
We are steady

The sound of an alarm went on. After listening that soft ringing a few times, half-asleep Jaxen moves his body and rolls over on still sleeping Kazuro, searching his lips.

Feeling someone kissing him, Kaz eventually wakes up to answer that sweet kissing. When he was about to move his hands around Jaxen, older guy speaks. "Are you awake?" Kaz hums for answer.

Jaxen rolls back and moves his leg to gently push the younger guy out from the bed. Kaz finds himself sitting on the floor, moving his tired look toward the other guy still lying on the bed.

"Daamn.. that was a dirty trick," Kaz yawns and finally gets himself up, takes his phone and silences the alarm. Yeah, he needs to go to school. Alone. Jaxen was still suspended so he wasn't planning to move a muscle if not needed. It was way too early.

Kaz was being very silent with his morning routines. So quiet Jaxen really fall back to sleep. And soon, Kaz was all ready to leave. After wearing his shoes, he leans down to take his bag on his shoulder. When he was just about to open the door and make his leave, he could spot Jaxen walking toward him from the living area, yawning.

"Open your phone and give it to me," older guy just says and was already reaching his hand. Looking quite half asleep still. Without resist, younger immediately hands his opened phone to Jaxen, who fastly goes to the contacts and adds his own number in. "To not have your lovers number..," Jaxen states tiredly. "Are we both idiots, to forget such an important thing.."

"Lover?" Kaz smirks. But damn, hearing that word used kind of made him feel shy here. He couldn't but wear his wide smile.

"I like it more than the word 'boyfriend'. Ten years from now we are not boys anymore. Get used to it," Jaxen gives the phone back after fastly calling to his own phone, to get Kazs number save.

"You will have me ten years? Sounds like a plan. I'm in."

"I have a feeling I might keep you the rest of my life," older clears proudly, leaning his hand on the wall he kisses the other. When they sever their lips, Jaxen smirks when he sees Kaz blushing. It was dark, but he definitely saw that. "You come back here after school, okay? I'm at work by then, but.. Be here when I come back."

Kaz hums. Damn, this guy should flirt like this to him more. Kaz definitely felt his heart skip the beat just now.

"Study hard. See you later," Jaxen turns around then, waves and heads back to sleep.

- - - -

It felt like it's been ages Kaz last time sit in the classroom, waiting their class to start. Honestly, that weekend had taken him very far from his usual routines. Changed his splitted mood very radically. To better of course.

Normally he felt generally happy to be in school, since it was the place to be social, meet his classmates. Peoples mood here keep his own mood light. Studying too. It has always been something he has been good to focus. He was an easy learner. So when their home teacher, who happens to be a math teacher, drop the bomb of a random test, Kaz was one of those who didn't give a shocked reaction. It was just a test.

But this morning he felt very restless. School was important, yes. But right now he would have rather went back to Jaxens place, be with Jaxen. His head was overflowing. Making his head just full of that guy. And that was kind of annoying since he couldn't do anything about it right now. Even the girls from his class who usually kept him company during the breaks couldn't distract him. So he went half of the day his head on the clouds. And that Daren has definitely noticed.

"You listening?"

"No..," was all Kaz answer. As usually, he was using his phone to read their latest homework pages, doing his homeworks right away. That was his hobby. Study when killing time.

"You think one weekend could change her mood like that.."

"Ha?" now Kaz actually raises his head to look at Daren who was sitting at the desk in front of him, eyes on the group of laughing girls, on the other side of the classroom. Right, Kazuro had already forget the drama in here.

"Alishia. I asked her did she talk with Carlos, but she ignored me," Daren continues when he finally could have his friends attention. "I heard from the girls she came out. It was all lie she told us last week. That they are now laughing together over there when they just mocked her yesterday.. Girls are pure evil.."

Alishia always gave out this airhead appearance, which was very normal to her. Like, in order to blend in, she chose to act like that. And that gave her a good reason pretend nothing ever happened lastb week. Everything was in the past. Look, she is cute and innocent. Who could be mad at her long.

What a faker. Kaz sighs. Yeah, that's how Jaxen saw him first too, right? That smile could hide pretty much anything under it. Deep down. But at least his fake smile doesn't hurt anyone like that girls actions did. And he could, kind of, totally, understand now why Jaxen had doubt him like that before. Thinking he was just playing with him. If he constantly just shows his fake smile, non can know what is under there. Can't know what the other is really thinking. Jaxen himself was so strong minded he doesn't need to fake his actions. He was just being himself. So Kaz was like Alishia. Hiding parts of him from the others. She wasn't probably that bad of a person in the end. But just hiding. Everyone have their own reasons.

