
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 3 : Realization.

Crystal walked into the house after a hectic day at work and the last thing she expected to see were her three married niece, Celene, Brenda and Paige all in the dining room and talking in hushed tones as they sipped their drinks.

She just couldn't deal with this now and was already on her way upstairs to her room when something caught her attention. She stopped to confirm that what she saw was real as she turned around and ...it was real!

Right there in the sitting room was Alexander walking in with a cup of coffee but... His hair... It was blonde? It was blonde now... Crystal was at loss for words as she watched her 'husband' who looked exaugsted with dark bags under his eyes and a very messy hair which for some weird reason to her, looks kinda attractive... She shook her head as it came as a shock to her to think that 'this person' was attractive? She had grown past the times when guys looked attractive to her. She was already immune to such things since she had seen a lot ever since she started working in a company as a CEO. This was not important but what was is the fact that...

"Why is your hair blonde?" She asked, demanding an answer but all she got was a lazy look through the strands of hair in his face and for the second time she felt funny like a little tingle on her skin.

His gaze was lazy but at the same time intense and just like that he went back to his files.

"Excuse me... You know the reason for keeping your hair black was to avoid unnecessary attention" she said in a controlled angry voice.

No response.

The person she was talking to was too occupied with the files he was working on to pay any attention to her. Angrily, she marched towards the said person.

"At least you should have gone for a more natural colour. Have it changed immediately!" She demanded already stressed from being ignored. Gently he stood up and packed up his files,

"Since you like here so much, I'll leave, you can stay".

"Alexander!" That was the first time she called him just by his name.

"Also.." he stood tall, towering over her as he looked down to answer her question.

"This was my hair color before I married you". He said the last part like it was some kind of poison.

"...and I won't change it" with that he left, leaving the whole place in a loud silence.

"So he's a natural"


"It really looks good on him"

They all sat up when Crystal shot them a glare. No one ever dared to talk back at her let alone this guy... Who was her husband, and ... Was he always this tall?

This thought kept repeating itself in her mind to her discomfort. And he was a natural blonde? But why is he pissing me off so much?? He used to be just a shadow.. she thought.

The Next Day...

Ashley hall smiled brightly as she saw him walk out of the hospital. She waved at him he smiled and walked towards her.



"You got off early today"

"And you got off late today" she laughed.

"You're blonde again! I've missed this, it's been so long since you had your natural hair color on"

"You remember?"

"Of course, how can I ever forget. Am your bestie you know". They walked into the parking lot, "We should celebrate this". Xender raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her as she unlocked her car.

"You're finally being yourself, it calls for one. Get in, I'll drive".

Few minutes later they got to their destination.

"We're here..." Ashley trailed off when she looked to her left and saw Xender asleep. It was one of those rare occasions when he let his guard down and let sleep take over. The expressionless face looked calm and innocent making anyone want to protect this beautiful creature from the world. She unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned closer. A small smile played on her lips as she stared at him. Anyone seeing this will conclude that it was really a heart melting smile, but something was wrong with the picture..

The look in her eyes was a contrast to what the picture painted looked like. There were so many emotions in those eyes... Possession, dark desire, obsession... They got so dark that her pupils were almost non existent as they disappeared in the dark abyss. Friends don't look at friends like that.

Her eyes scanned the unbelievably handsome face with sharp and powerful jawline.

"I won't let anyone take you away from me again. Once your divorce is done I'll take you away from her" she said to herself. Her eyes trailed down to his lips and lingered there... The many times she imagined those lips on her..

She saw his eyes flutter and she leaned back so as not to seem suspicious. Slowly, the Violet orbs sheltered by the full long lashes came to view. A view that was hardly seen by anyone and which was capable of making ones heart race.

"We're here"

"I dozed off.. sorry"

"Another night shift?"


"You wanna sleep more?"

"No it's fine, let's go"


In the Rugard's residence...

The sound of a mild cough was heard through the hall way leading to a really large bedroom. On the king sized bed lay an older version of Alexander with only the hair and eye difference which was visible in the lady next to him, Mrs. Hilda Rugard.

"Why am I just hearing of this now?"

"It's nothing to worry about, your mother is making a fuss about a mild cold".

"A mild cold? He has hemoptysis; a lung infection you would know better since you're in the field but am worried that he's being feeling a lot of pain around his chest when coughing. The other day he coughed out a large amount of bloo.."

"He doesn't need to heat that and you're just exerrgerating. It was just a few drops..."

"Mr. Rugard!"

"Young man when you step into this house you drop your formalities outside the door post! In here you call me dad, understood!

I brought you into this world, if I had a rubber on the day I met your mum you won't be here..." He was hit at the back of his head by his wife who couldn't stand him saying such things.

"After all these years you're still talking like a child. You'll be 67next month, act like it!" He rubbed his head.

"But I said the truth. He always calls you mum but refers to his father as Mr. Rugard. Sometimes I forget I have an elderly son". He murmured like a kid. It was a scene no one in the business world would ever believe since he's known to have a very strict, cold and dangerous personality.

"You're just jealous"

"You don't look that way old dad".

A smile like that of a flower blooming in the early hours of the morning spread across his face.

"I know right son? I don't look that old and your mum hasn't aged a day. She's still as beautiful and sexy as she was back in the days". He got another hit at the back of his head and a sweet kiss on his cheek to which he smiled. And truth be told, the couple still looked younger than their actual age . Mrs. Hilda Rugard still looked like one in her 30's while her husband Griffin looked 40. The fine lines of wrinkles across his eyes were barely visible and one could see where the good looks of Alexander originated from. He had his father's nose and face structure but the Violet-amber eyes were from his mother, the blonde hair was from her too. She hardly aged a bit but only got matured, but one could see it in her eyes and smile that she was indeed a mother.