
RE: Black-Light

-A guy has a modified version of the Blacklight virus, watch him on his journey on becoming the strongest being alive. -Picture belongs to me, via A.I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING!!!: Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, all characters twisted a little are due to my creative uses...

PettiaMius_6689 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

CHP 10: Time-Skip...

(Starting this one off with a Massive Time-skip, I don't want to waste time with Lookism, as it's practically a fodder verse... This chapter will be utilizing a more detailed way of writing as well as being longer, enjoy I guess...)




~ 3 Months Later, in the Seoul's Scrap-Yard ~




Three men stood in a tense standoff, their imposing figures casting long shadows across the dimly lit area filled with busted, or broken down cars, and other appliances...

Two of them shared a height of around 6'3, their distinct appearances hinting at contrasting personalities. The first, donned in an all dark suit, with neatly combed back hair, he wore a large smile that seemed to conceal a deeper layer of his confidence, and excitement...

The second, dressed casually in a white fitted shirt and blue jeans, showcased a small, subtle smile, his dark, lengthy hair reaching just below the nape of his neck, framing his features.

In stark contrast, the third man stood at 6'4 being the tallest, his dark straight hair cascading just above his mid-back. His dark red eyes and streamlined features, combined with a small smirk, made him have an air of cockiness...

The silence between them all hung thick, with unspoken tension.

Nearby, a piece of scrap carelessly fell, triggering a sudden explosive sound as soon as it made contact with the ground...





The unexpected noise shattered the stillness, and like a trigger, all three of them charged towards each other with lightning speeds. The one in the dark suit, agile and powerful, dashed towards the tallest of the trio...

In mid-air, he prepared to unleash a powerful kick, but the towering figure blocked it effortlessly with his left hand, a mocking smile quickly forming on his lips...

"Going for me this early?" Jacob taunted, now revealed to be 6'4 with a lean yet perfectly balanced musculature that complemented his frame. He held his ground, almost completely unfazed by the attack.

The one in the dark suit responded with a smirk, "Of course, you're the most entertaining one here!" This, was Gun, his confidence evident in both his words and calm demeanor. However, as the banter unfolded, the third man seized his opportunity, launching a surprise attack aimed at Gun's exposed flank.

'Damn it!' Gun thought, realizing the danger if that last kick were to actually land. Reacting swiftly, he utilized Jacob's left arm as leverage, pivoting himself with twist to intercept the strike that was initially targeting his vital part...

Gun's maneuver successfully thwarted Daniel's surprise attack, leaving him impressed. Jacob, maintaining his composed stance, raised an eyebrow at Daniel's attack.

"Damn... I was hoping I could get you with that one."

He smiled, this was Daniel, no longer timid, small bullied kid as he used to be, but rather, someone who had developed confidence. Daniel stood tall, now also 6'3 with lean muscles as well...

Gun laughed, and landed, acknowledging the near-miss with a nod. "Nice try, you little shit. But, you've got to be quicker than that." he teased, the air was practically laced with competitive energy.

The trio remained locked in a silent exchange, each assessing the others' strengths and weaknesses, if an outsider were to view them now, they would realize the yard pulsating with the anticipation of an impending clash.

Jacob took his time to access his current situation, '...Daniel and Gun will both be aiming for me... Since I'm the strongest here, individually...' After months of grueling training, he had finally reached the pinnacle of his own stats, with only his strength still having massive room to grow.

Everything else, him and Daniel, were dead equals... At least, raw stat wise. Abilities, not so much.

'Though, Gun and Daniel still have me edged out in their experience with U.I... I'm not that far behind in that aspect... Still, today, is the day I beat them both.' He lowered his stance slightly, crossing his hands in front of his face...

"C.Q.C? You sly fucker..." Gun remarked, a smirk dancing on his lips. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, he swiftly discarded his suit. As much of a battle junkie as he was, he refused to underestimate the danger of Close Quarters Combat in the hands of someone like Jacob.