"Maybe she will learn to accept herself eventually," Kaz then suddenly speaks out and gets back to look at his phone. "That there is not always need to fake you are feeling fine. Not everyone are seeking just good sides from you.."

Daren couldn't believe his friends sudden statement, speaking like an old wise man. "Where did that came from..?"

Kaz ignores him. "But isn't Carlos just his normal self? They probably did talk."

"Don't know. I think he is acting too normal.."

When Carlos comes back from the restroom, he indeed looked way too carefree while inviting his friends to go to the mall after school.

"The mall?" Daren repeats.

"Yeah. Let's go have some bro time in the gaming hall" Carlos smiles widely. Like having no care in the world. "If we drag Kaz with us, girls will surely follow too!"

'Damn, they really broke up..,' was what both Kaz and Daren realize that very second.

Daren shakes his head once. "I'm out. I have work." Plus he doesn't want to force himself to deal with this. He definitely wanted to feel supportive after his friends realtionship ended, but Carlos was extremely fast to recover, so the mall thing was just to see more girls. Literally. This was a band aid relationship thing.

"I'm out. 'Cause I don't want," Kaz notifys.

"What? You never refuse to go! Whatta hell?" Carlos wows unbelieving.

"It's a punishment. From the threat," young man tsihs back, glancing the other angrily. Not long ago Carlos dared to make a threat, to beat up Jaxen. That was unforgivable! ..Even when it also helped Kaz see that god damn cool side from Jaxen the second time so it was actually kind of useful thing to happen.. But still. "No, I'm halfly mad and halfly grateful to you! But I have to choose to be mad at you more. I'm not going," Kaz clears out loud, leaving the ones listening to him very confusedly, wondering what was going on.

"You got a sunstroke or something..?"

- - - -

"You sure you are not going?" Carlos asks once again, trying to make Kaz change his mind about going to the mall. Their school schedules for the day were over and they were heading out of the school building. Daren needed to rush ahead of them earlier since he really was going to his workplace.

"Yeah, I have some errands to run," Kaz says, searching his keys from his pocket. He was determinedly heading toward the park to get his motorcycle. Now that the school was over, he was eager to go and find the things Luna has asked him to bring with him. The plan was to cook their dinner while Jaxen was working and before Luna would leave to her own job.

"Ha? Wait? Errands?" Carlos was even more confused, since Kaz didn't feel like a person who would do errands to others. Not even to his parents. What he has learnt during this four month they have been classmates, Kaz was always willing to meet new people and have his fun around while partying and drinking. More than once Kaz has been on hangover at school. And from the look of his belongings, this kid was from the rich family. Probably quite spoiled too. So having someone like him doing errands was unheard-of. "What, did your parents finally but you on work?"

Kaz has got next to his bike, which was on the closest spot from the school building. Carlos was walking to the same direction, so naturally he walked with him. When Kaz wears his helmet and gets on his bike, he finally turns his look toward Carlos. "Something like that. I have a lady waiting for me. Can't be late. See you," he fastly states while smiling, pushs the rest off and turns on his bike, immediately driving away.

- - - -

"Thank you! You brought this many? You found even a winter seasoning?? Was it hard to find?" Luna shows his grateful smile when she searchs inside the bag Kaz brought with him. Because Luna now knew Kaz lives close to the inner city and the chocolates she received yesterday were incredible good, she beg him to bring some more. You couldn't find this kind of items just from anywhere. You needed to know the places.

Without accepting her money, Kaz insist he would bring some as gifts and even add a little extra. It was not a problem. The least he could do to somehow pay back his gratitude. What he didn't dare to mention in any point was how much those season items actually cost. And that was because of Jaxens reaction earlier. Yesterday, when Jaxen saw the actual prizes while Kaz was eyeing them, he immediately told Kaz to leave them be. That amount of money exchange for a chocolate was insane. So instead they bought something else, which Luna loved anyway.

Kaz was already mentally prepared to get a yell from Jaxen when guy will learn what Kaz brought to his mother this time. What ever the punish would be, he will take it with pleasure. That guy looked damn hot when he was mad, so he just couldn't help himself. There was no real harm.

"No," was Kazs simple answer. He lifts the other bag on the island. "And here are what you asked for the meal. Let me change and I will help too."

Luna couldn't help adoring how politely Kazuro always act. This was probably because of the background of his family. That handsome smile could melt down even her sons sometimes cold attitude. After following the young guys gestures while they were proceeding in the cooking, she could easily say they were very smooth and elegant.

"I noticed you are actually quite good of cutting and slicing," Luna points out. "You have experience of cooking, I can tell."

