
Rebirth in the South Indian Movie verse - Allu Arjun Edition

Mir, an ordinary Indian boy with an unremarkable life, meets an unexpected end when he dies peacefully in his sleep. However, death is not the end for Mir; instead, he finds himself reborn into a fantastical movieverse filled with action, drama, and romance. Mir is now Virendra Anand, the elder brother of Viraj Anand, the protagonist of the movie "S/O Satyamurthy." Virendra's new life begins with the tragic death of their billionaire father. As the elder sibling, he inherits not just the family responsibilities but also an extraordinary set of abilities. Blessed with a peak and adaptable human body, Virendra's strength, agility, and intellect grow with practice. Additionally, he possesses a unique sign-in system that grants daily rewards. This something new i am trying 1 chapter a day same as other fanfic Everything in this Fac Fiction belongs to the original owners i only own my OC

Alak_Samba · ภาพยนตร์
18 Chs

Chapter 3: Unveiling Strength

Virendra wakes up to the soft light of dawn streaming through his bedroom window. The memories of yesterday's revelations and responsibilities flood his mind, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, he feels a surge of determination. Today is another day to make progress, and he eagerly anticipates his next sign-in reward.

He mentally triggers the sign-in system:

[Sign-In Complete! Today's reward: Basic Combat Skills.]

A wave of information and muscle memory floods into Virendra's mind. Techniques, stances, and movements from various martial arts styles become ingrained in his body. He feels his muscles subtly adjust, becoming more coordinated and responsive.

Virendra stands, throwing a few experimental punches. His movements are swift and precise, each strike delivering power and control he's never known before. The system isn't just giving him knowledge; it's enhancing his physical capabilities to match.

After a quick shower and breakfast, Virendra finds Viraj in the study, already poring over more financial documents. He joins his brother, and together they dive back into their work, solidifying their plan to save the family business.

Later in the morning, a call from their family lawyer brings some unexpected news.

"Mr. Anand," the lawyer says over the phone, "we need to discuss the upcoming board meeting. There are shareholders who are concerned about the company's direction after your father's passing."

Virendra nods thoughtfully. "We'll be there. Thank you for the heads-up."

He hangs up and turns to Viraj. "We need to prepare for the board meeting. It's crucial we present a strong front and our plans to stabilize and grow the company."

Viraj looks worried. "I've never spoken at a board meeting before. Father always handled it."

Virendra places a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "You won't be alone. We'll do this together."

To clear his mind and prepare, Virendra decides to take a break. He heads to the gym located within their mansion. As he practices his newly acquired combat skills, he feels his body responding with a fluidity and strength that's almost instinctual. The sign-in system has not only given him knowledge but also an enhanced body that adapts and improves with practice.

After an intense workout, Virendra heads back to find Viraj. "Let's rehearse our presentation for the board meeting," he suggests.

They spend the next few hours preparing, Virendra guiding Viraj on how to address the board confidently and present their financial recovery plan. The work they've put in starts to pay off as Viraj's confidence grows.

When the time for the meeting arrives, the brothers drive to the company headquarters, a sleek skyscraper that stands as a testament to their father's legacy. Walking into the boardroom, they are met with a mixture of skeptical and concerned faces from the board members and shareholders.

Virendra takes a deep breath and starts the presentation. His newfound financial acumen shines through as he explains their strategic plan to navigate the current crisis. He outlines their asset liquidation strategy, investment in emerging markets, and the steps they're taking to ensure long-term growth.

Viraj follows his lead, presenting the details with newfound confidence. The board members listen intently, their skepticism slowly turning to interest and, finally, to approval. By the end of the meeting, it's clear that they have won over the board.

One of the senior board members, a stern-looking man with graying hair, stands and applauds. "Your father would be proud. You've shown remarkable resilience and ingenuity."

As they leave the headquarters, Viraj turns to Virendra with a smile. "We did it, brother. I couldn't have done this without you."

Virendra returns the smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "We did it together. And this is just the beginning."

Back at home, as the day winds down, Virendra reflects on the progress they've made. The sign-in system has proven to be an incredible asset, and his bond with Viraj has strengthened through their shared challenges.