
Realm Of The God

The Gods search for a human who can help destroy the Old Ones

Th1stzad · Games
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Kilgharrah

Magnus walked out of the castle to see the ruined kingdom of Camelot. He took a deep breath while closing his eyes, basking in the warm sun.

"Hard to believe this is all a game." He thought.

Magnus snapped his fingers, and his skill tab opened up in front of him.

'Alright, let's upgrade some of my basic attributes.'

Magnus maxed out his vitality, strength, and stamina. He then equipped the Cape of Ares. His strength and vitality increased another hundred points.

His status had now read

Strength: 200/200

Vitality: 500/500

Stamina: 300/300

'That should be good enough,' Magnus said to himself.

'And since the other skills are inherent traits, there isn't a reason for me to upgrade other skills....'

Magnus decided to max his dexterity as the sky suddenly darkened as a warning appeared in front of him.

'Where did the sun...go...?'

As he looked up, a large figure landed in front of him, causing the surrounding area to shake around it.

The beast was massive beyond comparison.

Red scales that gleamed off the sunlight. Massive twin horns protruding from its head with a smaller one on the bottom of the chin. Wings so large they shaded the land from the sun above. Its claws were so large in size, Mt. Everest would have been crushed under the massive weight of them.

Magnus took a step back as the beast lowered its head and glared at him with a single eye of a reptilian creature. The eye itself was pure orange flames with a black elliptical pupil that mimicked a downward sword.

'Who are you to step into this kingdom?'

The voice was booming and so deep that it slightly vibrates the air around it. A commanding voice of the highest beastly authority, all the other animals within the area had fallen silent, daring not to make a sound.

'I am Magnus, the one who defeated Arthur,' said Magnus. His voice is deep yet calm and peaceful.

'LIES!,' the beast roared, making Magnus drop to one knee. Magnus felt as if he was being pushed down into the earth. "What sort of power was this?",

He thought, "I want it!"

Magnus smiled then stood up. The beasts' eyes narrowed then turned its head to face Magnus.

'So you have inherited Camelot? Interesting. Arthur may have given you this ruined kingdom but I do not believe you are worth serving. Prove me wrong.'

'Boy? I'm thirty years-'

A massive claw sent Magnus flying into a building making it crumble around him.

Magnus laid under the rubble laughing because he was fighting a dragon! But not just any dragon.


This dragon was Kilgharrah, The Guardian of Camelot, and one of the Four Beast Kings.

Magnus shot up from within the crumbled building making the debris scatter in all directions.

'Kilgharrah!', Magnus shouted.

The dragon's eyes went wide for a brief second then narrowed followed by a rumbling, unearthly growl.

'I will make you bow your head to me!'

The dragon inhaled deeply then exhaled flames surrounding itself in a tornado of fire. Magnus could feel the heat of the fire as Kilgharrah stepped out in a humanoid-lizard form. Kilgharrah was still a giant. Standing just a few inches above twelve feet with built of being with pure muscle and no fat. The dragon wore no clothes except for tight shorts that stopped just above the knee.

Magnus and Kilgharrah both took one step forward.

The two beings moved faster than sound creating a large shockwave clearing the surrounding area two miles wide as their fists clashed.

Magnus was the first to recover, then dealt a left hook to Kilgharrahs' left side of the body. The dragon roared in anger and proceeded to knee Magnus in the chin lifting him a few feet off the ground followed by a chokeslam into the earth below.

Magnus' blurred vision cleared just in time for him to weave his head to the side as a claw penetrated the ground that would have crushed his head. Kilgharrahs' claw became stuck in the ground which allowed Magnus to slip from Kilgharrahs' grasp then deliver an uppercut that would have taken a normal humans head off.

Kilgharrah swiped with his free arm. Magnus ducked, and delivered two jabs to the dragon's face before a large tail smacked his head stunning him, giving Kilgharrah a few seconds to free himself from the ground.

A few seconds he should have used to finish the mortal.

Magnus delivered another uppercut to the dragon's chin. The dragon's neck snapped back then rebounded back in place.

Magnus threw a spartan kick to the solar plexus making the dragon bend downwards.

Kilgharrah was losing.

"This mortal is used to fighting," Kilgharrah thought. They had been fighting for so long the sun had now begun to set in the game.

Magnus grabbed Kilgharrah by his horns and tossed him over his shoulder. Magnus stomped the dragon's face then chest, and delivered a soccer kick to Kilgharrahs face so powerful it sent the dragon flying through two buildings behind the warriors.