"Ah, yeah, I used to cook for myself," Kaz admits smiling, actually realizing he really did hold back when he was talking about himself. Hiding anything from how he live or what kind of relationship he has with his family has became so norm to him by now that it was just instinctive to avoid the subject. Even with Luna. "But now I just eat out all the time. The lasagna yesterday was the best one ever. I should have come in earlier to learn how you prepared it," he adds smiling with his flirty smirk.

"Hah, now you are just flattering me!" Luna laughs. "Aren't you speaking too politely to me? Relax a little."

"I am?"

"You are. You speak more adultly than I.."

Kaz hums and turns his look away smiling. "But how I could not speak politely, while cooking with such a beautiful lady," he smirks. "And I think I get points from him if you will like me even more. Please, let him know how well-mannered I am."

"Oh, stop that!" Luna couldn't help get excited from Kazs act. This youngster was so boldly flirty. "It's that handsome smirk and your flirty way to talk how you got his attention too. You are the first date he ever brought in here."

"Ha? Really?" Kaz looks Luna while wearing this ingredible happy looking smile.

Luna tsihs smiling. "I was going to ask this sooner or later so you don't mind if I just drop it. What exactly made you get interested of him? Was it because he saved you? Or because he is handsome too?"

Kaz moves his eyes again toward what he was doing, thinking a little. "No, that's not it," he says quietly, looking actually quite shy all of a sudden. That image Luna couldn't unsee. Kaz looked so cute right now, as always when he was talking about Jaxen. "Actually, I think it was when he pop up in our classroom and gave a lecture to one girl who was spreading rumors about her ex boyfriend."

"Hah, that ex is Milo. He's Jaxens friend," Luna knows to tell. "That was the thing why he got suspended. What a stupid reason! He was right doing so!"

Kaz hums laughing. "Yeah, I agree. But his entrance was quite cool, to be honest. The way he stood for his friend.. Just after, I heard his name and I thought this has to be the same guy who picked me up back then. You had the same last name. I thought, since I finally figured out who he was, I should thank him when I have a change. I ran into him later. Something just.. clicked in me. And.. I guess that was it. I didn't hesitate to ask him out. He was.. The way he.."

Thinking this must be the cutest story ever, Luna shows this gently smile while listening this young man talking about Jaxen like that. Now, that was a proper 'love at first sight' -moment. Sounding so cute and innocent.

When Kaz realized he must have speak out too much just now, he fastly straightens his back and keeps peeling. "Yeah! That's.. about it.."

Luna could definitely feel this warm in her when she looked at this slightly blushing young man next to her. No doubt, this guy wasn't a player, playing his games and then walking away after having enough. No, this young man was in love. "You were serious when you said you would become a househusband?" Luna teases then, poking her shoulder toward the others. "And learn to cook properly?"

Kaz doesn't dare to look at her but he does answer. "Halfly, yeah. But now.. Now it might actually be useful. Be able to cook even better," he smiles. "I know I'm no good at any way, but.. I really would like to make him happy. Since he makes me.. very happy.. just letting me be with him.. so.. I want to learn more."

Oh god, Luna couldn't take this sweetness. If she wasn't careful she might show some tears now. Has she ever heard anyone ever talk that lovely about someone while showing the face he really meant every single word from the bottom of his heart..

So instead of saying more, Luna just sighs and shows the most approving smile. Her son has found someone very special.

- - - -

"Welcome back!" Luna rushs to greet Jaxen when she could hear someone opening the door. "How was your day? They really moved?"

"Yeah, instead of selling meals we ended up packing things up and unpacking 'em in the new location," Jaxen sighs while he walks in, immediately spotting Kaz leaning his hands on the island, looking back. Their eyes met. And there comes the warm wave through Jaxens body.. Yeah, crushing this hard was indeed bad for his heart.

He wanted his touch. Walking straight toward Kaz, Jaxen takes the same pose as the other, eyes locked on Kazs eyes. One gently touch with his fingers on Kazs arm was enough to satisfy him for now. "Hi," was all he says before moving his eyes to his mother who was standing on the other side of the island.

Kaz was smiling, couldn't drop his gaze.

"Is it far?" Luna asks, keeping the conversation on, ignoring boys silent flirting between them.

"It is. They gave me a big bonus since I had to quit," Jaxen reports and turns again to look at Kaz next to him. "But I got free meal tickets. We will eat there tomorrow."

Kaz just hums. He was in his happy mode right now. Eyeing his lover intently like he hasn't seen him ages. And Jaxen definitely saw that. But tried to ignore it. Damn, that was tempting..

