
Rebirth of hive mind

This is my take on the hxh if there was OC who is hungry for revenge The abilities are made by the AI So see if the abilities are interesting. (only for creator's of fanfiction see if you can use those abilities.i want to see other authors take)

LINKyt · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs


As he falls as sleep he goes into deep slumber and sees himself geting eatan by eagle suddenly he is startled awake and starts feeling something at his back he starts moving them but they are hard to control but he kept trying and he suddenly feels them moving(note this is his adaptation kicking in)

What should i do now that I have wings lets hunt more butterfly so they can have perfect genes to make them stronger and i have to start my colony but for that i have to go ant queen colony.no i cant do that but i can make the ants who are following the queen order my spy currently i can only make 5 so lets do that.so he starts wondering around to see if he can spot any ant queen worker so he can put his nen on them(the ability works by forcing his nen on them like illumi) so he wonders around find a alone Beatle he goes to fight it and they start fighting the Beatle goes for tackle he avoids by flapping his wing but he cant controls which way he should go so ends up flying upwars he flew a few meters upward then he suddenly stop controlling his wings so drops down on Beatle and starts biting on his back so the Beatle starts bleeding and dies

Plz give me tips to improve and i am writing this on phone

LINKytcreators' thoughts