
Rebirth, capricious mode

I've been here for some time and since then, I have often tried various experiments that that have never produced any concrete results. Five months ago I wanted to use the spell (Fly) by jumping off the garage roof, but it didn't work and I broke my wrist. I tried to manipulate the fire but my hand is not made for that and I won't elaborate on it. Three years ago, I mixed various cleaning products to see if I had any alchemy skills and again, the result was disappointing. I was hospitalized for three days for inhalation of toxic products. Following this and many other stupidities my desperate parents decided to refer me to a child psychologist. After just a few basic questions, the man without imagination concludes our appointment with a simple sentence. Pupupu! 150 dollars to hear such nonsense. I hope for their bank account that my parents don't send me there too often. Speaking of my parents, I'm in love with my mom. Abby, 30 years old, blonde like me, blue eyes, like me, little nose, like me, pretty lips, just like me. Abby is the same as me but in older age. The other one is the one who serves as my father. I don't like him. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't stand him. A sort of a very tall, brown aged 34 year and an idiot. Hi, I am Lara and I am 6 years old.

Clintfree · Urban
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41 Chs

The angel of social networks

A transitional chapter, therefore, a little different from the others.

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

It took only two days for the telephone switchboards of the biggest television channels to be saturated by calls from mothers and teenage girls.

Social networks are no different as to the websites of the same big TV channels as well as the media in general.

ceaseless demands pouring in to find out who is the little angel of the Gap pub. An unprecedented tidal wave for a simple advertisement shakes the United States and part of Western Europe who discovered this beautiful little angel on Youtube.

Every newspaper, every radio station and every television station has ordered their best investigators to discover the identity of this beautiful little girl with a laugh so infectious but, against all odds, no convincing results have been reported.

The pressure of the female audience, since two days is unsustainable but if they managed to get (the scoop of the year) as stated the controversial Eric Schlosser in a TV show equally controversial, their medium-term profit would be not minimal.

Who is this little girl?

Where does she live?

Is she a ghost so that even the best can not find any clue about her?

The bet on who will be the lucky one discover her identity for the moment remains open.

Monday, April 17, 2006


In an office in Los Angeles, a man sitting in front of his beautiful ebony desk looks at another man standing in front of him. The confortably seated man turns the pages of a document and then throws it at the face of the man standing with his eyes filled with anger.

"Dean, it's not that pile of shit I want to read. I want this little girl. No, it is he who wants absolutely in his casting. I do not care about your excuses, you have carte blanche. You now have access to unlimited funds, or almost, but find her and bring her back to me. (The angel of social networks) as they call her must sign with us before others steal her from us. Get out and bring me good news quickly."



In the Middle School, each child received orders from their parents and teachers not to reveal anything to the media or social networks about the little mischievous goblin that everyone takes for an angel. Everyone appreciates this little goblin. The girls like to cuddle her and the boys like to do nonsense with her so not a word was revealed.

Mathematics teacher, Miss Kratchek, writes a problem on the board when she surprises a strange conversation behind her back.

Some teachers told her to be wary of the little goblin who they say would be the worst troublemaker of this class already very agitated and what her hears at this time, confirms the words of these colleagues.

"Mister who stinks, do not you think this professor writes very badly? You're right mister who stinks, our teacher had to drink too much alcohol this morning and can not write correctly on the board. Ahh, an alcoholic teacher will be detrimental to our studies but don't be too hard with her, it is a sick person. Yes she has also a big nose like everyone who drinks, you are right mister who stinks, fufufu."

Miss Krathek, who hears all of her students laughing at once, feels very angry but also very ashamed.

It's all the more embarrassing because she actually drinks a little too much alcohol, but this 6-year-old girl does not have the right to make her students doubt her credibility with regard to teaching.

"Lara Eve, please stop your unfounded monologue, please. You others, stop laughing at her nonsense and solve this problem."

The little girl looks at her compassionately, bending her adorable little head.

"Madam big nose, you know, you must not be ashamed. Mom says that alcoholism is the disease of weak people without courage. You have my full support and mister who stinks also has a lot pity for you."

At 9:50 am a violent noise that suddenly silences all the young laughters echoes in the classroom and a little goblin escapes crying and screaming that she will complain to her mom.



Many people are looking for the little girl who is still missing.

She does not seem to be in school, but no one has seen her out.

Her father came back from Boston in a panic distraught by the announcement of her disappearance and clearly threatens the teacher, who according to him beat his adorable little girl.

One thing, however, relieves him somewhat, his wife was not informed of her disappearance, otherwise she would fall sick immediately. To justify her delay, he telephoned her and said her that he would take Lara to the restaurant to try to get closer to her again.

Lara when she also completely ignores what is happening.

Her little sleeping eyes, currently, she is waking up in one of the big lockers of the girls' locker room.

Today, her fragile little heart was broken by the wickedness of this Madam big nose. Although she's not too sure how long it lasted, she feels she cried so much anger as much as to the injustice she suffered for at least two full days.

Leaving the locker room a lady she does not know runs to her and lifts her then kisses her on the cheek.

Lara, who loves cuddling, gives her kisses with a laugh. As they both leave the school, applause echoes around but, a person smiles viciously.

Eric Simons is an experienced investigator. Eric Simons also known in the industry as : The unscrupulous weasel, was hired by someone who will pay him a very large sum of money if he finds the trace of this little girl.

His legendary vicious dog flair drove him here and he is glad he did not make a mistake. Thanks to this lady who worked in the canteen, from now on he only needs some information and the money will be his, thinking about that, he laughs leaving this place full of good feeling, what he hates above all.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006


"Dean it's Simons, I found the girl. I send you all the information requested by email. I am waiting for my bank transfer in the day. I forgot, good luck to convince her parents, bye"