"Okay, I called Hanna earlier so we will meet up soon. I will head straight to work from there. So the place is all yours," Luna states then, reaching his already packed bag. "I know when I'm being a third wheel."

"How thoughtful," Jaxen just says with a flat voice, keeping his eyes on her when she starts to head toward the exit.

"The dinner is in the fridge, help yourself up," she adds while waving her hand. "Don't stay awake too late. Bye!"

Both Jaxen and Kaz wave to her when she shows the last look toward them. Then she leaves.

The moment the door closes, Jaxen turns his eyes back on Kaz. "About time," he says, grabs Kazs arm and moves the guy back against the island, pushing himself against him. Then he suddenly slows his movements and leans his face closer, eyes passionately looking at the other. "You don't mind if we start with this? I've been waiting the whole day.."

Kaz tsihs smiling and meets with Jaxens lips. Like he would ever refuse. He also had patiently waited. "Definitely not," he whispers during the kissing which was about to get more faster and randy.

- - - -

"Are you planning to go back tomorrow?" Jaxen asks while his fingers were moving around Kazs hair. They were lying on the couch, watching some random movie which was going in the channel. Or more or less watching. Kaz was tiredly eyeing the guy next to him, while Jaxen lets his fingers move around the youngers shirtless upper body. "To your place?"

"I'm not going if you don't want me to go," Kaz just clears. He would rather stay where Jaxen was.

Jaxen looks toward his eyes. "Then, after school, lets meet out at your place. And go on a date. Around the city. Use the meal tickets.. Then sleep at your place. At least there it's just you and me."

Growing quite happy after hearing Jaxens suggestion Kaz couldn't do but show a shy smile out. He tried to not show it too much out, how excited he really felt. "Sure. Let's do that," he agrees. "And.. I think I really need to get back. I have to wash my clothes anyway."

"No, you can leave your clothes here. I will wash 'em," Jaxen rushly suggests. "Wear some mine tomorrow. It's handy have clothes both here and there. Think this place as your other home, you know. You can bring stuff. I don't mind. Mom doesn't mind."

Kaz hums. Feeling quite taken. Even a little more shy. Who would have knew he had such feelings in when he usually was very confident. "Can I buy things here?"

"Small things!" older states, with very authoritative voice. "No expensive things. I have learnt already, you have no understanding of normal values when you can just go and buy anything. I see you trying to spoil me, I will kick you."

"Then I think I will work hard and get used to kicking. I'm not planning not to spoil you..," Kaz clicks his tongue smirking, now actually turning his look toward the TV. This was something he would never back off from.

Jaxen sighs out. "Please keep it minimum then. Don't turn me too proud and spoiled.."

- - - -

The sound of a door opening is what woke Jaxen up. He opens his eyes and moves his hand a little, feeling Kazuro lying halfly on him. They had fallen asleep during the movie, sleeping on the couch. After yawning, Jaxen turns to look at the clock on the wall.

"Good morning. Kazuro is still here?" Luna speaks quietly when she walks in the kitchen and living area, smiling after seeing them on the couch. "It's almost nine.."

"Oh, shit," Jaxen sighs and pets Kazs hair, trying to get his attention. "Kazuro. You are late.. Wake up.."

But the younger chooses just to mumble back, before actually waking up. "Nine?" he calmly asks. "Then a few minutes more is fine. I can't make it to the second class anyway.." Ha takes even stronger hold on Jaxens shirt.

"You forgot to set the alarm?" Luna teases, now speaking with a normal volume.

"Come on, you will get in trouble," Jaxen gently hits the youngers back nonstop, trying to make him move and get up. But Kaz doesn't move. Another sigh could be heard. "Brat, get up. Or you can forget our plans.."

Kaz tsihs and finally moves enough to push himself up to sit, eyes still closed. "Yeah, right. You would beg me to go later," speaking surely, he shows his smile and stands up, clearing that blackmailing doesn't work. He nods toward Luna as a greet when he could open his eyes while heading toward the restroom. "Good morning.."

"Morning," she smiles and puts her bag on the table, moving to look at her son who has get to sit up by now. "Plans? You are going on a date?"

Jaxen hums for answer, trying to wake himself up. His body felt still quite stiff. "Since I'm not working today.."

A whole day after school just the two of them. It's been only a few days, but it felt already like they have been together longer. They have became so naturally part of each others routines while they were spending every possible moment together outside of work and school.

To be able to spend time outside this place sound even better to Jaxen. He wanted to learn more about Kazuro. In every way possible.

Since Jaxen quite couldn't get enough of Kaz now when he could state this handsome guy really was his.