
Rebirth : System created by a person who reincarnated 800+ times

" Life is so messy that it requires a single bad day to turn the sanest man into a lunatic." - Joker, Stan Lee. Eris, a being who was even special and stronger than god's. Who had the power which can be found in only a single individual in hundreds of trillions of beings. He was fighting the great almighty God of the universe 6778 was tricked and killed by that God with the help of other gods. Sirius, your everyday normal introvert. He had a weird fate, from childhood till now he had suffered many incidents which would lead to death. It was not the fact that he always had deadly accidents occurring to him that was surprising but the fact that he always survived. Most of the time even without doing anything special he always survived. After being tricked and killed by the God Eris was going to get a chance as she always got but this time she decided to do something different. After all, she was bored of doing the same thing again and again. At that time for the first time Sirius died but even after death his fate didn't give him eternal peace as he was called by Eris. " Live for me." Eris said to Sirius. " Beautiful miss, it usually 'die for me'." Sirius said, mesmerized by her beauty. " No, Live for me so that I can die." When Eris said that Sirius was a bit confused. Little did he know that the most precious thing he ever wanted was never going to happen to him :- DEATH!!. —————— Hello guys, Author here~, I was writing for my other two novels when I suddenly got a weird idea with an urge to write. I will shamelessly admit that I have decided to write this novel just because of that idea and maybe I will take a break from my other novels if I get support on this one. I am not a good writer as both of my novels had a lot of info dumps, that's why this time I have decided to go with a mainstream novel. I am paranoid that's why please expect a bit of info dump. I won't give you many spoilers but this novel is a fantasy novel but it is also practical. That's why please don't expect a sad backstory or something because those things, at least according to me, are not practical. You can expect sad things which are more practical and tragic. Like even a top student who is praised by everyone can face depression to the point that leads to sucide. Except for that you can expect this novel to be like my ideal Author ' Pancakeswitch '. If you have not read her novels please I will highly recommend her novels for those who don't want a serious plotline and just want to enjoy Slice of Life. - Daily updates [ 1 day off ] - Chapter length : 1000-2000 Additional tags : Bloodline, Dragon, undead, beast, pheonix, romance, Harem, Griffin, God, Angels, Devil etc

DukeofDemon · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


So what I have to do now. This was the biggest question according to Eris.

'That cave is a fucking labyrinth. The reason why that cave was the most secure place to create the tomb was because it was like a maze and even though dead the body of an Ancient Vampire still exudes so much energy that it will force the monsters in the labyrinth to evolve. Probably into the undead.'

'Though they won't be much intelligent and strong they will still be enough to reach the level required for the world outside. You will also understand how the system along with the other sub systems work.'

I didn't understand the sub system part but when I asked about it she said I will have to understand it on my own. She didn't even tell me how to get out of the labyrinth.

"Well, can't do anything about it now. Let's first get out of here." I thought and looked at the exit. It was directly connected to the tomb which ended at a certain point of cave where there are no stone walls and proper floor. Starting from their it seems like their was a cave.

I walked out of the tomb and started walking on the uneven ground. My surroundings quickly changed as I started walking in a proper cave.

Their were no turns and their was only one way so I kept walking without looking backwards at the tomb. The path was entirely silent and lifeless which was a bit boring for me. As a man from modern world where even a 20 minute walk can be faster and tireless with vehicles, walking for so long was boring. Even though I walked for a hour or so I didn't felt a least bit tired, it seems like this body truly lived up to its title of perfect.

After walking for a one and a half hour I suddenly saw a small cave entrance attached to the walls of the cave. I will call this cave as a smaller cave attached to the main cave which I was walking in until now.

I decided to explore this smaller cave cause why not? After all I was getting bored anyway. If their was something interesting in this cave than it will be good. I was literally praying for any life form so that I can level up.

I kept walking for a few minutes until I reached a the end which was a small cave room attached to it. Well, small according to the standards of this labyrinth but it seemed huge to me.

What was in the cave mesmerized me to the point I became stunned and stood at the entrance. The cave had a small natural pond in its centre.

What truly stunned me was the atmosphere of the cave. The cave was lit by some sort of blue magical luster. Their were also small blue coloured magical marbles which seemed ethereal floating in mid air. Except for that their were also some glowing crystals.

And then there was those monsters who were specifically made for newbies in online novels as well as some games. The monsters who can't be called because of their adorable and cute nature. They didn't have any special features or any features at all. They were limbless, faceless mass of water blob. Yes you might have guessed it right they were Slimes.

They were the size of football with transparent blue watery body and a small marble in their centre. There were at least a few hundred in this cave because they left only a few amount of space in between them and they covered majority of land in this small cave. They were sucking on those crystals from time to time.

My eyes started sparkling due to many reasons. First I decided to use Appraisal skill on those ethereal blue marbles as they caught my interest the most and I can already expect the discription of Slimes.


[Lesser water elementals]

[Race] Spirits

[Level] 0

[Description] : This are lesser water elementals and they are practically useless because they have no conciousness and will of their own. They usually evolve in slimes and only one in a million ever evolves into intermediate elemental. They are born when elemental energy comes into contact with pure Mana.

I have not seen this spirits in many novels but I at least know the basics regarding elementals. They use pure elemental energy to even make their physical bodies.

Their were still a few things I didn't understand that's why I decided to Appraise Slimes and compare them.

[Water Slimes]

[Race] Monster

[Level] 1

[Description] : Slimes are the weakest Monsters. They are more of Organisms rather than sentinel beings. They have a elemental core at its centre which connects them to their liquid body as long as you remove the core they will die. The more they grow the higher their level but at level 1 they are just easy exp.

Why I don't know but seems like this system literally mocked the slimes. Well, even I will mock them because of how weak they are but I decided not to take any risk.

'I just have to push that core out of their body but I am not foolish enough to just use my hand. Who knows like the novels I read just by touching their bodies my hand might dissolve.' I thought.

What I thought was true because even though at level one they don't dissolve but the burn is painful as hell.

I looked around for something which will help me to remove the core like a stick or something like that. The crystals caught my attention especially one of them which was long, straight and slimmer in width. Before removing that crystal I decided to appraise it as I completely forgot about their existence.

[Magic Crystal]

[Category] Ingredient

[Rank] D

[Description] Magic crystals are formed when the density of mana is increased in a certain area. They are used to either create fuel or Artifacts. This are 50 years old.

The description was small compared to one's before but it didn't give any extra information. Maybe because the level is low and it only gives a a basic information.

The reason why I think that Appraise gave their age in description is because the more their age the higher their rank.


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