In response, Gun assumed his own combat stance, fully prepared for their little clash.

'Huh? Leth-Wei?' Daniel recognized, as he did so, he began sweating slightly, knowing it was quite a deadly way of fighting, but he could understand why Gun was going to use it...

However, Daniel had his own trump-card. He slowly closed his eyes, he inhaled and exhaled... After a few moments, he opened them, his eyes resembling that of Gun's. Feeling the sudden shift in the atmosphere, Jacob turned around. Seeing that Daniel was using, that...

'Fuck...' Jacob smiled unsurely to himself.

Daniel's smile had vanished completely. Even Gun himself wouldn't dare to underestimate Daniel in this state. He did once, and regrets it, dearly...

'This might be, more challenging than I thought...' Jacob looked to see both automatically coming towards him, slowly but surely. 'Because of U.I, their sense of danger is drawing them towards the strongest opponent, and that's unfortunately me...'

Undeterred, Jacob subtly widened his stance, preparing for the clash with both at once that seemed inevitable at this point. He took a quick look at the scrap yard with its discarded materials, he smiled, having his own idea in mind...

Without warning, all three men surged forward, their movements a blur of calculated strikes and defensive maneuvers. Daniel, with the borrowed intensity of U.I, executed swift and unpredictable movements, keeping Jacob on his toes.

However, as good as he was, Jacob still had his limits.

Gun, now serious unleashed a barrage of well-timed strikes, showcasing the expertise that came with years of combat experience. While in tandems with Daniel's own attacks.

"Shit!" Jacob felt the pressure of both attacking him at once, Daniel annoyingly kept using multiple different martial he learned over his training period, and being a master of all of them. He was easily the most troublesome of the two...

"You forgot me!!" Jacob heard, seeing Gun at his left side with a crazy smile on his face, throwing a punch. Knowing it would be unavoidable at this rate, he tensed his his muscles.

Gun clenched his fists tighter, "GOTCHA'!!!!!!!" Gun shouted.


Jacob flew across the scrap yard, flying into multiple nearby scrapped cars at almost blinding speeds. Causing some other vehicles and metal to fall on him...

Daniel looked to his left, "Couldn't you have taken it a bit easy?" asking the Yakuza. 

Gun scoffed, "With a bastard like him? Not a chance, I actually felt a bit of pain when I hit the fucker..." He added, shaking his hand a bit. Daniel had to acknowledge that last part. Jacob was a freak of nature when it came to taking hits, and even more so when he dished them back...






Both heard metallic sounds from afar, seeing that Jacob had likely recovered... A second later, they both saw a hand grabbing the vehicle, casually throwing it to the right, as if it were a piece of paper...

Crawling from the rubble with a bleeding head, and a wide smile was Jacob, "Didn't think I was out for the count, did ya'?" He asked, casually walking out of the scrap heap, rubbing his neck...

Jacob looked ahead, 'Change of plans, I'm pulling that out...'

Gun looked to Daniel with his face twisting into excitement, "HA! See what I mean? The guy's a fucking tank for all I know. And that's what makes him, fun!"

Gun rushed ahead, leaving Daniel behind Jacob not wanting to delay this any longer, closed his eyes as well, Gun visibly confused only came closer.

Being two feat away, he saw Jacob's aura shift considerably. Recognizing the feeling, Gun began sweating...




'This bitch... Didn't he say he couldn't use thi-

As if time slowed to a crawl, Jacob dodged the punch with ease, landing his own counter, knocking Gun out, instantly. Causing a relatively large crater to be formed underneath his body as a result of the hit...

Daniel looked from afar surprised at what happened... 'He knocked out Gun in a single hit?' Knowing what that was, "You, had this...? How long?" Daniel asked. 

However Jacob hadn't said a single word, only walking closer.

'Damn it...He's changed. My body... It's telling me to run...' This was the first time in this state that Daniel's body was actively warning him to get as far away as possible. He couldn't spot an ounce of weakness from Jacob. It was like Jacob was nigh untouchable.

