
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · แฟนตาซี
716 Chs

The Shadow That Lurks In Your Heart

Looking at Xilo on the ground Zelfin felt shivers run throughout his spine as an immense fear traveled through his body despite still not sensing any Astral Energy on Xilo's body in the slightest. The boy he was looking at now was completely different almost as if he was a different person entirely. His eyes grew larger and sharper and were emitting anger and madness like he'd never seen while cracks and scars appeared in a broken lighting pattern that circled them. His eyelashes grew longer as well and appeared extremely sharp alongside his nose which went through similar changes. But the worst and scariest change of all to Zelfin was the smile

plastered all over Xilo's face.


A small laugh escaped from Xilo's mouth as he studied it. Similar to his other facial features his mouth had also elongated a little bit but the biggest difference from before was that all his teeth had turned completely sharp resembling jaws similar to a shark that was seemingly stuck in a permanent smile that made him feel like running away. His hands had turned into permanent claws as well small Blades appeared from different spots of his arms and legs. His single wing was also in a similar shape that made Zelfin truly believe he was looking at a living blade for a couple of seconds until he snapped out of his fear and daze and quickly backed away.

He knew that whatever he was facing now would be nowhere near as simple as the little boy he called a monster before because now he was truly facing a monster that could probably tear him to shreds with a slight touch of any of his blades. He watched Xilo slowly stand up and visibly watched as all the injuries he had suffered before healed at a rate faster then he could see as he stretched his body. Of course Xilo was completely out of control at this moment and barely realized what was going on let alone what was happening to his body currently. He only had a vague feeling of consciousness as his anger was at his peak. Strangely enough though he was also extremely hungry.

Licking his mouth slightly he tasted something that sent shivers of excitement down his spine as he turned to face the thing standing in front of him. Zelfin seeing him get locked onto quickly called his buddies in hopes of running away at that moment. He felt like he stood absolutely no chance facing this new Xilo. His friends who were pensive still listened though knowing that they were escape goats because in the end they would receive beatings from Zelfin or Xilo at the end of the day and it was better for them to pick Xilo. Who knows maybe he wasn't as scary as he looked. That vague thought floated through their mind as they both got serious and ran at him.

Unfortunately for them and Zelfin the second they got close Xilo reflectively slashed his claws and malled their arms that were punching him.



Feeling that pain run through them they looked down and stared at their arms startled at the amount of pain they just felt and the three deep claw marks left in each of their arms with blood running everywhere constantly. Now all three of them were regretting finding such a secluded area or perhaps they might have been the ones who got saved in time. But alas they never expected something like this would have happened in their wildest dreams. Watching Xilo slowly bring his hand up to his mouth they watched as he slowly drank the blood from their arms and seemingly enjoyed it.

Seeing that scene it felt like time had frozen for them as they all shivered involuntarily. For some reason they felt at the moment Xilo was after more than just their blood. But taking the time that Xilo was drinking their blood they all started to back up. Unfortunately Xilo noticed that and instantly ran at them and sliced at their legs preventing them from running in an instant as he turned to the last target in his vision currently. He didn't know what he was drinking or what he was doing exactly all he knew was that it tasted heavenly and he wanted more and the things in front of him were the perfect source of it so he wouldn't let them get away even if his life depended on it.

Seeing the speed and strength of Xilo after taking out his friends so easily he knew that was no hope of him running now. All that was left for him to do was fight, Thankfully he had some vague hope of at least stalling for time since he was stronger then his friends and maybe someone would come in time to help him. That's all he could ask for or else all of them were probably dead. Watching that thing

dash at him he braced himself and prepared to defend.


Feeling that heavy impact he was pushed back a couple of meters away while his arm felt numb but at the very least he was barely able to stop him. However if someone asked if he could do it again that was a completely different story. Looking at that thing charge him again he felt despair fill his body. At this rate Zelfin was dead. Running out of options he had no idea what he could possibly do until he saw

the girl laying on the ground a little ways away from him. Thinking of an idea he quickly put it into action as he began to run as well towards her.

Dodging one of Xilo's attacks on the way he was luckily able to make his way to the girl lying on the ground. Right now she was his only ticket out of this alive unfortunately. Well it saddened him to lose his target. His life was definitely more important in his eyes. Crouching down beside her he waited for Xilo to get close to him. Right when he got close enough to attack him he smashed her leg causing her to wake up from the immense pain as her blood sprayed everywhere again and hit Xilo.

After that he quickly backed off as fast as possible and went to his friends on the ground. Noticing Xilo didn't follow him anymore he sighed in relief as sweat continuously poured down his body as he leaned down to grab his friends and ran without looking back.


Thank you for reading...

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