

A motorcycle curves to the parking lot next to the school buildings. Kaz drives his bike on his usual spot, holding his leg down to keep their balance, shutting off the running motor. He waits his passenger to jump off before pulling the rest on.

After Kaz take his helmet away and puts it hang from the handlebar, he turns to look at the guy standing next to him. Jaxen takes his own helmet off, finding Kazs eyes after doing so. The usual smile on young mans face was as handsome as ever. The school building on the background made it look even better.

Last time Jaxen saw this guy in school was the very same day when Jaxen got suspended and Kaz drop the bomb and asked the older out. Neither of them would have believed a week ago they were now driving to school together today. Olders suspend time was now officially over. It was Friday morning already.

The last days this duo have spend their time together as much as possible. They met every day after Kazs school, either in his place or Jaxens. Because Kaz insist, he gave Jaxon a ride to work and back, every day. Still, this moment, together now here, kind of connect all together. How differently Jaxen think about this player then and now.. Well, that handsome face was still the same. Here he just has used to see it from the distance. By now Jaxen has to admit Kaz was actually pretty honest and naive, far from being a real player. It was that face and his polite way to speak what was so outstanding and misleading. Making him look more self-confident than young guy actually was, deep in.

When they arrived in the entrance area, Ted immediately spots his friend and calls out him. "Wow! Jake! Finally back!"

Milo too, who was just searching something from his locker, turns to look at Jaxen. "Jake! I was so sure you were gonna skip the day."

"Why? Wouldn't I be in more troubles then..," Jaxen tsihs and stops his steps next to his friends who both were standing in front of the lockers. Suddenly he could feel this gently brush through the back of his hair.

"I will see you later," Kaz says when he was already walking away, raising his hand to wave. He wasn't so sure was it okay to be so stick with Jaxen here in school, so before he would get too excited or something, Kaz plan to head straight to his class. They were here to study, not play around.

"Ah, yeah. See you," older says quietly, trying to get over the warm feeling inside him what Kazs sudden small gesture cause, eyes intently following his leave.

"Wasn't that Kaz Hallen just now?" Ted wonders while also staring the young man, who didn't get that far when a group of girls already surround him to greet him with smiles, asking loudly how he was and what classes he has today. "That popular guy from the second grades?"

"He was," Milo answers before Jaxen had a change. He turns his surprised and asking look to Jaxen. But Jaxen was still staring Kaz walking away with those girls, ignoring him. "What, you are now friends with that masochist?"

"Masochist?" Jaxen couldn't help but smile a little. That was kind of suitable. Not literally, but.. Kaz was indeed fast to follow what ever he says. So cute and obedient.

"Isn't he more like a sadist, that player. Some girls in our home economics class talk about him all the time. I heard he came in school a few days ago in the middle of the day, 'cause he was hangovered," Ted keeps sharing. "If you plan to skip school, why bother to come after missing half of the day.. Talk about fishing attention."

"People really make up things like that?" now Jaxen was the one wondering out loud. The reason why Kaz was late was because they overslept, without an alarm.

"Well, aren't all popular ones like that? On the spotlight of rumours," Ted keeps. "Oh, by the way, did you hear. Alishia admit she was lying." He points toward Milo who closes his locker and starts to walk, two other guy behind him.

"She did?"

Milo was looking now annoyed. After hearing her name when he has tried to erase it from his life. "Turn out that Carlos found out the truth and they broke up. The rumors about me stop but.. But she keeps going again, pretending she hasn't done a thing. Just because she is cute, everyone choose to forget it all."

"Like I said. When you are popular, you can do anything and people just accept it," Ted points out.

"I can't do anything..," Jaxen tsihs. "I got suspended."

"Oh, I forgot we have one Mr popular here," Milo smirks. "Terminator!"

