
Commotions in the Gym

นักแปล: Henyee Translations บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Sitting on the ship that ferried him across the lake back to the shore, Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief.

"In the future, I should refrain from using these flashy moves. That one attack had used up one-third of my True Essence."

The move was sleek and swift, shaping air into a blade in the blink of an eye. However impressive it looked, it also came at a very high cost of energy. This attack could only be used by those who had already reached the mid-stage of the Foundation Establishment Level. Even if he was able to wield the technique, he could only use it once or twice.

"If not to convince Zhou Tianhao of my power, I would never have used such a wasteful technique. One arcane spell would be enough to pound Linbao into pulp." Chen Fan shook his head as he lamented.