
Realm Of The God

The Gods search for a human who can help destroy the Old Ones

Th1stzad · เกม
12 Chs

Chapter 4: IRL (In Real Life)

A couple days later, James drove to a large building that had the symbol of a silverback gorilla roaring on the front of it.

He walked past security and took the elevator upwards. James started to crack his knuckles. A nervous habit he had since his childhood days.

The elevator dinged and he quickly walked down the hallway and tapped on a glass where his friend, Gabriel was talking to a group of people.

Gabriel was a large man. Four inches above six feet and built like a rugby player. Gabriel retired after a torn ACL after his sixth year in professional football. Instead of trying to play again, Gabriel instead retired and built his own gyms around the world that catered to condition and help heavy set athletes.

'....and that will be all ladies and gentlemen! Have those reports on my desk by Tuesday morning or you will have to do leg day with me,' Gabriel announced, his German accent somewhat leaking through.

The people groaned and shuffled out the conference room while surprised to see the former light heavyweight champion standing outside their door.

James waved and smiled at some people as a large hand gripped his trapezius and began to squeeze.

'Ow! Ow ow ow ow! I give! I give, I give, I give!'

Gabriel released James then walked towards his office with James in tow while rubbing out his trapezius.

The door automatically closed behind the two friends and James went to pour himself a drink.

'It's twelve thirty', said Gabriel while taking off his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves then sitting down in the large custom chair.

'Then why do you have whiskey in your office?' said James while downing the whiskey glass and pouring another.

Gabriel tied back his pure white hair that contrasted well against his light cream colored skin. His beard was neatly kept while the upper lip was clean shaven.

'I told you not to make a scene James,' stated Gabriel

'I didn't make a scene Gabriel.'

'OH! Really you didn't make fuckin scene!?'

Gabriel tapped a button on his desk and a large tv that hung on the wall turned to a news channel that was dedicated to Realm of The Gods.

And today in the news of Realm. A player known as 'Magnus' has defeated the tutorial boss, aka, The Black Knight, who is rumored to be unbeatable. Famous streamers such as Queen Bee, Gold Dragon, and Red Ivy say that he must have hacked the game or somehow manipulated the server. As people know, if a king boss is defeated in a certain area, he or she becomes the king of that region in the game. In other words the player Magnus is the final and fourth player to become king. What is the hidden region called? Will Magnus open its borders to the public or keep the region locked, and all the rewards to himself? Tune in tonight as we cover in a live stream to see what happens!'

Gabriel turned down the volume of the tv and lit a cigar.

'That could be anyone,' said James defensively.

'It's fuckin you James!'

'How do you know that!?'

'Seriously!? That was your nickname when you fought in the UFC!'

James smacked his lips and slumped in the chair sitting across from his oldest friend.

'You think I should open the borders of Camelot?,' he asked.

'Do have something there that needs to be hidden?,' Gabriel responded.

'Yes. After Arthur disappeared I went and explored his castle. I stumbled upon a vault that had an infinite amount of treasure, weapons, and legendary items that can buff a person's skill and attributes permanently. I also happen to have an item only you know about have heard of.'

'Which is?'

'God class item. Cape of Ares.'

Gabriel leaned forward. James had his complete attention.

'You have one?,' Gabriel whispered.

'Yes. Just like you have the belt, boots, and bracers of Thor that you keep hidden in your inventory. Remember what you told me five years ago, that, after you defeated the npc boss Harald? You had a hidden quest called "GiantsBane?" That hammer is in Camelot,' James said with a serious tone.

Gabriel exhaled the cigar smoke slowly with a shaky breath. James wasn't lying. Gabriel could tell because James had not looked away once during the entire time they talked.

'How long have you been looking for this fuckin hammer Gabe?'

"Years" thought Gabriel.

'James I swear to the gods if you are lying I will make your life a living hell in Realm dude', said Gabriel.

James set the whiskey glass upside down on his friend's desk and left Gabriel to ponder with his thoughts.