And when the day move on, after the first three classes were behind, the main break time was here. During breaks earlier, indeed, now that Jaxen really paid attention, students around him were fast to speak about people who they count as 'popular', for better or worse. Was Jaxen walking in a hallway changing classes or simple sitting inside his classroom, people were talking about their school idols. He probably hasn't been so interested before, since he clearly didn't realize how much people talk. And Jaxen himself was one of the topics, was one of those who girls actually follow and talk about. Mainly because he was nice and easy to talk with, albeit his frightening alter ego what he was said to have.

When Jaxen was in his first year, people were more jazzed up. But nowaday less people bothered him anymore. Now he was known as a good looking guy who had to give up football because of an injure. The guy who ignored a broken bone and stayed to cheer other members until he was finally forced to hospital. That might be one of the reasons why he has a nickname being the Devil, one you didn't wanna mess with. What nonsense, but tolerable.

So people with more fascinating image were on top of the popularity list now. And no doubt Kazuro was one of them. What Jaxen hasn't realized. Since he wasn't interested before. Now he was starting to be. Very interested.

Jaxen didn't even need to ask anyone. He could hear all kind of rumors just by listening. And damn, there were a lot of them. According the rumours Kaz was a handsome rich playboy, who doesn't hesitate to go out and drink when someone asks. He was one of the fews driving a motorcycle. Having multiple girls at the same time. Someone even mentioned he has a girl for every weekday.

"Girl for every weekday, ha?" Jaxen sighs and drinks from his soda. He was staring out the window, sitting on the inset window board, one leg on the desk next to him and one hanging down. The school day was almost over already and they haven't seen with Kaz but only fastly from afar. After hearing all the rumours and not seeing the very guy at all during the day made Jaxen feel pretty annoyed. Because while he constantly heard about him, he couldn't see him. Sophomores were mostly in the other building at the end of the week, when they have classes out of the general education classes, like supplemental courses.

"You don't believe it?" Milo was sitting at the desk, browsing in some news side, reading new posters. He was very into news and reports, as a hobby he even investigated some articles to be truth or false. His hobbies have always been different from others, but as a bystander Jaxen think it was actually quite interesting to see what this guy could sometimes bring out. But even when Milo was sometimes very stick to his hobbies, sometimes totally losing in his zone, this time he was more interested of Jaxen and his unexpected topics, paying attention with his other ear. "Well, that sounds a little exaggerated to me too. But, dude, he asked you out 'cause he heard you were into guys, right? Sounds like a worse kind of a player to me. Everything suits him."

"No, he asked me out 'cause he likes me..," Jaxen clears out, not even bothering to look at his friend. "It just.. this pisses me off.."

"What's with you? You really became friends with him now all of a sudden?"

"I kinda hooked up with him. And hearing all these rumours now pisses me off.."

"...," Milo turns to look at Jaxen, dropping his phone away, needing to recall what his friend just said out loud. But guys face haven't changed a bit. Jaxen wasn't a person to talk fudging or sarcastic. So that simple might be true, all in all. "Hooked up?"

"Yeah, hooked up.."

Milo laughs a little. Still a little doubting what his few worded melancholic friend meant by saying that. But.. "You don't like the rumours? Make 'em insignificant by calling a more major one. That's how you make it to the front page. Just saying."

Jaxen turns to look at Milo who was calmly smiling, once again reading something from his phone.

That's it. "Wow, you Finlanders are simple clevers, simplevers," Jaxen smirks then, suddenly changing his mood. "I should just to that."

"The word you are searching is called maalaisjarki," Milo snorts back. "What exactly you should do? Sounds interesting." At least Jaxen looked suddenly more happier. His job as a supportive friend was successfully done.

"I just have to cut wings from those other rumours. Give them something more interesting.."

- - - -

When all the classes were finally over, Jaxen was packing his things and ready to leave. Milo should have been moving already since he has prop school to attend, but he wanted to see with his own eyes if what Jaxen said was true or not. If those two were really going out, that would be the best one ever. And, man, he loves drama. So intenting to watch from the side, Milo keep his distance after they came in the lobby area where their lockers were. Indeed, just when they could spot Kaz standing near the entrance, talking with some girls, mostly with girls, the look on Jaxens face changed a little and his steps became more faster. You didn't want to get in between there.

