So... you're Pain huh," Jin furrows his brow at the four standing corpses in front of him.

"Jin Satsujin, I should of known you would get in my way, but even you cannot stop Pain," Deva path announces.

"Already stopped two of your bodies," he nods toward the broken Human Path on the ground,"what's a few more right..."