Not even ten minutes passed since James left, did Gabriel's laptop begin to ring. The caller ID read traitor in bold red letters. Gabriel let it ring a few more times before answering.

'What the fuck you do want Thomas?'

'Whoa whoa. That's how you're gonna be? Really man?'

'What. Do. You. Want?', Gabriel said through gritted teeth.

'So I'm suggesting you saw the news? The guild leaders are having a meeting on what to do with once the fog clears up from the new area. You have to be there,' said Thomas.

'I don't 'have' to do anything that involves you or the rest of your kind,' Gabriel stated.

'My kind? What do you mean by my kind?'


Thomas was silent for a moment before choosing what to say.

'The game is meant for us. To do whatever we want! People who know what to do with power. My sister rules Olympus because people love her and-'

'Your sister rules Olympus because that bitch black-mailed and threatened anyone who could cross her. You and your sister are one in the same. Only doing shit for your own gain!'

'I suggest you watch your mouth Gabriel', Thomas said with malice.

'You're threatening me', Gabriel laughed.

'We want you to bring Magnus to the meeting tonight. Make him our ally', said Thomas.

'I don't recall ever being your gottverdammt ally. And I highly doubt he will ever be on your side anyway', Gabriel stated.

'We can help you find that hammer you've been looking for. I have information on it,' bribed Thomas.

'Go fuck yourself Thomas', said Gabriel.

'Aight then. Your-'

Gabriel hung up the call then put out the cigar.

He rubbed his temples then texted James:

"What time will you be on tonight?"

"6PM. Meet near the edge of the fogged border"

"You better be right about this man"


Gabriel almost threw his phone at the window.


James arrived back at his apartment a few hours later after going to the gym and getting some painkillers. Although he had no visible marks, his body was still sore from the fight with Kilgharrah a couple days ago. James remembered waking up the next morning and hurting so badly he could hardly move at all.

James dropped his phone as he pulled it out of his pocket. As he began to pick it up, a large golden rhinoceros scarab landed on his hand.

James froze.

The beetle tilted its head.

James let out a high pitched scream that could be heard from outside.

'Off! Off! Get the hell off my hand!', James said, shaking his hand violently.

'Shit I am so sorry! Khepri! Come here!

The beetle flew towards the woman's voice and landed on her shoulder.

James has never seen anyone beautiful has her before in his life.

Ebony skin that shined like gold. A short curly afro that complimented her cat shaped eyes that seemed to put James in a hypnotic state.

'Uuuh hi', James managed to finally say after seeing her scanning from head to toe. He concluded by the slight muscle definition and houri figure she was a fitness instructor.

'Hi to you as well'.

Her voice was playfully seductive with a slight African dialect.

"I don't know what to say. Do I ask for her name? No, that would be weird. Oh shit I'm overthinking!"

James' thoughts exploded in his head. He took a deep breath then held out his hand.


'Sekami', said the woman while shaking his hand. James' legs almost gave out from the warm touch of her soft hands.

'Did you just move in,' he asked.

'Yes! It's the vacant penthouse on the top floor. Number fifty I believe.'

'Really? That's right across from my place.'

'Well I hope we do get along James. Also, you're still holding my hand,' said Sekami.

James' eyes went wide and he quickly snatched his hand away making Sekami slightly giggle.

'I don't mean to impose, but I have been moving all day long. Would you mind carrying up Khepris' enclosure for me? My arms are tired as hell from carrying boxes all day.'

'Yeah no problem', said James as he walked past her catching the scent of cinnamon and honey.

James picked up the large box then got on the elevator with his new neighbor.

'So what made you move all the over here to the northwest?'James asked as the elevator began ascending towards the top floor.

'I was studying abroad in Egypt. Went to school for archeology and fell in love with studying ancient civilizations. I stayed over there for a few years before getting tired of looking at nothing but sand and wanted a change of scenery,' Sekami explained.