Jaxens eyes stay locked on Kaz. It didn't took that many seconds Kaz to notice him too, immediately showing even a brighter smile when he turns, moving his hand a little to let the girls he has just talk with know he was out from the conversation, ignoring them. Leaving the others, Kaz takes slow steps toward Jaxen.

Now that look was kinda of angry. "Wow, aren't you looking mad..," Kazuro talks out loud when Jaxen gets closer. But his smile doesn't drop.

"You don't mind me correcting something?" Jaxen asks back, slowing his steps now when he was getting closer.

"No?" was all Kaz could say. The moment Jaxen meet Kaz in the middle of the lobby, he grabs the guy from his sleeves and lands a kiss on Kazs lips. Without resist Kaz calmly answers the kiss, actually leaning his face even more toward Jaxen.

That very moment some girls start to scream from excitement. The talking around them get more louder when Jaxen finally moved his face away, corrects Kazs shirts sleeve, not dropping his stare. Kaz was looking back, smirking a little.

"What was that?" younger wonders quietly, smiling, clearing his throat, ignoring all the noise around them.

"Starting a good rumour," Jaxen answers. "You are ready to go?" Even when asking that, Jaxen was already turning and moving toward the main doors. Kaz smirks and follows after, doesn't turn to look behind, but simple leaves with the older.

Milo on the other hand was still standing in the middle of the chaos these two have just caused.

Sigh. Smile. Wow, their Devil could act bold..

- - - -

"Girl for every weekday?" Kaz laughs after Jaxen had told him what kind of rumours were spreading around the school about him.

"That doesn't bother you?" Jaxen was moving his school books on the table and finally sits down. Kaz was already sitting on the bed. They were in Jaxens place, killing some time before Jaxens shift in the gas station would start. "What all they say about you?"

"Well, those gossips are halfly right, so..," Kaz admits, smiling toward Jaxen. No, it didn't bother him a bit, but it clearly bothered Jaxen. "I was hanging out with different girls, mostly when the school just started. Different girls, different days. Basically I went with anyone, to kill some time after school."

Jaxens glance was very annoyed at the moment. Yeah, this guy was a player indeed..

Kaz fastly corrects himself. "But I have never slept with girls from our school so it wasn't like that.. We hang out in the mall."

"I didn't ask.."

Kaz smirks. His guy was definitely a jealous type. "Then why I'm suddenly thinking I have done something wrong here?" he points out and relaxs again, leans his back against the wall behind him. "I don't give a damn about the rumours people make up. As long as you know the real me, it's enough. But I do like to see you getting jealous again."

Jaxen clicks his tongue and moves his face away. He wasn't jealous. He was annoyed how others saw his lover. Maybe Kaz did run around earlier, but now it was all different. But, like Kaz said, as long as he knew his lover, didn't matter what others were saying. But.. It still kind of irritated him.

When Jaxen didn't say anything anymore, Kaz took the change to clear what he thought. "You already showed them I'm yours," he speaks quietly, showing his flirt smile. "From now on, I won't hang out with just anyone when I have you."

"Shut up..," was all Jaxen mumbles back.

Damn, this guy was acting cute.. "Jealous Jaxen..," Kaz dares to call him. "..looks quite adorable."

Now the older turns his surprised look toward the younger. Blushing a little. "Ha?"

"More of that, please," Kaz teases, while spreading his legs a little and touching his own front, moving his fingers on there. "To think that my lover is nonsensely worried some girl is gonna steal me away from him.." He takes his hand inside his own shirt, showing a little bit of a skin, touching himself. "Damn, that's hot."

No, he didn't. No, this guy just didn't say it out loud like that. Seducing him like that!

"Damn, you dare," Jaxen tsihs when he was already up and jumping on Kaz, who was now laughing at the others reaction, but definitely answers that passionate kissing, pulling guy even closer.

