
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · สมจริง
35 Chs

Ch 14 School (3)

When Jay arrives at Jee Eun's school, she is waiting at the entrance of the school. He stops his bicycle right beside her, surprising her a little bit.

"Jee Eun ah! Did you wait for a long time? Sorry!"

"Not at all oppa, you arrived earlier than I expected seeing this is your first time doing this."

"I found a shortcut on the way here, I'll arrive faster the starting from tomorrow."

"As long as it's safe, I don't mind~"

"Come on, there is a place I wanna go to before returning home, you want me to drop you off first or you coming with me?"

"Of course I'm going with you, how much time you are going to waste going back and forth like this."


"Where are we going anyway?"

"You will know when we got there."


Nakwon Musical Instrument Arcade

"Wow, there are so many instruments here!"

"You've never been here before?"

"I've only heard about it, but never actually visited. Are you gonna buy any of them? Can you even play?"

"I can only play guitar and piano." (He learnt guitar because of IU, and learnt piano as a hobby in his past life)

"Really? Oppa doesn't seem like a person that would be interested in music at all."

"Heh... you would be surprised. Tell you truth, I'm going to participate in the first ever 'SM Youth Contest' two weeks later, and if I'm able to win the contest, I will start training as a trainee to become an idol."

"...are you serious oppa?"

"Yeah, Yunho and the others will be coming to our home to start practicing for the contest. This is why I came here to buy an instrument, to perform at the contest."

"Hmm... which one are you going to buy then?"

"For now, guitar should be enough, I will be buying more and more instruments and build a mini studio at our home, then I can start composing music there."

"Mwo? You can compose songs too?"

"Yeah... let's buy two guitars, one for you and one for me."

"Wait, I don't know how to play that, you shouldn't waste money."

"Don't worry, I will teach you everything, and who knows? You might have talent for it, have you ever tried singing?"

"Of course, you know the teachers at school actually praises my voice a lot. I always get the first place in singing competition in our school!" (*^^*)

"Wow, then have you ever thought of becoming a singer in the future?"

"I did, but I'm worried that I might not be supported by my parents and grandma."

"Well if you want them to support you, you have to show them you have the potential first, only then you can convince them to at least give you a chance to go for an audition."

"Araseo oppa! You really gonna teach me right?"

"Of course, but still this doesn't mean you should stop studying, you need to at least graduate high school for this to work, otherwise even I wouldn't support you."

"Okay okay~" (`3´)

In the end, Jay requested a delivery service to send both the guitars he bought home because they can't carry them on a bicycle. After that, they had a dinner at a nearby restaurant before going home because Jee Eun said she was hungry.



"Aigoo! You two are finally back! I was so worried because it's starting to get late? Where did you two go?" Jee Eun's grandma starts nagging as soon as they entered the house.

"We went and buy something from a music store, then we had our dinner on our way back. Here, we bought dinner for you and Jong Hoon (Jee Eun's little brother) too."

"Aigoo... why are you buying food from outside when I can just cook for you at home? It's expensive and it's not even healthy! If you wanna buy something, buy some food ingredients from the supermarket next time and restock the refrigerator regularly, then I'll make sure you have a healthy and tasty meal after coming home from school everyday."

"Okay, I'll be sure to do that."

"Still, thank you for buying me this, I'll be sure to enjoy the meal, but no more next time okay?"

"Nae! By the way halmeonim, did anyone come to our house just now?"

"Oh right, these two huge cases were sent here by a deliveryman just now, I assume these are the things you bought from the music store?"

"Yeap! Thank you for helping us receiving them halmeonim!"

"Not a problem. One more thing before I let the both of you go. Next time if you are gonna be late, give me a call and me know beforehand okay? Don't make an old lady like me worry about you."

"Sorry... It won't happen again!" x2

"Okay, you two should go and take a bath, and then do the homeworks from school."

"Nae!" x2


Right before Jay enters the bathroom, he receives a new mission.


[New mission]

1. Handstand for 1 minute --> + 50 gold

2. Plank for 2 minutes --> + 50 gold

3. Hold your breath underwater for 3 minutes --> + 50 gold

Bonus: complete all three tasks in 10 minutes --> + 2 endurance, + 300 gold

'Oh! Great timing, let's do this quickly and go straight to bath. If only all the missions are easy just like these ones.'

'Heh, you wish.'

He finishes all the task under 8 minutes, and successfully receives the bonus reward.

'Now I have around 900 gold, let's check the shop one more time to see what can I buy that would benefit me for the contest while I wait for the water to fill uo the bathtub.'


Normal skills

1. Dancing - Basic

2. Music production - Basic

3. Rapping - Basic

4. Drum - Basic

5. Bass - Basic


*Basic skills - 100 gold

Basic --> Advanced - 500 gold

Advanced --> Expert - 1500 gold

Expert --> Master - 10000 gold

Master --> Grandmaster - 50000 gold

'Hmm... I think the skill I need the most right now is dancing, the dancing skill gap between me and the four bros is too big, and it's impossible for me to catch up in two weeks.'

'Oppa, remember you can pick one free basic skill from the shop!'

'Right! Thanks for reminding me, I totally forgot about it. Alright, I'll pick the dancing skill and then upgrade it to advanced level.'

[Are you sure?]


[New skill acquired]

Dancing - Advanced (21/40)

Jay tries to immitate the dance choreography of k-pop songs based on his memories, and he finds moves that were impossible for him in the past, now easy for him. His body feels light, it feels free, it is as if a shackle has been broken.

'Mwuahahaha! Nobody can say I can't dance anymore! Woohoo! Look at all these moves! Argh! I just got a muscle cramp!'

'Tsk tsk tsk... that's karma right there! That's what happen if you try to do something that's higher than your current skill level! Hahaha!'



Full status bar update

Name: Jay Kim

Birthday: 14 Feb 1986

Age: 15

Health: 100/100

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 34

2. Agility - 32

3. Dexterity - 32

4. Endurance - 33

5. Stamina - 32

6. Intelligence - 70

Hidden attribute:

1. Luck - ?

2. Charisma - 55


1. Martial Arts - Expert (locked)

2. Weopon mastery - Advanced (locked)

3. Gunshooting - Expert (locked)

4. Assasination - Expert (locked)

5. Singing - Basic (10/20)

6. Acting - Expert (46/60)

7. Cooking - Advanced (22/40)

8. Dancing - Advanced (21/40)

9. Guitar - Expert (42/60)

10. Piano - Advanced (35/40)

Unique skill:

1. Charm - Basic (5/20)

Gold: 400