
Rebel of Joy

And a world facing galactic war, when the king of faction leaders were executed, the order of the galaxy called Lonzstarry banned all races from being faction leaders, but new faction leaders were emerging for the reason that the galaxy governments oblige them. is to humiliate them. So the new faction leaders will be looking for the title of King of all factions in the world, to get that title they will have to go on a long journey that can last for years but it is inevitable that one of these new faction leaders will one day become the King of factions in the world.

Xeroko · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Chapter 2: The Beginning

"Hello and welcome to R.A.V.E.R.A.S.T.O.N.!"

The computer's voice boomed from the ship's speakers.

"The galaxy is in dire need of leaders. Leaders who will rule with a strong hand, who will not tolerate the weakness of their citizens. Who will demand loyalty and punish those who betray their people. These are the qualities you must possess if you want to be a leader among the men!"

Mattos and Sefor shook their heads.

"It's a trap, the galaxy wants to get rid of us!"

"No, it's not!" shouted Sefor, "I'm not going anywhere without you!"

"You're a fool if you do, I won't leave you behind!"

"If you don't let me, they'll have to kill you too!"

Mattos sighed, he knew Sefor was right. He turned to the computer.

"Computer, launch escape pods!"

"Launching the escape pods!"

"Computer, end transmission!"

"Transmission terminated."

"The capsule compartment doors opened!"

The doors opened and two pods came out. Mattos got on one and Sefor got on the other.

"Computer, start capsule engines!"

"Pod engines started."

"They're going to land!"


The pod shot towards the Earth's atmosphere, they began to fall.

"That's it, I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

"Mattos, don't say those things, let's live!" shouted Sefor.

"You will die."

"I've had worse chances."

"It's the first time you've made a joke."

"Yes, well, it won't be the last."

They fell through the atmosphere, and eventually Earth appeared. They were above the Earth's surface.

"Computer, activate capsule landing system!"

"Activating landing system!"

The pod's engines began to whine and the pod began to fall. Mattos gripped the seat of the capsule as the earth grew higher and higher.

"Computer, slow pod down!"

"Pod speed has been reduced."

The capsule hit the ground, its engines shut down. The capsule hit the ground and exploded, sending shrapnel flying in all directions. Sefor and Mattos were thrown in different directions, both survived the initial impact, and both were thrown in different directions. Mattos managed to orient himself.