- - - -

Saturday. A moment ago Kaz drive his bike on the parking area near the dock, now waiting Jaxens shift there to end. This has become a routine for him, taking and picking Jaxen from his changing working places. Since he had time and didn't really mind to be of use to Jaxen. Even if the older was first very against it. But when most of the times Kaz was the one going with Jaxens mind with zero refuse, there were some things even Jaxen couldn't make him change his mind from. This was one of those. If there was really not anything major to do, nothing would stop him spending his time driving his lover around.

After ten minutes of waiting, Kaz finally sees Jaxen walking out through the gates, waving to some of the other workers and then heading toward the parking area. When older gets next to him, Kaz was already handing this still warm travel cup of coffee to Jaxen.

"Good job," younger man smiles. "It's getting pretty chilly near the ocean.. How you can deal this cold?"

Jaxen takes the offer thanking, showing a wide smile since he was indeed very happy to get something to warm his body. "No one can deal this. You just need to be on move," older states while drinking. "But.. I was thinking I should drop this job too eventually. During the winter it gets more difficult. And I'm no use when they need guys behind the wheel. Forklift trucks are the only ones I can drive here."

Kaz hums. Trying to not speak out his real thoughts, which Jaxen actually kind of knew already. To stop working overall and just ask money from him instead. But working for his own money was important to Jaxen. That stance Kazuro has never truly adopt, but he understood it. This guy didn't wanna lean on his money. "If you get your license, it would open more possibilities," he settles for saying just that. Be supportive, not pushing.

"It costs a lot to get it now. Just two months and I can get it more cheaper," Jaxen speaks out his mind, warming himself with more coffee. Then he tsihs and looks back to Kaz. Sighs. "I don't need help, thank you."

Kaz snorts. He wasn't about to offer money. He knew already this guy wouldn't accept it no matter what. "You already turn eighteen in January?" was which what he shoots back.

"Y-yeah. What, you didn't know?"

"How I would know? Have we spoke about it?" younger smirks. "What? You know my birthday then?"

"Yeah, February fifteenth.."

"That's not my birthday..," Kaz clears quietly. Although he immediately realizes why Jaxen thought so.

"What?" Jaxen raises his voice a little. 

" 'Kim Miller' was born on February.."

Now Jaxen just closes his eyes and sighs out. It was from the fake IDs where he remembered it. Of course..

So before guy grows more annoyed or anything, Kaz rushs to clear. "The first day on September. That's me."

Older opens his eyes to look toward him. Then he smiles. "Over a year and half younger?" he finally shows relaxed smile. "No wonder you can't behave. Handsome brat."

Kaz tsihs back. By now he has so used to be called that. "January what?" he also wants to know the day, while taking their helmets ready since Jaxen seem to be soon done with his coffee.

"The last," Jaxen says while he takes the helmet and leans closer to get his appeasing kiss. "After we have celebrated that day, we can move in our own place. Just you remember, I'm older. I make the rules in that household."

"Can't wait," Kaz shows his flirty smile and receives another kiss.

Then Jaxen moves away. "I got a call from Milo earlier," he says while eyeing the younger. "He wants to hang out with us today. You are in?"

Kaz smirks back and answers while putting his helmet on. "I am. When are we going?"


- - - -

Now now wasn't exactly what they did. Jaxen wanted to take a shower first after working five hours in the dock, so they went to Kazs place first. While Jaxen was choosing what to wear from Kazs huge wardrobe, together they plan to just go down and invite Milo come to the city. They would eat out. The rest they should think with Milo.

When they were leaving, Jaxen was once again staring the bright long room while waiting Kaz to be ready. He seem to never get used to this empty apartment, albeit the times he has been in here. They haven't filled the fridge either at any time they were spending a night here, so it also was as empty as ever. But Kaz didn't mind. He has been so used to just stay on the back of the apartment in his room that the rest was just something non existing to him by now. Empty space. Useless.

Finally they head out and let Milo know their whereabouts, later decide together where they should meet and eat. So while sending a message to Milo, they were walking inside the shopping center which located in the very same building where Kazs apartment was.

