
Rebirth, capricious mode

I've been here for some time and since then, I have often tried various experiments that that have never produced any concrete results. Five months ago I wanted to use the spell (Fly) by jumping off the garage roof, but it didn't work and I broke my wrist. I tried to manipulate the fire but my hand is not made for that and I won't elaborate on it. Three years ago, I mixed various cleaning products to see if I had any alchemy skills and again, the result was disappointing. I was hospitalized for three days for inhalation of toxic products. Following this and many other stupidities my desperate parents decided to refer me to a child psychologist. After just a few basic questions, the man without imagination concludes our appointment with a simple sentence. Pupupu! 150 dollars to hear such nonsense. I hope for their bank account that my parents don't send me there too often. Speaking of my parents, I'm in love with my mom. Abby, 30 years old, blonde like me, blue eyes, like me, little nose, like me, pretty lips, just like me. Abby is the same as me but in older age. The other one is the one who serves as my father. I don't like him. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't stand him. A sort of a very tall, brown aged 34 year and an idiot. Hi, I am Lara and I am 6 years old.

Clintfree · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

You're like Joey, now.

A few minutes ago, the girl was expecting to enter through the big gate of the castle but was surprised to enter from the side.

(The children's house)

That's what she immediately thought when running after little Lara who was very happy to show her her little world.

She quickly followed her into the hallway, the living room and then into the kitchen.

Everywhere in these rooms, Claudia could admire handmade drawings, posters of various television heroines which are hung on a cute pink and teddy bear tapestry that adorns all the walls.

Stowed neatly and seated on small seats, Teddy bears and other toys are everywhere in every corner of every room.

What amazed her the most are the servants who in addition to calling the little goblin "young miss" and bowing to her, wear a beautiful and somewhat original maid's uniform.

On their uniform, in the middle of their chest, one can recognize her plush friend that she never leaves, who is represented there.

The young girl, somewhat confused on discovering this new and unusual environment, wants to ask questions but the little goblin is a little hyper-active and grabs her hand again to show her pretty room.

The staircase is something that cannot be ignored.

The carpet is so thick, that even if you fall down, there is little chance of injury.

Glass-covered photos of Lara, the beautiful woman, a handsome man and the teddy bear follow the steps up to the second floor and are hung at regular intervals.

An armchair climbs up the stairs with a funny little pink heart-shaped cushion on its seat.

This stair-climbing chair is normally used for elderly people, but the amused goblin tells her that this way, going up and down is more convenient when eating things that stick to your fingers or when you are tired.

The goblin puts her teddy bear inside and with the help of a small remote control, the chair carries the teddy bear to the first floor to the sound of a song that makes the redheaded girl smile.

The room also deserves some attention.

Her parents are not poor, far from it.

In this region, there are anyway only rich families or almost, but seeing the very luxurious furniture that has been repainted in blue and pink in the huge bedroom, the girl wonders if these people are too rich or if they are crazy.


"Lara Eve, this castle is huge, how many rooms are there?"

Oooh, I never thought of that.

I'd love to answer Not very smart Claudia but as I don't know, my mouth keeps opening and closing. Huhuhu, I'm a carp.

"No idea, I only live in my bear house so, I don't know."

I see that Not very smart Claudia tries very hard to think but, I agree with Mister who stinks, she should just be pretty.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

I have to express myself better with my first friend or she'll get tired of me quickly and I won't be able to adopt her.

"I only live on the ground floor and first floor of the south side of the house. This is the bear house and this is where I live. I've never gone up to the second or higher and I've never visited the other parts of the house except the big kitchen where I go, the big living room where I go and the big library where I go, and the library to my lovely mommy where I go. huhuhu, I hadn't noticed but, I go to a lot of places for real."

Grrr, trame, trame, why does she imitates me and also play at being a carp?

If I tell her that I don't go anywhere else because I'm afraid of monsters, I'll look like an even smaller girl than I am now. You're right Mister who stinks, some little details have to be kept secret. Like the alley incident in Los Angeles? Huhuhu, you have strange ideas.