The dragon came flying back like a spear, stopped and used his tail as a feint. Magnus cursed as he was sent flying backwards, smacking his back against a stone wall.

Magnus managed to stand on one knee. His vitality bar, oddly enough, was not going down at all.

'You won't beat him like that', said a strange man.

Magnus looked up to see an African male with albino skin sipping on a bottle that had pure black liquid inside of it.

'I don't suppose you are going to help me?,' Magnus grunted while standing up, his back towards the mysterious man.

'No my friend. But my brotha on the other hand has offered you a gift,' said the strange man.

'What gift?'

'Grab the air.'

Magnus smacked his lips then grabbed the air.

What appeared in his right hand was a double headed battle-ax. The handle was short, and wooden with the blades on the top half in the shape of half circles, even on both sides and perfectly balanced.

The stranger bursted out in laughter, as Magnus was left with his mouth open.

'What the fuck is this some common weapon. It's garbage,' Magnus said. He felt a chill go down his spine as the strange man looked down at him.

'Be grateful my brother has given you his human weapon. That weapon has the ability to take the shape of the one who wields it,' the stranger said calmly.

'Well good luck. Ah. You might wanna duck.'


A large tail grabbed Magnus by the throat then slammed him into the ground, yet did not let go.

Kilgharrah, using his tail pulled Magnus out of the crater and watched his tail and the human fell to the ground.

The dragon bellowed in pain and anger upon seeing a bloodied ax in Magnus' right hand.

'Why do you have Oshe!?', Kilgharrah roared.

A foolish mistake from a seasoned warrior like Kilgharrah.

The dragon saw the ax fly at him like a discus. The dragon sidestepped only to be greeted by a blow to the kidney, making him drop to one knee.

Magnus grabbed the air and slashed clumsily, missing the Kilgharrahs' arm by mere centimeters.

Kilgharrah smirked, showing rows of sharp teeth. The human did not know how to use the weapon he was gifted. But that did not stop Magnus from advancing upon the dragon.

Magnus used both hands and slashed upwards from below. Kilgharrah rolled away back then unleashed his flaming breath that could melt diamond.

Again the ax flew at the dragon, but it flew past him.

'You missed!,' Kilgharrah laughed.

Magnus leapt out of the fire that should have killed him, ax gripped tightly in his right hand. Kilgharrah brought a forearm up to block the horizontal strike.

The strike came from the left.

The dragon swung in the same direction.

A diagonal strike slashed his back.

Kilgharrah turned as he felt cold metal penetrate his lower abdominal region. Magnus spun with the blade still stuck in Kilgharrah, lifted the dragon and overhead slammed him into the ground with as much force as a level ten earthquake.

Kilgharrah kicked Magnus in the chest, sending him flying upwards then straight down through a rooftop full of chains.

Kilgharrah leapt over to the building ready to deliver a finishing with his clawed foot.

Magnus was not there!

"Where is he!?"

Kilgharrah began to panic as a chain looped around the dragon's neck.

Kilgharrah saw the sky for a brief moment before swinging around a stone pillar. The dragon couldn't recover as he was pulled towards the human at blinding speed. Magnus kicked Kilgharrah, making him swing around another pillar parallel to the other.

Blinded by rage Kilgharrah tried to fly at Magnus once again but was yanked back into the space between the pillars.

The dragon realized it too late.

Magnus had both ends of a large chain wrapped around his hands and pulled with all his might choking Kilgharrah.

'Yield!,' Magnus roared

'I will not yield!', Kilgharrah roared back while stepping forward.

'Don't be stupid Kilgharrah! Fuck your pride! You have to protect Camelot!'

Magnus pulled even harder, tightening the loop around the dragon's neck.

Kilgharrah roared in defiant anger!

'I do not want to kill you Kilgharrah! There are those who want Camelot and will poison her lands! I know this is just a game! But you have to trust in Arthur! I know about Mjolnir!!!!!'

Magnus felt the tension on the chains beginning to loosen.

'How?', asked the Dragon through a raspy breath.


Magnus fell back unconscious.

A red screen popped up:

"Player has defeated secret boss Kilgharrah."

"Warning player has fallen unconscious. Player will be forcibly logged out. Rewards will be given once the player has logged in."

The red screen vanished along with Magnus into thin air.

Kilgharrah stepped back against a stone wall sliding down into a seating position, laughing to himself.

'I almost fuckin died.'