"This place is open around the clock? How convenient," Jaxen ponders out loud while they were doing some window shopping. Of course some of the stores weren't open twentyfour seven, but the area was always open since there were fast food restaurants and even a nightclub on the other side of the building which were open even during the night. "There is even a grocery store here.."

For three years this area has been like Kazs backyard. He was a regular so most of the shopkeepers at least recognized him. So it didn't take long Jaxen to realize Kaz was greeting quite many people here, looking like he was part of the community. And since it was weekend, there were even more young customers around than on weekdays. And most of them definitely spot this well dressed pair walking together, having this aura around them.

"No freaking way..," was what Milo thought when he also could see them standing in front of one of the clothing stores. Jaxen was awing the prizes of some expensive clothes showing behind the show window. Younger man next to Jaxen has turned his focus to adore his reactions. When Kaz notice this familiar looking guy walking slowly toward them, he turns to look at him, showing his normal stunning smile and bowing just a little as a greet.

Wow, that guy really was on his own level. Now that looked like a proper womanizer, polite and handsome, giving this feeling his whole focus was on you and you only when he looked at you. Even Milo felt this shot through his chest the moment their eyes met. How unfair to be that handsome!

But it wasn't just Kaz who were easy on eye. Jaxen with him was looking somehow different than normally. Like, he has took some of that glow from Kaz and was standing quite equally there. And that was what people around them see.

"Hey, Milo," Jaxen greets his friend when Kaz turned his focus on the comer.

"Wow, Jake, your guy knows how to dress you," Milo shows his cheerful smile while eyeing what Jaxen was wearing. Then he looks at Kaz. "Good job."

"Ha?!" Jaxen was immediately out.

"They are just clothes. It matters who is wearing them," Kaz smiles back, keeping his hands on his pockets. But that smile clearly also told how happy he was about Milos comment.

Realizing he must be wearing something weird on him, he turns to look at Kaz. Then his clothes he was wearing. Then back to Milo. Jaxen had simple chose some clothes from the youngers wardrobe, didn't think too much of it. But now.. "Is it weird? What I'm wearing?" It was a waste to ask from Kaz. Milo would speak honestly.

"No, you look damn handsome," Milo corrects. "But 'ey are pretty outstanding brands you are wearing. Especially the shirt.."

"It is?" Jaxen turns his eyes on Kaz, who moves his look away for a second to hide his wider smile. Then he clears his throat. Looking deep in Jaxens eyes. Making sure he definitely knew what brands they were, when the other has no idea how expensive clothes he was actually wearing.

"They are just clothes," Kaz repeats, intentionally 'corrects' Jaxens collar and touchs then under his chin. "And you do look handsome on them."

Now Jaxens look changes a little mad. With that look you didn't wanna mess with. "Kazuro.. What am I wearing? How much these costs?"

"It's Dior. But from the cheapest category. I swear. It's nothing too pricey," young man notifys fastly, showing this defensive look. Jaxen would make a fuss if he learnt the real prizes. And this guy could act scary..

Jaxen didn't even know brands. What the hell is Dior? "These clothes have PRIZE CATEGORIES?"

"How rich are you?" Milo then asks casually. He definitely recognizes the brand and knew the prizes were high. And could easily see now which one was under whose thumb between these two. Kazs charged smile cleared out guy was already prepared to get yelled at. Although knowing Jaxen, there was no way one could step over him anyway. This young guy was definitely a masochist to date that devil..

Kaz looks Milo now and shows his casual smile. "Ah, very rich. So practically those clothes cost nothing," he says proudly, growing a little excited. "You know your thing? I have over ten similar shirts from Christian. It's not the prize but how comfy 'ey are."

Milo snorts. "Right, the comfy is the must," he smiles with Kaz. This guy really act the same as he did back in school when they met the first time. Having this player aura around him. Maybe he was actually this cliché handsome and wealthy guy from some very powerful family or something..? Milo really wanted to know how these two ended up in a relationship..