A wall he simply couldn't climb...

Daniel on the other hand, was backing up instinctively as his friend got closer... 'Still, I'm not backing down from the challenge...' Daniel walked closer, assessing Jacob. He realized instantly that his friend felt odd. His control of this state might be worse than his.

'He might not be fully in control...' Having sufficient experience with the form, Daniel charged Jacob. Not utilizing all of his strength, he decided to test his theory. As he did so, Jacob charged forward as well.

Instantly, both clashed, using taekwondo while countering with the same types of kick and punches. Realizing this, quickly, Daniel used boxing instead, Jacob followed suit, both throwing multiple blows at one another.




As they weaved past one another with movements that seemed almost unnatural in their efficiency, both Daniel and Jacob missed their marks, destroying whatever materials that their fists came into contact with...

Daniel having enough, decided to utilize more of his power. He changed his martial art's, using Kyokushin-karate. Throwing the first punch with his max speed and power, actually managing to hit Jacob...

'It worked!' Having realized that Jacob had the early stage of U.I, he managed hit him. However, he knew that Jacob wouldn't fall for this twice...

So he began, using hard kicks, hard punches, launching his friend around the yard as if he was a piece of cloth, following up, he decided to jump into the air to gain momentum for his last attack, a falcon-heel kick.


Daniel fell, already in position, with Jacob lying sunken into a car. Almost as if he's dazed...






in the swirling dust, Daniel's eyes darted downward, searching for any sign that his attack had found its mark...


A sudden, guttural sound escaped Daniel as an unexpected force seized his leg. The smoke, now dissipating: Daniel's foot, firmly planted in the sand, served as an anchor, while Jacob's head had leaned to the left.

'He, dodged that?' Daniel thought, however when he tried to move his leg, it wouldn't budge an inch at all. He knew Jacob was very strong, but to think he couldn't even move was ludicrous.

'Shit!' Daniel thought.

Instantly, Jacob easily lifted him off the ground. Being held in the air, Jacob gripped his leg tightly. Knowing what was going to come Daniel cursed, flexing his muscles to take the blunt of what's to come...

In kind, Jacob slammed Daniel into an old scrapped car, denting it greatly. Daniel felt the impact, but still couldn't mitigate all the force.

'Cr-Crap...' Daniel felt his brain rattled from the slam...

His vision blurry, he couldn't even maintain his focus. He saw Jaco inching closer and closer, but his body refused to actually move the way he wanted to...

'Damn... At least, I trie-'

Jacob punched him in the face, slamming him into the floor. Knocking him out as well...









Moments Later, Daniel finally had woken up, his head felt as if it had been split in into two. A bit annoyed at the pain, he then looked around, seeing both Jacob and gun playing, cards...

'I guess, he beat both of us...' Daniel sighed and admitted, rubbing the back of his head. Not upset, but actually amazed that his friend had gotten this strong.

Jacob, playing cards, saw that Daniel was finally up.

"Looks like you're awake, how was your nap?" Jacob smirked, emphasizing the nap part. Daniel looked annoyed at the comment. But brushed it off...

"Yeah! Yeah! You won, happy?" Daniel added.

Jacob nodded, "Of course I am, I was aiming to finally beat you both, and it happened, but just barely though." He chided. Having accomplished his goal, he had finally done it.

'I'm finally at the pinnacle of this universe...' He clenched his fists. Gun on the other hand, didn't say a thing, but had a small smile on his face while he smoked his cigar...

"Well, since your alright, I'm gonna go get us some drinks, give me a sec..." Jacob hopped off the tower of machinery they were playing cards on.

"Wait, could you get me a snack too? I'm starving." Daniel asked, Jacob nodded, not seeing an issue with the request.

Having left the Scrap yard, Jacob reminisced on his months in this place, even thought it took him a while to become strong, it was still fun...

