
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · ไซไฟ
21 Chs


Mattos has decided to accept an offer from the government of a new galaxy, to be stationed there, and the faction leaders will select someone to stay on Earth, to lead the factions there, he also wants to make sure that the faction leaders in the new government, it's not going to start any wars, or anything like that. Mattos received a ship, the R.A.V.E.R.A.S.T.O.N. with a crew of 7 men, and they are about to leave Earth, on their way to the new galaxy, with their new life.

There are two of them on the ship's deck, one is Mattos, the main character of the story, and the other is a man named Sefor, Mattos' friend, and a great pilot. They are about to enter the ship's computer to prepare for liftoff.

"I'm not going with you!" shouted Sefor.

"What?" Mattos said,

"I'm not going with you! I'm staying here!

"I thought you said we would be in the new government, I'm not going without you!"

"And I'm not leaving without you, let's stick together!"

"And if the new faction leaders find out, they might not let us be together!"

"Then I'll side with you, I'll take the punishment!"

"You mean we're both leaving together, in some kind of alliance?!"



They shook hands, the ship began to rumble and the computer screen began to flicker.

"Computer, launch the ship!"

"Launching the ship, sir!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xerokocreators' thoughts