"Not very smart Claudia, don't you feel like visiting the rest of my house?"

This big sister is very curious but it's great because thanks to her, I can visit the rest of my house without risking to be eaten by a monster.

"No, unfortunately my little Lara, we are running out of time."

I finally have the opportunity to visit my house, so I don't have to give up.

"Say, if you wish, one Sunday we'll take sweets, cakes and go on an expedition through the house together. It's a secret, but we'll even visit the idiot's shrine in secret."

(Bam bam bam.)

That's definitely Sally. She is the only one who knocks on my door like a rude brute. It's a secret known only to mommy and me but, Sally is also a bear! But to go unnoticed in the human world, she has disguised herself.

"Young miss, madam lets you know that it would be quite beneficial for you to watch NBC at 05h03pm. I can only advise you to watch it in the living room. The television in your room is a little small so you won't be able to enjoy the show as it should be. Madam will be waiting for you there. Young miss, miss Claudia, if you'll excuse me, that's all I had to tell you."


("If you'll excuse me, that's all I had to tell you.") Fufufu, Sally's butt is much too tight, as the idiot says. I still don't understand what he meant by that, by the way. Well, he's an idiot and what an idiot says is idiot.

"Claudia, I'm going to show you something top secret. Mister who stinks, where did you hide my miracle box again? Liar, here he only has the little jar I filled with earthworms. Hmm, my miracle box... Ah, here! Look, Claudia, behold the beauty of nature."

"Yaaaaaa, it's horrible. I'm afraid of insects. Yaaa, Lara, I beg you to close your box. Waaa, waa, I'm afraid of these things, they drive me crazy."

Oooh, it's not having the effect I was hoping for. Quick hug to comfort a scared older sister.

"Bear hug, sorry, sorry, sorry big sissy sister. I just wanted to share my secret of nature with you. Drooling kisses that chase away sadness, smaaaack."

05h00pm My hug was able to calm down big sissy sister who was scared and saw invisible insects everywhere.

I'll have to write this to the oldest Lara so that she doesn't do the same stupid thing I did when she gives gifts to her friends.

I'm not an expert in friendships but it seems to me that losing a friend must unfortunately be easier than finding one, so the oldest Lara will have to be very careful with larvae and caterpillars.

Sitting on lovely mommy's lap, I watch TV but it's not interesting at all.

If I can trust the bored look of my big sissy sister, she's not having much fun either at the moment.

Ehh? Wouhoo, Huhu, this on the other hand is a lot of fun. This girl dressed like a peasant girl is really too beautiful, really too cute, yes, she's really too much me!

("With Gap, I explore the world at all the time with complete freedom.")

Mommy stands up, she bursts out laughing and lifts me up to her height. She covers me with kisses and I burst out laughing because I love it when she does that to me.

Again, again my lovely mommy, don't stop, your Lara likes big ticklish hugs.

"Baby, you look so cute in that commercial and when you laugh, I wanna eat you."

No, don't eat me, my mommy, I taste like expired meat.

"I'm cute, I'm cute and mommy's gonna eat me, huhuhu."

Mommy sits on the couch again and I'm back on her comfortable thighs. Whoohoo, mommy, I'm gonna purr.

"Sweetie, how could you laugh when the gentlemen asked you to?"

When I look back on this beautiful day, I can't control my laugh and I spit on my pretty mommy's pretty cheek. My belly hurts so much, but it's so funny.

"As I was running on the grass, I imagined the idiot who was falling in a cow dung and I couldn't stop laughing. Pfft, huhuhu."

Mommy's making big eyes but she can't stop laughing either.

"Lara, it's so mean to imagine your daddy in this situation. Yet I can't blame you because thanks to this good idea, congratulations darling, you are just like Joey now. Like her but ten times cuter. Grrr, I'm going by start to eat your so cute little belly."

It's too much emotion all of a sudden and mommy whoever blows on my belly says I'm the cutest. Although I've long since forgotten why, a small tear flows from my eye as I continue to laugh.