
RE: Merlin

Alex Sheppard Was an American made man, He was a Seal and a master of combat, Alex Died an early death in Afghanistan by a careless mistake by a God, Alex was Dead... God was Ashamed and decided to repay the soul that paid the price for his careless mistake, Reincarnating into The World of 'Merlin' for the first world, [AN - So I'm a big fan of the series 'Merlin' so I decided to make my own fanfiction of it! If you have seen the series then you likely understand... That ending! God! They need a sequel!!!]

Orionwashere · อื่นๆ
9 Chs

The Day of the Festival

Shawn left the throne room with Arthur in tow,

"Do you truly think... this... Can actually change?" Arthur asked,

"Of course! If an apple tree has a few bad apples do you cut down the tree? But furthermore, if our plan succeeds then the future is beyond what we can imagine, A castle of gold! abundant fields that could be harvested daily! pure endless water! Do disease capable enough to cause any harm! can you imagine it, Little Prince? the literally endless possibilities! yet there are steps to be taken, Things that need to be removed or repaired in order to accomplish such a powerful goal, So yes I do believe "This" as you said can be done," Shawn said smirking,

"I guess... Wait, "Little Prince" how am I little!?" Arthur asked indignantly,

"I'll see you at the festival... Little Prince," Shawn laughed before slipping away,

Shawn headed to the middle section which was used for merchants to sell their wares as well as farmers and the rest and went to a merchant who was selling extremely Delicious liquor from the far East of this world, The wine and Liquor was said to be one of the best and this merchant was selling barrels of it!

Shawn ended up buying quite a few barrels of it before having them taken to his room for a few extra coins, As he left the Merchants establishment he heard Arthurs voice,

"How's your knee walking coming along?"

As it turns out he was talking to Merlin, Merlin Ignored the provocation and continued,

"Oh don't run away!" Arthur taunted,

Merlin stopped... "From you?..."

"Oh thank goodness I thought you were deaf as well as dumb," Arthur laughed,

"Look I've told you your an ass I just didn't realize you were a royal one," Merlin said sarcastically,

"Ooh, what are you going to do? got your daddy's men to protect you?" Merlin taunted,

Chuckling Arthur replied, "I could take you apart with one blow,"

"I could take you apart with less than that," Merlin quipped,

Arthur laughed, "Are you sure?"

Merlin began taking off his jacket and ready himself,

"Arthur! Merlin! Watch it!" Shawn yelled stepping between them,

"Shawn?!" Merlin asked a little ashamed, He knew that he was supposed to avoid causing problems with the prince and try to help him,

"Little Prince... I am saddened to see you performing such a lowly act... and Merlin we talked about this..." Shawn said disheartened,

"I... Wait, you two know each other?" Arthur asked,

"Indeed, Merlin is and I share a... Destiny of sorts, And he will be working as a sort of companion for you from now on... I wanted to Introduce you two at the festival at least officially since you two have already met..." Shawn explained,

Arthur gazed at the ground a little shamed as he knew it wasn't princely behavior,

"I'm... sorry, Merlin that was wrong of me... and wait what do you mean by Companion?" Arthur said, normally he wouldn't apologize but in front of Shawn who he had all but accepted as his Master he found himself humbled,

"Yeah... can you explain that part?" Merlin asked overlooking the apology for now,

"Well, I was going to purpose you take him as your manservant, at least for now, No scratch that, You will take him as your manservant, I will hear no objections!" Shawn said strictly,

One of the men who were with Arthur walked forward, "How dare you talk to the Prince like that!" the man called,

"Collins! Stand down..." Arthur commanded,

"But... Sir?" the man 'Collins' asked,

"I am his 'WunShi' until he takes his Oaths," Shawn said,

"WunShi?" Merlin asked, (AN - Fake Chinese translation, I'm far too lazy to find a real one,)

"It means Unofficial Disciple, Ill explain later, Arthur shouldn't you be getting ready for the festival? Merlin will start his new duties first thing tomorrow," Shawn said,

"I guess it is that time isn't it... I will see you there," Arthur said with a slight head bow, before walking off his posse in tow,

"Merlin... Have you seen the Dragon yet?" Shawn asked quietly,

"Once, we had... a nice chat about destiny which just confirmed your own story, Wait NO! don't you change the subject! You just signed me away as a servant!" Merlin scoffed,

"Indeed... unfortunately its the best position for you to help him the most, as for me I already have plans in motion, Firstly training him... Harshly..." Shawn said before laughing,

"Let's go you need to get ready yourself! we have a festival to attend!"

-3 Hours Later-

"Iryna!" Shawn called kindly,

The door opened and a Shy Blonde popped her head in, "Y...Yes, Sir?"

"I have a few gifts for the king, I'll need a few hands can you get some capable castle servants to help carry these two barrels to the feast with me?" Shawn asked,

"Of course Sir! Right away!" Iryna answered before scurrying off,

Soon after she left a knock resounded on the door,

"Come in!" Shawn said,

The door creaked open and Gwen walked through,

"Ah! Gwen! How do you do?" Shawn asked smiling,

"I'm well Shawn how do you do?" Gwen asked politely taking into account that he preferred to be talked to as equals,

"Long past few Chapters but I'm alright, Heading to the Feast at the main hall soon, Do you need something?" Shawn asked,

"Yes, The Lady Morgana wondered if you would escort her to the Feast?" Gwen asked with a knowing smile, the one you have when you try to help your friend with their crush,

"It would be my honor!" Shawn agreed,

"Very well, I will let her know," Gwen said with a happy smile,

"Ah, Iryna!" Gwen said when she turned around to a patiently waiting Iryna with two larger servants with two-wheel barrows in tow,

"Excuse me," Gwen said as she slipped out,

"Which two sir?" Iryna asked gesturing to the barrels,

"The front two with the red marking on the top," Shawn said kindly,

The two servants behind her went to pull them onto the carts which Shawn helped as they were heavy,

"Thank you both, Please take them to the main hall and wait with them, It won't be too long," Shawn asked them,

"of course! Sir," The two nodded before heading out with the barrels,

Shawn had of course already tested them and was very satisfied after he enhanced them with his magic,

Shawn had prepared some silk robes and cloak with no crest just royal purple, along with beautiful boots and his dark brown runic leather jacket and pants with a Royal purple silk undershirt, his two short katanas at his right side and some a white Crystal lily hair broach in his hands,

It was time to escort Lady Morgana,

The hall was clear except the few servants, Iryna was beside the door, "Iryna, You may have the night off if you like, Here take these," Shawn said handing her a small bag with silver coins,

"T... Thank you, sir!" Iryna said

"Well? Go! have fun for the night!" Shawn said smiling,

Iryna bowed slightly before walking off smiling,

Shawn began heading to Morgana's room, Knocking twice he waited,

The door opened and Gwen smiled,

"Is she ready?" Shawn asked smiling warmly,

"Yes," Morgana answered for her, Walking into view wearing a beautiful red dress,

"You Look, Divine My Lady," Shawn said with a flirtatious smile,

"You clean up nicely yourself," Morgana smiled, closing the distance and fixing his collar,

"Shall we?" She asked,

Shawn held out his arm and Morgana took it swiftly as the walked to the main hall,

when they arrived a servant announced them,

"Presenting the Lady Morgana and Lord Shawn!"

The two walked through and presented themselves before finding their seat next to the King and Arthur,

"Ah, Shawn how wonderful to see you, it seems you have met my Ward Morgana, Beautiful isn't she? The true Jewel of Camelot!"

"The Jewel of Camelot Indeed! Truly Divine in her beauty, Ah, I bought gifts! Sebastian! Rof! Enter" Shawn called,

The two entered barrels in tow,

"Wine and Liquor from the east some of the best I had ever come across if I do say so myself, Infused with Life and Light itself according to the methods passed down in the Wellsbrooke Family, Well known for they're Alcohol, they produce the stuff of legends if I do say so," Shawn said,

"I cannot wait to try it then!" Uther said eagerly,

Shawn nodded to the two and had them place it on the table to the side before setting in the tap and drawing a pitcher of wine and a pitcher of Liquor,

He walked to the king and poured his glass then moved to Arthur then Morgana before motioned for the servants to draw a few pitchers for the rest of the guests,

"The wine is made from the best grapes on the vine in the Mount Etna, and many secret methods to produce the absolute wine, The Royalty among wines, Now that its story has been told try it!" Shawn smiled taking up his own glass and revealing in the taste,

'Damn that System was Right this is quality wine! with the added effects of my magic, This is almost too good to share!' Shawn thought to himself,

"AMAZING! Truly the best! It is as you said this is truly the 'Royalty among wine' as you have said! my goodness, all wine tastes inferior now!" Uther praised,

"I couldn't say it better myself!" Arthur agreed,

"Truly a wine beyond wines!" Morgana said

"I am glad you like it! Shall we have some of the Liquor and enjoy our feast?" Shawn said,

"Yes, Tell us of the Liquor!" Uther asked,

"Ah, The Liquor! Now not much is known of it as most of their processes are kept as a secret however what is known is that it is made from a special strain of blueberry and the Lotus flower along with one other more interesting, It is the Moka berry grown at the top of their mountain which is said to be a poison, Now worry not during the process all the poison is removed and an interesting flavor remains, try it tell me what you think those flavors are," Shawn said before taking his sip,

The rest soon followed,

"Hmm! I'm getting many flavors! that blueberry is evident, along with some strawberry and what is that..." Uther commented,

"Indeed... What is that? it has a very pleasant taste mind you... I just can't place it..." Arthur agreed,

"Is that the 'Ruke' Fruit?" Morgana asked,

"Ah, we have a winner! however the Liquor holds no 'Ruke' fruit within it but the flavors combine to taste much like it, surprised you have had the Ruke fruit before, Lady Morgana... Never did strike me as just a pretty face, Truly an interesting woman!" Shawn said flirting shamelessly,

Blushing She took another sip turning away to face Uther who had a smile like things may go easier to his plan than once thought,

"I dare say its high time we feast!" Shawn said,

"Agreed! Bring out the food!" Uther ordered the servants,

here's a long chappie for you!

Orionwasherecreators' thoughts