'Status...' He called mentally...


Name: Jacob Mercer

Age: 18 Years old

Life-span: 478 Years old

Height: 6'4

Weight: 134kg

Energy: Nil~

Talent Value: B+

Str: 49.68 Tons/800 Tons 

Spd: Mach 28/Mach 28 [LIMIT REACHED]

Mov-Spd: 375mph /375mph [LIMIT REACHED]

End: 185/185 [LIMIT REACHED]

Sta: ∞


Int: 7.1/8 





'Not bad...' Jacob continued his stroll, having gotten multiple abilities from absorbing animals that could over the months he was here, and gaining martial arts experience. He could surely call himself strong.

'It's been a while since I've had those 'limit reached' indicators beside my stats...' He sighed.




'It's time...'


Recognizing the voice, Jacob looked around the area, seeing no one... 'Am I, going crazy?' He mumbled mentally... 

'You aren't', He heard the voice again, confirming he wasn't. When he looked around again he had realized that the trees that blew in the wind had suddenly, stopped.

Being curious, he stopped as well...

'The voice... Are you here?' Jacob asked in his mind.





'A pity... It was fun messing with you like that... But yes, it's me...'

'... Seeing that you're here means I achieved it?' Jacob assumed. 

'Yes, You have... And I've seen that you've gotten quite strong already as well, but enough of the chit-chat, it's time for you're next adventure.' The voice hinted. Not wanting to waste time...

Immediately, A wheel pooped up out of nothing in front of Jacob.

"What is this? Why is there a wheel here?" He asked, but talking a closer look, he realized that it had fictional universes that he knew of, such as; Resident Evil, Tokyo-Ghoul, Star-wars and much, much more...

'Well, I did say that I would allow you to choose a superior universe, however, I didn't say how it would be done...' The voice chuckled to itself.

"Ok, ok... Really?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, now spin the wheel, or be stuck in the void for eternity." The voice said cheerfully. 

Not having much of a choice, Jacob reluctantly spun the wheel... He saw it pass on resident evil, which is a decent universe to get powers from, however for him, it's limits would be low, and he deemed it too easy, for his abilities.

Many more were passed, but the wheel started to slow down...





'Hmm?... Not bad... You've landed yourself in quite a potent universe to kick things off..."

"Really? Fricking NARUTO!!? Out of all the fascinating options at my disposal, I end up with Naruto? Oh, man..." Jacob's sigh echoed with a blend of resignation and subtle disappointment. While undeniably powerful, the Naruto universe carried the weight of potential dangers – from individuals adept at ensnaring people's minds in genjustsu for an eternity, to those with a penchant for experimentation and mind-reading...

The very last bit, could be taken with a grain of salt... But one should get the point.

"Umm... Is there any chance for a re-spin?" Jacob ventured to ask, a flicker of hope in his eyes...

'Haha... No! I'll, see you in a bit.. But first, I'll do you a favor of allowing you to have omni-linguicism, for your future endeavors too, little soul...'

And, as easily as his hope came, it was swiftly crushed, like a child's dreams when they heard Santa wasn't real...

Disappointed by the news, he asked, "Don't tell me we start now..."

'Fortunately for you, no...' The voice answered. 

"Thank, goodness..." Jacob felt his mind be at ease, he needed time to think about what he needed to do.

"I'll need some more time to formulate any strategies... My knowledge of Naruto is, at best, sub-par, and if I'm not careful, I might find myself speed-blitzed by a chuunin and incinerated before I can even blink," Jacob hastily concluded, with hints of urgency coloring his words...

However, before he could delve further into his plans, the voice interjected, "Well, time's up. I'll catch up with you after you've become the strongest."

Caught off guard, Jacob's confusion came in a swift response, "Wait, wha-"










Story will take a turn here, so sorry if this sounds rushed a bit, but lookism was a prep universe for this verse, naruto. Story will be written differently, and you'll see...

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts