
Over turning the Magic mindset

After Morgana Left, Shawn went to meet with Merlin who was apparently being picked up from the dungeons right now,

Shawn went to the Physicians area and waited for him,

Merlin arrived within a few minutes,

"Shawn? good to see you! It seems I met the prince..." Merlin grimaced,

"Yeah... I met him as well and beat his ass! but I challenged him and it was accepted, I heard you just kind of attacked him, hahaha" Shawn laughed

"Look... right now the prince is in a weird place in life, We have a job to do and can't let some small issues prevent that, Remember what we're working for not how much of a pratt he can be..." Shawn said,

Sighing Merlin said, "You right, I guess that is more important... but he is a serious pratt! fine I'll try!"

"Good, Now It seems we have a festival to prepare for!" Shawn smiled,

Shawn helped Merlin out with his standing before leaving,

Shawn headed to his room to change for the festival,

After changing he picked up a book before Iryna knocked at the door,

"Um, The Prince is here for you!" Iryna said shaking,

"Calm down you're fine, Just relax and let him in," Shawn said with a warm smile,

Nodding Iryna smiled and opened the door for Arthur who was waiting patiently waiting outside,

"Shawn! how are you? seems your ready for the festival! I originally wanted to introduce you to my father at the festival however it seems he wants to meet you beforehand, Would you?" Arthur asked,

"Sure no problem!" Shawn agreed,

They quickly left and headed to Uther who was in the throne room,

"Father! This is Shawn the man I was telling you about," Arthur said,

"Ah, Arthur! so this is Shawn? Nice to meet you, Ive heard great things from you! To beat my son so easily as he put it... ha" Uther began to laugh,

"I swear never thought the day would come! and he said it exactly like 'He beat me soo easily!' ah, I am sorry I found that too funny! But you also offered to help teach him?" Uther said with an out of character few lines,

"Indeed, Arthur is definitely very talented, If he wants to further his abilities I'm more than happy to help! But I have a rather serious Issue to talk with you about If you have some time?" Shawn began,

"Yeah, I have a few minutes," Uther said becoming a bit more kingly,

"So first off I'm from the east-" Shawn explained the serious issue with the magic and his credentials and how he found it, Along with his plan to find what was causing it and removing it,

"This... This is very serious, I don't think the practice of magic will be stopped within my lifetime, no matter how much I want it to... I guess we should look into this..." Uther said in serious complementation,

"With your support, I would like to work on that, I have a few ideas on what's causing it so if you will... Entrust this to me as one of the few who can read the energy," Shawn said,

"Father... If this gets done does that mean our hunt for magic will be over?" Arthur asked,

"Perhaps... but even without magic there are those who go to the darker side, Bandits, Murderers, It would be a new kind of Camelot for sure..." Uther said thinking, His views on magic had been turned upside down in one day and plans for the future already being made,

"Actually, I think I have a solution for some of your troubles, If you have people who want to learn then they should register with the kingdom and have the teaching of magic to be controlled by the kingdom in order to avoid the darker magics, And those who don't register could be 'Illegal Sourcerers' In which they would be hunted, you could eventually have Magic Soldiers and healers, Scholars and more all trying to reach new heights bringing in a new era for Camelot, However the teaching of magic should be free in order to reach the larger audience instead of just those who can pay," Shawn said,

"Truly interesting and perhaps amazing if it goes as planned but for now let's find the source of the corruption, Then we can make plans," Uther said in deep thought,

"Agreed, The rest is pointless without the first step," Arthur nodded,

"Indeed, I can get started right after the Festival!" Shawn said,

"Should we still have it?" Arthur asked,

"Of course! we can't stop it we need to remain vigilant until everything is ready, For now, Our War with magic is still important and needs to be continued," Uther explained,

"Indeed! so we have an arrangement?" Shawn asked wanting to confirm,

"Yes, You have my permission to do whatever you need to see this done! but an act like this deserves to be rewarded..." Uther said before slipping into a cunning smile,

"I have one in mind, for now, though don't worry about it and enjoy the festival, Talking with you has been quite enlightening!" Uther said with a rare genuine smile,

"I'm glad to hear it, I look forward to the future of Camelot," Shawn smiled

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