
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

CHAPTER 69(Fractured Final Message)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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"So...what did I miss?" Jin's voice was nervous as he looked up at Tsunade stepping on his chest, pushing him harshly against his crater on the living room floor.

Guy and Kakashi were tense as they held blades against his neck, carefully watching every move he makes, ready to kill at a moment's notice.

"Did you kill Jiraiya?" her words hung in the air, the Yamanakas were shocked at this revelation, eyes wide as they stared at Jin in the ground.

"He's dead? And no I didn't kill him, why would I even do that?" Jin's words were genuine, he was completely thrown for a loop. This wasn't the plan!

'Jiraiya was supposed to see the Rinnegan and run away, come back here then I deal with Pain while he recovers, what the fuck happened?'

"He went on a mission to spy on Pain, the Akatsuki leader, the only thing we received was 'Pain, Jin' so again, ARE YOU PAIN?" she bites out.

"No, I'm not, I'm Jin Satsujin, always have been and always will be. And I've been in the village this entire time." His voice was calmer now, the panic was over as he now got the answers he needed.

"Master Fukasaku and Lady Shima also died on the mission," Kakashi adds as he narrows an eye at Jin.

The young man flinches at the reveal, he expected them to get hurt but to die, that...that hurt. Jin frowns as he thinks back on his time with the old toad.

Tsunade's gaze softens, barely noticeable as she sees his reaction.

"Any movement and we kill you, now tell us, what the hell did that message mean?" The Hokage demands.

'She thinks I can't just crater this place...' his thoughts are halted as he sees Ino behind Tsunade,' damn, even if this goes bad I can't just do that.'

"You're using Ino as a body shield to get me to play nice," he furrows his brows at the woman.

"You're a perfect shinobi, she's your only weakness, now talk!"

"The message wasn't ABOUT me, it was FOR me. It means I'm the only one that can stop Pain."

"You're the only one strong enough?" Tsunade questions, becoming slightly more relaxed now.

"More like he and I are...similar, we share a certain trait..."

"Hmm, the secret Jiraiya kept, that's what this is about?"

"I assure you, I'm on your side, now can I get out of this crater so we can go somewhere to discuss this?"

Both Guy and Kakashi's eyes move from Jin to Tsunade for barely a second before flickering back.

"Any wrong moves and you die."

"Understood." Jin gives her a small nod as she takes her foot off his chest.

As Jin gets up, Kakashi and Guy still keep their blades trained on him as he dusts himself off.

"Sorry about the house Inoichi, I'll cover the repairs..." Tsunade mutters as she walks past him, exiting the house.

Jin follows a few feet behind her with Kakashi and Guy at his back.

Arriving outside he sees Anko and Ibiki with 20 Anbu at vantage points nearby, Shikaku and Choza standing at street level battle-ready as well.

"Damn, quite the setup, I'm flattered," he almost jokes while looking around.

"Don't push it," Tsunade mutters in response.

"Shikaku should come with us too, gonna needs the leafs' best mind to help me explain this stuff," Jin shrugs as he follows Tsunade through the street.

With a nod to the man, Shikaku falls in line beside Kakashi and Guy, and so they make their way to Tsunade's office.

Standing in front of her desk with the three men still at his back and Tsunade in her seat, Jin can feel the tension in the air.

"So was jumping me during dinner the best idea?" Jin tried to break the ice.

"We had an opportunity and used it, you're strong enough to warrant it and her being there would limit your...volatile, fighting style," Tsunade says in a flat tone.

"Mhm, so wanna explain what I missed?"

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Tsunade began to explain, "From what the message frog said, Jiraiya snuck into the hidden rain to collect intel on the Akatsuki leader, Pain. When he was detected the entire building was dropped on his head, he was attacked by summons. Before they could realize what was happening monsters attacked, Jiraiya tried to enter his sage mode but Lady Shima was torn off his body by some strange force and killed out of his sight. Shockwaves then bombarded the battlefield continuously. At that point, Pain was revealed to be a man with long orange hair. Jiraiya found a moment to send this information back with the message before he was bombarded once more, the toad's scroll confirmed their deaths not long after."

'Hmm, so Konan kept herself hidden, and Nagato really didn't take any chances because of my message, I at least figured they'd escape but seems like he decided to ignore the collateral damage to his village to keep himself hidden, I should have seen this coming,' Jin frowns deeply as he realizes his mistake,' I underestimated how deadly Nagato was to other shinobi that don't know what he is.'

"I know what his message means, and I know what Pain's power is," his statement is followed by complete silence in the room.

"Well, enlighten us," Tsunade narrows her eyes at him.

Taking a deep breath, Jin slowly removes his visor to reveal his brown eyes.

Looking directly at her, he shifts his eyes from brown to the samsara eyes he prefers to use.

"THAT, but, when, how do you have that. How long have you had that!" to say she was shocked would be an understatement.

"Settle down, and I was born like this... this is what convinced Pa to train me, only he and Jiraiya knew. Someone else has them currently and I'm supposedly destined to clash with that person. And judging from the message---"

"Pain has the Rinnegan," her voice was a low grown as she sneered at the thought.

