
Rebirth of Izuku Midoriya [MHA]

Taking over Izuku Midoriya's body, Akuto Kitami leads a new life with brand new mysterious abilities. Leading the useless boys life into a new lane, putting him at the top of the food chain and even higher. A little narcissistic, prideful and selfish, The new Izuku steps out into the world with a plan for world domination, an easy life, and the most important- Freedom. [OP FROM THE START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

StickyStick · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 4 - Controlled & Uncontrolled

The next morning, Izuku and Inko were sitting at the breakfast table in silence. Inko wanted to say something, but Izuku's lost in thought frown and previous attitude had left her no room.

'Just what has gotten into him?' She wondered that every second of every day- Ever since the last day of school, Izuku has changed. And it was something she now knew was true and brought herself to accept.

'I can still worry about him! Maybe all he needs is a little talking too-' Her thoughts were interrupted when Izuku turned up the TV volume, clearly interested in the News Channel.

"-And now for some.. Saddening news… Last night, the hero, 'Slide-in Go' was killed. Forensics found w-what was left of him this morning inside a torn down warehouse. Alongside his death, were the deaths of fifty other people…" Izuku turned back around, finding it to be nothing of interest.

They had no idea of his involvement so he was fine.

"Additionally, other heroes have spoken out about this incident- A more prominent one being All-Might himself." The screen cuts to a clip of All-Might, answering questions from the hounding press.

"What do you think about the incident that happened last night!?" All-Might sighed, his head falling in true sadness and self-disappointment.

"It's a tragedy… All those lives lost- Villainous or not- They were human lives. Lives that had a future, PEOPLE, that could've made history. I should've been there, but I was busy in Tokyo. I was so lost in my job, that I failed to actually do my job." He spoke.

Inko looked from the TV version of All-Might to Izuku back to the TV, frantically. 'Whaaaaat!? He really has gotten over his obsession with All-Might?- Well, that should've been obvious when he threw out everything… Just what in the world happened?' She questioned herself, completely abusing herself trying to figure out just what inspired Izuku.

"I'm going to head to the beach, mom." Izuku suddenly announced, pulling her out of her self-destructive thoughts. Inko blinked worriedly, "A-are you going with someone? Will you be alone? How long will you be out?" Her questions were what every worried parent would ask.

Izuku sighed, masking it with the running water in the sink. "I won't be alone, mom. I signed up for this volunteer thing at the Beach- You know, the one with all the trash on it? This group's goal is to clear it up over the summer break, so I'll be heading out every few days to participate." Inko let out a breath of relief.

'Maybe he's not so different after all…' Meanwhile, Izuku was thinking something completely different. 'I need to meditate… It's going awol again.' He frowned, feeling his body heat up ever so slowly.

After his show last night, Izuku realized that, while his control was great and his understanding of his power is growing at a rapid pace, his body is what's holding him back. 'This is going to hurt…' He felt a sense of inevitability wash over his mind; He already knew that he wouldn't be able to have his body rapidly keep up with his ever increasing esper powers.

"Oh okay. Be home before dark… I don't want something happening to you, especially now with that mass murder. Jeez, it gets worse and worse around here." Izuku could only ignore her words; Imagine how she'd react when that mass-murderer is currently washing his breakfast plate off in her sink.


Inko had long left for her job and Izuku had left an hour after to head to his 'volunteer' work. Though, in reality, he was off in another rundown part of the town. Obviously nowhere near where his little mess was made. That wouldn't be smart.

Though, now that it was mid-day, it was harder for him to find a spot where he would be able to avoid complete attention. And with his powers threatening to go haywire at any moment…

But he lucked out. Groaning as he landed on top of an abandoned three-story office building, Izuku held his gut, stumbling to a fall. 'Fuck. I need to h-hurry.' He chided mentally, already breaking out into a deafening sweat.

His clothes were quickly becoming soaked and so he discarded them as the heat became more and more unbearable.

'I-I'm not gonna make it!' His top row of teeth were grinding hard against his bottom row; refusing to make a sound, Izuku was left panting instead. Forcing himself into a meditative position, he felt the sun's warmth beam down on his bear, muscular back. His eyebrows knitted together into a strained frown as he tried to get his consciousness to go under.

But it was too late.

Izuku bursted into a heaping ball of unadulterated black flame of energy, the roof he was on cracked under such pressure and Izuku felt like the entire sun was dropped on his back and shoulders.

Gritting his teeth, he found that he was left helpless in this situation. This reaction was something he inferred would happen if he used his powers without so much as a bit of control; thinking that two months of non-stop energy control practices would be enough was a foolish idea.

One he reprimanded himself constantly as his body began to experience an outburst. Without a proper vessel strong enough to contain and tame the energy, it would actively destroy its 'cup' much like glass being weak to certain frequencies.

