
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · แฟนตาซี
287 Chs

"The Temple of the Elements and New Skills."

Mortis defeated Marina's shadow after some time and received a blue crystal in his ring. On level 30 he faced Kathrin, who gave him a Light Green Crystal. On level 40, it was Leonie who tried to take him out with summoned creatures and demons, but Mortis was able to overcome all dangers. Although they had some demons, she met the same fate as the other shadows and subsequently became a purple crystal. On the 50th floor, Mortis faced Valeria, who got on his nerves like all assassins. With cunning and the skills he had already gathered, he was able to overpower her as well. When she was defeated, she turned into a gray crystal and connected with Mortis' new ring.

Mortis was running out of breath, but just as he was about to recover, he received a message from the system, "You will be ported to the Temple of Elements in 5.... 4..." Mortis wondered what was going on, but before he could say anything, he found himself in front of an altar with various symbols on it. As Mortis touched the altar, it slowly disappeared, the room became bright, and various elements could be seen on the wall, led by a flame. The fire element increased fire damage and fire resistance by 10%, and also increased attack power by 10%. Next to it was a lightning symbol that increased elemental power by 10%, but also increased attack power by 5% and attack speed by 5%. Mortis found this very exciting and continued to look around. In a left corner, he spotted the wind element, which offered 10% faster movement and 10% faster attack speed. The system asked, "Are you sure you want to use this element? Lightning would also work for you, since it increases your attack." Mortis, however, grinned and said, "Oh what, is 5% with everyone if I can hit faster and get to everyone faster. Only posers would take that to hide their fear of the dark."

The system stopped Mortis, because she wanted him to redistribute his 110 SP first, since he was now level 60. Before that happened, however, he was first shown the new abilities available to him:

Ghost Control Level 2: You can now summon 2 ghosts as companions.

Mist Doppelganger: You can create a clone of yourself that fights with you for 5 seconds and has all your stats. This costs 20 mana.

Spirit Step: You instantly move forward 10 yards and leave a reflection for a short time.

Scythe Blade Storm: You receive a buff for 10 seconds, with each subsequent strike dealing 20% more damage to the enemy. This can only be activated every 3 minutes and costs 40 mana.

Mutilated Soul: This is a DoT (damage over time) that you can cast on an enemy. The enemy suffers pain and loses concentration for 20 seconds. The damage is higher against targets that are mentally weaker.

Mortis didn't look bad when he saw his new abilities, but now he had to increase his stats first. He allocated 30 points to Strength, 30 points to Dexterity, 10 points to Intelligence, 15 points to Vitality, 19 points to Stamina, and 6 points to Mana. As a result, Mortis' new stats were as follows:

Mortis, Level 60 Reaper

Strength: 190 Agility: 230 Intelligence: 70 Vitality: 90 Stamina: 100 Mana: 101 Charisma: 65

Souls: 93045

As he distributed the stats, Mortis felt his body adjust, and he suddenly loved feeling so strong. But he knew it wouldn't last, because in a moment he had to go back.And although he was still somewhat sealed, he knew that as soon as he was upstairs, he would have everything and could thus try out all the new things he had gotten. This made him really happy, like a child getting new toys.

When he was done, Mortis reached for the wind symbol. He felt a little strange as his body absorbed the element, and his system immediately reported, "Wind element successfully initialized. You receive all the advantages and disadvantages that this element holds. Your speed and attack speed are increased by 10%. The vortex created when you use spirit weapons is 10% stronger and more successful at drawing enemies to the center. You will be in 5... 4... Ported back." Mortis closed his eyes for the port and when he opened them again, he was back on the 50th floor of the shadow tower. Although he didn't feel like it anymore, he knew that the many enemies could help him. So Mortis swallowed his listlessness and ran to the next floor.

His new abilities were all sealed, but his element was not. He noticed this immediately in his speed as he ran and in a feeling he had to get used to. He perceived the wind much more accurately now and that irritated him a bit at first. But with the matter, he thought he could put it off for now, as more enemies were waiting for him. Whether it was snake people, golems or otherwise, each floor was filled with different enemies. When Mortis reached the 60th floor, Lumina stood in front of him. As always, she had that radiant smile, even though she was only a shadow, she found Mortis adorable.

Tenebris would have liked to bite the back of his chair when he saw Mortis staring at Lumina. But if that wasn't enough, Primus sat next to him, bit into a cookie and said, "You've had your chance long enough. Don't act like it hurts you. It's just your ego playing tricks on you."

Tenebris made a huge mistake at that moment and yelled at Primus, "What do you know about love? You've never loved anyone!" Primus was usually calm, but not always. She immediately jumped up, grabbed Tenebris by the neck and lifted him up. Then she said in a sharp tone, "You son of a bitch, you don't know love and what do you know? But if you want to know, I've had a husband for several million years, but he stays covered and doesn't show it around. And he would never even look at another woman."

She then let go of Tenebris and sat down on the chair as if nothing had happened. Tenebris had almost sweated blood from fear, but no matter how close he was to extinction, he was most shocked that Primus actually had a husband. As he looked through the crystal and saw Mortis, he wondered how brutal her husband must be if that was her preference.

Like a petulant child, he put the chair down and looked with chubby cheeks at the crystal, where the fight ended and Mortis was victorious, while he received a poison green crystal for Lumina. "Pff, you only won because I adjusted the shadow to the level. Like you'd win against Venena with that strength," Tenebris hissed through his teeth. But Primus ignored what he said and continued to feast on chocolate chip cookies and her tea.

After a few hours, Mortis finally reached the boss of level 70, wondering who would be his opponent this time, because the god didn't have any more women up his sleeve that he could access. But it was not his women who were his opponents, but Sarah and Marshal, his spirits. Mortis smiled at both of them while the two looked as if they wanted to apologize, at least until the fight began.

Mortis knew of both of their strength, but as it seemed, they were much stronger, so he had real problems. Sarah was annoying as any assassin, but Marshal was a thorn in Mortis' side with his brute force, because if Mortis took a real hit, he would be history, as every blow from Marshal made the ground shake.

But since Mortis was so high up by now and could access everything, he had an advantage because his two companions didn't know his new abilities. So he was able to confuse them quite a bit with the mirror image and the doppelganger and do good damage to both of them.

Mortis still finished off Sarah first, since she could take the least. Poor Marshal had to suffer the same fate twice, being split in two by the Fallen Comet ability. His two companions disappeared back into his sea of souls, leaving behind only a box containing Mortis' scythe, which he had waited for so long. He greeted his scythe like a good friend and prepared to clear the last ten floors this god had to offer.

"Mortis wondered, as he fought his way through monsters, how much time had passed. He still had to be appointed and actually he had planned to spend nice days with Kathrin to get to know her better. But someone always came to cause him problems - first Gillas and now a god who was too bored. But at least Mortis got stronger, which took away some of his worries."