"They have shirts over fourteen hundred..?" Jaxen awes quietly after searching the brand name from google with his phone. He wasn't even in the mood to get more annoyed anymore. When he was just too bemused after realizing he was freaking wearing a brand which could cost over thousand dollar. Really, Jaxen made totally eighty bucks today at work. This difference between their loads were insane. He has tried to forget it, but it was useless. "Two thousand? Wow. So your kinds are the ones buying such nonsense.. "

"No, the rest of us wait them to go on sale and buy 'em then," Milo points out.

"I should have been more careful when I chose these..," Jaxen sighs deeply out and puts his phone away. "I can't wear this expensive clothes.."

Kaz sighs while his eyes were closed. He was done listening to this nonsense out of just some clothes. When he turns to look at Jaxen again, he was wearing his confident flirt smile to boost his purposes, taking a step closer and gently raising Jaxens head up from his chin to meet with his eyes. "Yes you can," he smilingly says and straightens his back again to move ahead toward the area where they will have their meal. "My man deserves nothing but the best. This, I don't bargain. Just give up already."

Yeah, Kazs wasteful habit of using his money Jaxen has undergo over and over again during this one week together. To the point Jaxen has kind of given up even trying to teach him to save or anything. Since this guy didn't need to save or anything.. So Jaxen finally drops the conversation there and follows the younger, glancing Milo once. "You mind if we eat first?" He was visibly annoyed, but plan to deal this with calm.

Milo shakes his head and walks after them. Kaz has slowed his steps to let Jaxen catch up with him, showing his cheerful smile. "Should we have fast food or go to the real restaurant?"

"Fast food is cheaper.."

"I'm paying."

"You do that, I kick you."

Jaxen casually forgets what exactly he was wearing and just went with it. At least these clothes really were very very comfortable to wear. He just hoped he wouldn't get too used to this kind of items. Besides the guy next to him looked god damn happy, so he doesn't want to ruin that smile.

Kaz starts to describe what kind of places were in here or near by, for them to make their last choice where to eat. Milo quietly followed their conversation while they were walking, making a comment here and there. But he didn't dare to break this cute atmosphere these two have created around them. To be bold, Milo has never seen his hot-headed friend letting anyone order him around like that. Or more like, make him do exceptions.

So even their strong Devil has fell for this players charm.

- - - -

As Kaz has used to do when they were out, he made the plan for them where to eat and exactly what to eat. Since he was familiar with the list and, honestly, you can't say no to him when he shows his hype mood, guy ordered some finger mixs for them, from veges to deep-fried foods.

Others have already chose the place to sit. Youngest walk next to them, serves their drinks and then sits down next to Jaxen. "I ordered some extra too and paid," Kaz clears smiling, looking Milo. "It's my treat."

"Waah, lucky," Milo smirks back. There was no way he would say no to free meal.

"Some extra?" Jaxen looks at Kaz asking.

Hum. "We can bring some for Luna as well," Kaz smiles to the older guy and leans his cheek against the back of his hand, not dropping his stare. "We were going in there tonight? Or are we staying in my place?"

"It depends..," Jaxen says quietly, thinking. They didn't need words to clear what Jaxen was adding. It was Saturday. In Kazs place they would be alone.

Reading his thoughts from that deep stare, Kazs smile went a little wider. "My place it is..," hell no, after that glance Kaz start to doubt could he even wait that long.

Now this flirting Milo couldn't ignore. Were they really on this point of dating already? They act like they have been together a long time.. "Okay.. You never explained why this guy was in your place and had dinner with Luna. But you didn't go out then yet? Seriously?"

They both turn their eyes on Milo, who first looked the other, then the other. "You know Luna well, right?"

Jaxen glances Kaz once, then sighs and leans against the back rest. "It's less embarrassing to me, so go ahead. Stage is yours," he says.

But Kaz just shows his normal smile to Milo. Thinking how he should explain it. "Hmm, well, yeah, I was out drinking and pass out on the street. Jaxen found me and drag me into his home. He wasn't there anymore when I woke up. Instead I met Luna. So... that's about it," young man speaks out while trying to remember that evening. "Those girls were some heavy drinkers. There were way too many tequilas.. I still can't remember a thing what happened."

