
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Chapter 2: Discovery II

"His blood pressure is stable and the stitches are healing fine. He'll be back to normal in no time".

"Thank you doctor, we are very grateful to you".

"Just doing my job"

"That includes playing with my grand child and feeding him? Trevor thinks you're his father, not that I mind... Are you married? I could introduce you to one of my daughters..."

"Ma'am... Please the doctor's attention is needed by another patient"

"Oh dear..."

"I'll take my leave now, do have a nice day."

"You too. Thank you once again, there aren't many youngsters like you anymore".

Alexander smiled and left the ward with nurse Linda.

"Thank you so much Linda".

"No problem. A lot of ladies wanna know if you're single or not, and honestly, I don't blame them but everyone deserves a private life too. You've been running from the media since you got out of school to make the patients feel comfortable and not on their toes".

Alexander laughed, " why the long sermon today?"

"Am just saying, imagine what would happen if they all find out that you're a Rugard... I don't even want to think about it cos I know the shock I passed through when I first found out and am still not over it. I have to remind myself not to bow when greeting you".

"You were hitting on me Linda" she coughed.

"Yes... For good reasons! You're a gentleman, sweet, humble, too nice for your own good and not to mention HAH!"

"What's that?"



"What? It's the truth! Everyone but you knows it. You're prettier than the female nurses and the doctors too. Your wife should thank her stars that am not one to convert another's husband".

Xender chuckled, "You are a character".

Linda smiled, "Am just saying facts, you're my type and freaking rich but don't show off. I mean why would anyone in their right senses treat you the way she does. Maybe when I get to see her, I'll talk reasoning into her" Xender chuckled again; if only she knew who his wife, soon to be ex- wife was, she'd never say that.

" By the way, why is your hair blonde? Did you bleach it? It looks good thou" she gave him a thumbs up.

"No. I washed off the bleach, am a natural blonde. Got it dyed for some reasons and cos it attracts too much attention" he shrugged. Linda stood amazed as she stared at him in a new light. He really was what people call a prince charming!

"You're making it hard for me to keep to my rules sir.."


"You can't go around looking like that! You should always have your face mask on plus a face cap... Or risk attracting the likes of Mirabel! Talk of the devil... There she is" nurse Linda sighed as she saw Mirabel walking towards them with a smile which was obviously for the man beside her. He too suddenly sighed with his hands in his lab coat. Linda patted his back as a way of comfortable and encouragement.

"Good morning darling"

"It's Dr. Alexander"

"You didn't even reply my greeting"

"Morning to you too Miss. Mirabel".

"O c'mon! That's too distant. Just call me Bel, everyone does".

"Hello Miss Mirabel"

"Oh my... I didn't see you there"

"Am sure you didn't. I'll take my leave now" and with that she left.

Mirabel Haggins, a rich spoilt brat who was an only child of Mr and Mrs Haggins watched Linda leave before returning her attention to Xender. The look in her eyes were unmistakable and obvious... They were filled with admiration for the person before her.

"Darling did you bleach your hair?"


"Sorry darling, I can't seem to call you by your name. It looks good on you, we look like a couple now". She said with a giggle while flinging her long blonde hair with a wink. The pink Barbie doll suddenly threw herself at him for a big bear hug to which Xender caught both her hands before they got any closer.

"What part of this is a hospital don't you understand?" Obviously pissed off he asked but her response made him give up.

"You look so hot when you talk like that" she said almost in a daze, her cheese nut eyes never leaving his face.

The sound of an ambulance was heard together with running footsteps interrupting their conversation.

"Doc, a hit an run accident victim was rushed to the ER"

Alexander ran over to the nurse and they left for the ER.

"Should I just apply for a job here? He probably won't have time for me but I'd still get to see him every day" the smile on her face melted away as she sighed.

"I can't study medicine, besides am too scared of blood. I might pass out at the sight of a chopped off arm. No! It's not a good idea".

"Besides am gonna marry him, no need for two doctors in the family". She said with a smile and a slightly pink face.

"I'll see you later darling" and with that she left.

A couple sat at the far end of the bar gently sipping there cans of beer while looking around. It was hard to actually spot them in the dark but they could see everyone in the bar. It was one of those bars that gave off a homely feeling.

"Stop gwaking... At this rate you might become a pervert"

"If starring at him like this might make me one, trust me, am one already cos am already seeing him naked..." Greg replied while sipping his wine but still staring at the guy across the table.

"You gay pervert! Gosh! Remind me how I met you again"

"We're besties turned couples" he said with a smile while glancing at her.

" That ring would have looked better on me... Those earrings too".

"Please be my guest! You think am comfortable with this? This is not me! But am putting up with it cos of yo..." She trailed off as her gaze fell on a particular person.

"Lex! Lex! Lexy! B*tch!"


"And you were scolding me for being a pervert you lesbian b*tch!"

"She's hot ..."

"For the first time I agree, just my kinda gurl... Six inch heels but I like the natural one.. " he said with a knowing smile while Lexy rolled her eyes.

".... Sweet hair do, great fashion sense and her make up is a bummer! Love her nails too. You should dress up like that sometimes, I'll help you". Greg said with a wink to which she scoffed while still staring at a young lady who just walked in. Th couple sat checking everyone out as they sipped their drinks, chattering like kids.

"I miss the good old days".

"Yeah, me too"

"We used to be so free"

"We would have been wasted by now"

"And laid... That's very important"

"You sly b*tch..."

"Man whore!"

They both burst out laughing. After done time had passed Greg spoke up, "You know, this is bearable cos it's you"

"I know and you owe me a lot"

"I won't have survived it if not for you. You're my angel, always remember that."

"I understand, it's not easy being accepted by our parents let alone the world".

"My dad can never find out am gay else he'll kill me. My mom found out and insisted I got married to avoid being disowned.." he sighed and gulped down the contents of his cup all at once.

" It's harder for us known families, there's no where to hide and we can't risk our families hard work falling into the wrong hands". Lex consoled him by patting his back.

Gently, she brushed back the hair falling into his face and the beautiful amber orbs came into view. They were sad as they stared at her.

"Don't you ever forget that am a Huxter. I got my own empire and I always got my friends back. Besides you also saved me with this marriage. I can't risk both my parents knowing and now they're at peace knowing that am in good hands. So I got you... Ok?"

A smile played on Greg's lips.

"You're a gift from heaven... My jewel... Bestie". He said as he took her hand with the engagement and wedding band and brought it to his lips.

" Did you see the paparazzi?" She asked suddenly smiling sweetly, putting on a show of a wife in love with her husband.

"Let's just say I did" she leaned closer and kissed his forehead.

"You are so drunk..." She leaned back as his handsome face came in view and his amber eyes followed suit.

After a while of starring at each other Lexy spoke up, "You know, you look kinda cute. I could say handsome..." She giggled.

"You're so wasted... Wait you're just noticing that? Let me remind you that girls also fall for me".

"Pretty ones right?"

"Yeah. But you're prettier"

"You really are drunk"

"So are you..."

They burst out laughing.

"Come on, let's go home".