'I can't imagine being a place where the sun is constantly beaming down at you,' James stated.

'Trust me James you have no idea. It was like I'm being constantly watched all the time. I saw that Washington had all types of national parks. I plan to visit as many as I can.'

'The parks up here are gorgeous! Each one is like visiting a different world. Hard to believe that it's all in one state honestly.'

'Well I hope you can show me around sometime James. I am new to the area after all', Sekami said while looking up at James.

James gave a half smile and said 'Sure. Just give me a knock on my door and let me know when.'

The elevator doors dinged open and James walked followed by Sekami to her door.

'Thank you so much James. Come over sometime and I'll cook us some dinner,' Sekami said while pushing the door open.

"Gyat damn!" James thought as the door began to close.

James thought he imagined it. The scarab that sat on Sekami's shoulder turned to wave goodbye at James before the door shut completely.

James opened the door to his apartment, took off his shoes then began to close his curtains around the penthouse. He turned off his t.v. and phone then went to a closet where an old laptop was charging. He took it out then carefully set it down on his coffee table, then paused for a moment before opening.

'You there?', James asked.

Gold lettering began to appear on the black screen as if an invisible hand was typing on the keyboard.

-I am always here James-

'You were right about Arthur. Though I wish you would have told me about Kilgharrah.'

-I told you his name-

'And forgot to mention that he was a dragon twice the size of Africa!'

-😂😂😂. And ruin the surprise?-

'Yeah ya real fuckin funny asshole', James said not even trying to hide the irritation in his voice.

-cmon! Wasn't it cool seeing a real life dragon?-

'What the fuck are you talking about? The game isn't real.'

-you still believe that 🤨?-

James sat down in front of the laptop, 'Is Realm...real?'

-well I did help create the "game" as you call it-

'Explain. Now,' James demanded.

-Alright. You did defeat Arthur and bested Kilgharrah, you deserve an explanation. Drink? 🍺-

'I'm closing the laptop now.'

-okay okay!-

James leaned forward.

‐so Realm is actually placed in a different world that is called Yoruba where your stories of mythological creatures exist and are real-

'So the enemies we kill are technically real?'


'Then what about the players? Are we 'real' as well?'

‐in a sense. When you go to sleep, and have dreams can you feel as if you're in control sometimes? So what are dreams 🤔?

'I don't know', James admitted.

-Dreams are a universal human experience that can be described as a state of consciousness characterized by sensory, cognitive and emotional occurrences during sleep. The dreamer has reduced control over the content, visual images and activation of the memory-

'How does that relate to our characters in Realm?'

-The soul James. When you log into Realm you're soul is leaving the mortal body and being transferred into a plane of a higher existence-

'So what? My character in the Realm is my true self?'

‐Bingo!!!!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾-

James cracked his knuckles.

'My sister...was studying quantum physics in college. She wrote a paper theorizing that our universe wasn't the only to exist in reality. That there are other worlds and galaxies that existed but different but in different times. Some are futuristic with flying cars. Others are stuck in the past but use magic in their everyday day lives.' ‐had? She is not with anymore my friend?-

'No,' James said through teary eyes, 'Five years ago she was working with engineers and other scientists, building a prototype teleportation device that could allow a person to travel to different worlds. I was visiting one day after my debut fight in professional fighting. The machine was activated. It seemed to work then it started sucking everything inwards. People disintegrated as if they were burning from inside out. The machine imploded. I reached to grab my sister's hand and was blown back from the explosion. I woke up a week later in a hospital. I...I was the only one that survived.'

James wiped away the tears from his face.

‐....I am sorry to hear that James. You don't believe she is dead do you?-

James regained his composure before answering.

'No. I don't think she is dead. Is my sister in Yoruba?'

‐it could be a possibility. I will search on my end. One last piece of information before I go-

'What is it?'

‐demi-gods are going to descend upon Yoruba. They will not be the heroes their stories make them out to be. Contact after your has gained Mjolnir-

'I will', said James, closing the laptop.