"Rinnegan?" The men standing behind him were shocked, Jin simply turned around to give them a proper look.

"Hmm, that explains why you hid them, you couldn't know how powerful your opponent is, and given the stakes, it was the right call, but now that you know a clash is coming soon---"

"I can't afford to hold back," Jin cuts of Shikaku.

"Hmm, this leaves us in a tough spot now, Shikakau, how should we proceed?"

"That honestly depends on how powerful your eyes are, if we assume that this Pain is at the same level as you are, that leaves us in a spot that we aren't equipped to deal with, if he comes for Naruto and Jin isn't here then we lose. If we send Jin and he kills Jin, then we lose. Would anyone be able to keep up with you two in that kind of fight Jin?" Shikakau immediately begins formulating multiple plans.

"From what little I know about him, maybe Guy. Ninjutsu doesn't work because I can absorb it. My summons and clones also share a field of view with me so I assume he can do that as well. I can tear out your soul for interrogation and summon the king of hell to fully restore my body from the brink of death---"

"That's what you used to bring back your arms?" Kakashi asks.

"Yeah, but it kills anyone else who gets put into it because they can't navigate death without a Rinnegan. My summons are also greatly enhanced and I can modify my body," Jin forms tendrils of metal from his arm to show off his point.

"That's a lot, I can't think of anyone that can deal with all of that honestly, this is a serious problem, I was expecting simple things like Sharingan abilities and amplified dexterity..." Shikaku raises a hand to his chin as he begins to ponder solutions.

"That's not the problematic part," this causes everyone to give Jin an even more wary look," I can push and pull as well as control gravity to a certain extent. Nothing short of a Kyubi could resist the force generated."

"How much force?" Tsunade asks.

"More than anyone can survive if I want to, but the more chakra it consumes the longer between uses. It also repels ninjutsu as well."

"Hmm, we definitely can't have you fighting in the village then, but we also wouldn't be able to help in the fight, any thoughts Shikaku?" Kakashi asks.

"Best case scenario is you fight Pain away from the village out in the open, we'd likely just be in the way and I doubt any of his allies will be strong enough to help considering how you dealt with all the Akatsuki you met thus far, and that's not even considering you're a perfect sage. But the problem is if you leave then he comes here, he could be waiting for an opportunity to strike considering we don't know if he extracted Jiraiya's soul to read his memories."

"But if we don't take that risk and they fight in the village Jin will be at too big a disadvantage to win, either way, the village will be destroyed. I think it best to have him intercept the target elsewhere," Tsunade states her thoughts on the matter.

"I agree," Jin finally enters the conversation, "fighting in Konoha either of us could use a shockwave and destroy the entire village, but he's the only one in a position to do such a thing, I'll have to track him down, but considering he has the Rinnegan that won't be an easy task."

"You'll have to leave immediately, we can't risk the fight being close to the village, what's the fastest you can get between the leaf and rain?" Tsunade asks, already writing the information onto a scroll.

"Hmm, if I'm not trying to keep a low profile, I can cross the land of fire in under less than an hour easily."

"If the enemy attacks us when you leave then you'll need to get back here immediately, if that happens then we cannot allow them to get ahold of Naruto by any means. That means I don't want you worrying about collateral damage, I'll take full responsibility for it, understood?"

"Got it, when should I leave?" Jin asks.

"Now, go get packed. You've got a target to deal with, I don't care if you have to bring down all of Ame, I want him dead."

"Understood Lady Hokage, and if he should attack the village, remove the chakra rods from the summons to sever the connection." Jin gives her a formal bow before flickering away.

As Jin disappears, all the remaining shinobi can't help but look at each other, still a bit stunned by the revelations.

"Sigh, I'm too old for this shit, Jiraiya said that brat was something special but this is ridiculous..."

---Jin's apartment 10 Minutes Later...

Sending a message scroll to Karin informing her that it's almost time, Jin collects 9 special tags and places them in his equipment pouch, these remote tags are linked to the packages delivered to the other villages covertly by Unity.

Feeling a familiar chakra entering through the roof, he continues to pack for the mission ahead of him.

'I just need to buy time until he gets to the leaf, and keep Naruto away from him, that's a serious risk that I'll have to deal with this time, hopefully, Tsunade still ships him off to Mt.Myoboku to train or something after this.'

"Hey, you ok?" Ino asks as she slowly enters his room.

"Yeah, emergency mission, it's complicated but Tsunade will explain to you and Sakura tomorrow I'm sure."

"You can't tell me?"

"Sorry Ino, but, anyone who knows is put at risk, so no I can't tell you," he finishes packing and turns to look at her.

"You seem anxious, I've never seen you actually worried before, is it that bad?"

With a deep sigh, he put his backpack on," yeah, fate of the village type stuff. I need to get to my target before he gets here, if he gets in here then DO NOT ENGAGE, I know you've gotten stronger but this is out of your league alright," his voice was more commanding than ever before with her.

"If people are getting hurt I need to help," she bites back.

"Just....just promise me you won't be reckless alright, don't fight alone at least..." he leans in a gives her a gentle kiss.

"Alright, I'll be careful... be sure to come back alright," she gives him a small smile as they pull away.

"Always princess, always..."