Milo was listening this short story in silent. Well, that kind of cleared that. "Then.. what is this?" he points them both. "Didn't you turn him down already? How this happened?"

"I changed my mind. That's all," Jaxen states with a shrug. What there was to explain? Things just happened. "Kazuro was quite.. stubborn."

"You hate stubborn people.."

"I damn do..," other agrees when he turns to look at Kazuro next to him. Guy was eyeing back at him. Of course still smiling.

"Still my face?" Kaz just wonders, smirking. He was totally ignoring Milo now, focusing on his lover here.

Milo snorts. So it was because of his looks? That will not last long then. "How about you? I didn't think you were into guys.."

Now Kaz turns his look on Milo, lows his hand and straightens his pose. "Well.. I'm not, particularly."

"Ha? Then, is Jake the first guy you have dated?"

"He is the only person I have ever dated," Kaz clears straight. "That he is a guy doesn't matter to me."

"Ha? Seriously?!" Milo couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jake was the one who turn this womanizer around? Not vice versa?? No, what he doubt even more was this guy saying he hasn't dated anyone before Jake?!

"He always does this? Interviews your dates?" Kaz calmly asks from Jaxen when glancing him once, not dropping his smile. He wasn't sure was this kind of thing normal, since he has never been in this kind of situation before. Usually people just adored him, no matter what because he act nice and was handsome. This guy was very guestioning.

"No," Jaxen notes. He has already prepared Milo might be quite bold with his guestions. Kaz was definitely the reason his best friend here wanted to meet outside of school. Well, what Jaxen did yesterday in school was kind of spontaneous. "Usually he just wants to know how they look. And when I would dump them so he could comfort them himself. Turn them around."

"How sassy way to say it," Milo squints his eyes, glaring Jaxen. "It was one guy. And I did turn him around. Besides I just helped him survive from your devilish treatment."

"So, you are gay too?" Kaz boldly asks.

"I'm Bi," Milo clears. "Liking someone in that way has nothing to do with gender. Don't worry. If you guys break up I'm here for you too."

Kaz has drop his smile now, while he was seriously thinking something. Then he turns to look Jaxen who looked so uninterested at the moment. "How many have you dumped?"

"Curious?" now was Jaxens time to smirk.


Older tsihs. "All those relationships were just physical," he simple states. "Some of them were actually very nice but didn't look for anything too serious so I end up breaking up with them. Five totally."

"Aah, so that's how it was," young man keeps, then shows his casual smile to Milo. "Then what is this devilish treatment?"

"You have any idea who you are dating here?" Milo smirks. Of course they weren't talking too seriously, but he has used to be honest with Jaxen, since the guy was so outspoken himself, sometimes even too bold with his words. "They call him A Devil in school."

And again Kaz turns to eye on Jaxen with asking look. "Erm, yeah. That's because, apparently, I am bad from my mouth, or something? I got that title during our spring festival last year," older clears. He was more interested waiting their food than listening Milos questioning.

Sure, Jaxen could be pretty straight and vicious with his words, but Kaz didn't see it was a bad thing. That was just being honest, without polishing his words. And that Kaz liked about Jaxen. "They call you A Devil because of that?" Kaz tsihs smiling. "Okay. Then count me in," he raises his hand to touch gently behind Jaxens hair. "I will rather stay with the Devil than pretend to be nice and pure with the rest of the fakers in heaven." Then he moves his hand back down.

Jaxen was staring Kazuro with a surprised look on his face, speechless. Somehow, that just sounded way too cool. He could definitely feel something move inside him just now, feeling like crying all of a sudden. So he eventually had to move his slightly blushing face away. "Damn, you player.."

Milo starts to laugh. That comment was way too sudden. The best counterattack ever. "Wow. You really are something else," he shows very relaxed smile and leans his hands on the table. He has made up his mind to not guestion this sudden relationship anymore. These two might actually be pretty suited for each others. "I can't wait to see what chaos waits you two back in school. Our schools two most famous, together. Now that calls drama."