'Control! Breathe.. You're strong. This is nothing.' He told himself- 'Mistakes happen. You fix mistakes.. That's what you've done all your life. You can do it- So make it fucking happen.' He was his biggest fan and supporter, his words and expectations held more weight on himself than anyone else's.

His skin began to crack and burn away, leaving nasty wounds across his whole body. This process trailed down his arms, some parts being ripped to shreds as his uncontrolled energy bursted through the muscles it aided.

However, just as much as it destroyed him, it also cared for him. Putting his destroyed pieces back together; Only for them to be blasted away again. As more and more energy began to escape his body, the heavier the strain on the roof.

With growing cracks and a noticeably growing dent underneath Izuku's meditative form- The roof caved in and he fell through, his focus being disturbed as he felt the inertia from falling from such a height.

Crashing through the three floors, being dragged down by his own power until he hit rock bottom. It didn't stop there though, the rest of the building soon followed its collapsing levels and with so much damage done to its already fragile frame; it was a no brainer.

Izuku's eyes opened, strained and turned red. 'T-This is worse than I expected! B-But I can handle it.' Shutting his eyes once more, ignoring the building that's falling on his head.

On the outside though, the nearby pedestrians that saw everything were busy calling the police, or recording. "Oh my god! Was anyone in there!?" A lone woman screamed worriedly, looking around trying to see if anyone was going to help.

Her quirk wasn't suited for rescue.. In fact, it wasn't suited for anything useful at all. Her quirk allowed her hair to grow, shrink and change color on command. Not much saving you could do with that.

Nonetheless, she fell dead silent seeing the lack of reaction from the nearby people. Everyone had their phone out recording, or taking pictures. She sighed in relief though when she heard someone on the phone with the police.

"There was a person on the roof! I swear I saw him!" A girl with light dirty blonde hair and golden eyes shouted with a deranged smile. Dressed in what looked like a school uniform with brown dress shoes and black knee high socks.

The people around her backed away, disturbed by how excited she seemed seeing and knowing the possibility of someone dying under all that rubble. 'It's been so long since I've seen something fun!' She could feel her heartbeat threatening to break through her ribs out of pure ecstasy. 'This could be my chance~' She danced happily in the middle of the street, ignoring the blatant judgemental stares.

Meanwhile, Izuku was settling down, but it was a lot more difficult than he expected. 'This outburst was out of my calculations. Goes to show that I still need more practice.' He frowned, feeling his energy calm down and his body begin to regulate at a normal temperature.

He immediately fell into a meditative trance, ignoring the multitude of crushed limbs, broken bones and torn up muscles. All he cared about was getting his esper abilities under control and under his grasp.

His mind instantly came to a conclusion that he knew would suffice. 'Coma it is then.' He thought, letting his consciousness slip into a battle with his power.

Toshinori Yagi, the secret identity of All-Might. He was on his daily stroll, getting some groceries for his new apartment in Musutafu since he moved here just the other day.

Between U.A and the brutal death of a Pro-Hero, he was sure that being here would lead to him redeeming himself for his lack of heroism lately, though he knew he could only do so much with the amount of time he's left with.

3 Hours a day isn't enough to save everybody- No matter how unrealistic that dream is, he will still strive for it regardless. 'Hmm, I wonder if Nezu's busy today… I'm bored.' Humming to himself, he ignored the looks of scrutiny and sympathy by the people he passed who found his skeleton physique saddening.

His new apartment was on the farther side of Musutafu, closer to where the crime rate was higher than the rest of the city. 'Just hope I don't lose sleep over this..' He mentally groans, walking up the steps to his apartment.

Reaching for his keys, he was forced to stop. Overhearing something- "Oh my god! Did you hear? Apparently someone got crushed under a building just now! My friend said the whole thing just… Fell!" His head swiveled, his grocery bag falling to the ground alongside his keys as he speedily buffed up.

"Excuse me? Can you point me in the direction of the danger?" The woman froze, dropping her phone, feeling her heart practically stop from shock. "T-T-There…" She muttered, pointing just ahead.

All-Might flashed a smile, zooming into the sky with a mighty jump seconds later. 'Please make it!' He begged internally, wiping away the blood that seeped from his lips.

Arriving on the scene with his naturally flashy appearances. He turns to the crowd, scanning through the small group of people. Within the next second, he grunts digging through the rubble trying to find the supposed victim of this harsh fate.

"Come on… Come on!" He grunts, a bead of anxious sweat slipping down his forehead. His heart sank when he felt he was getting closer and closer to the bottom, his mind threatening him with a gruesome sight of a squashed body, their blood staining the rock.

Contrary to his ideas, he found his target. A large grin and a sigh of relief slipped through his lips. But he frowned, seeing the unconscious boy, bare chested and scarred beyond repair.

'No matter! I must get him to the hospital!' Jumping through a clenched jaw, All-Might took Izuku to the nearest Musutafu Hospital, where the boy will spend the next few months; Putting his new mother through endless strife.