
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
104 Chs

Chapter 96

Well it was interesting, it's really surprising to see how these idiots transform into competent warriors, plus Church will really be surprised shortly after having recovered his body. Besides, I wonder if at some point they discover that they have Skills... and what will be the reaction of the UNSC at that...

In the end all the idiots managed to quickly complete the 1st Job of Gunslinger and were able to change their jobs to Riflemen, with Church of course being reborn, to think I could remove the visual effects from the rebirth too. Anyway, we have a huge amount of experience points available.

Once Church managed to raise his Gunslinger Job to the maximum again, I also completed mine at level 100, changing mine to Riflement, Cha Hae-In also changed her job from Swordsman to Knight, without really noticing much difference, which doesn't surprise me since the first Job only makes you about 10 times stronger than a normal human in one or two stats at most.

On the other hand, the Valkyries' Job level is very difficult. After all the time we fought where me and Cha Hae-In managed to complete the 2nd Job completely and she changed her Job to Lord Knight, they had only risen to level 68, as I see they need almost 10 times more experience than us before level 100. I don't even want to imagine what they will need later.

Well, we didn't really level up quickly since we were facing the bugs without magic, since if we used it we would easily kill everyone in about 5 minutes at most. Besides, the UNSC finally discovered us, or at least I could see the ODST capsules entering the atmosphere, so we quickly accelerated the pace to get to the center of the whole problem.

Anyway it was really tedious, although it took us a long time (30 min to be exact) to get to the center of the facility and deactivate the portal, It's a shame that the system informed us that we took too long and the person responsible for this had escaped and if it's true, I could have easily put an end to this problem in 2 minutes at first if I had wanted to. 

The portal in question... is really strange and familiar at the same time, in short it is a kind of Greek or Roman temple structure, exactly the same as those that appear in the anime of Gate, the only difference is that I cannot go to the other side, the system says it has some form of destabilization of the space door itself, in fact according to the system more than 86% of the bugs that have crossed here died trying.

So without really wanting to be here longer and be interrogated by the UNSC we decided to destroy the portal and leave the place, so I open a [Warp] towards Skyrim and make all the girls enter there, changing the jobs of the idiots to the 3th Job Rebel before I left, they are already strong if the last minutes of fighting against the bugs proved something, now I really don't think there is anything that can stop them in this universe now.

I wonder what that guy called Lucius will thought when he sees the note I left him... In addition to the Immaterial Sword that I left for Donut to use however he wants, the ONI will surely lose their minds trying to understand how a handmade weapon works as a laser or plasma sword. So I waited until all the girls passed through the portal and once they all entered a message appeared in front of me.


[The system has detected a cheat! The entry of another Chat Member into the world has been detected! The final result of the mission of the User will be halved as punishment for breaking the rules! This process can only be activated once per world, so the User is recommended to use it carefully in case of emergencies.]

'I really can't complain too much, I really forgot about that... and the fact that the system does not prohibit it indicates that there will be times when it will be necessary... it's good that we figured out the rules now and not too long later.' I take one last look at the portal before destroying it and entering the [Warp].


[Mission successfully completed! 

1.- Eliminate the Arachnids (67,626/226,356) 30% Completed 1.5/5

2.- Investigate the anomaly. Completed 5/5

3.- Discover the cause of the problem. Failed.

4.- Destroy the portal. Completed 5/5

Qualification 11.5/20 All chat members participating in the mission get a chance to a Three star Gacha!]

'Wow it ended well... for a second I was worried after all my system always likes....' While I think this an anomaly occurs and again I feel that I am being attracted by something going off course of my teleportation route... 'Why did I have to talk.....?'

[ERROR, User Leonhard has found an anomaly! We ask the user to stay calm!]

'As if I could do anything else...' I see how the others in the chat quickly start sending messages, although before I can respond I reach my destination, this time without any major problems! I think...

'Well that go okay... at least I didn't hit something.' I look around, I'm surrounded by ruins in a city, from what little I see it is a very modern city, so I quickly change my awesome Commissar suit and exchange it for the Paladin's full armor, also starting the chat transmission since the chat it's asking about my situation...

"Ahem! Hello to all our viewers! I am your host Leonhard! On your favorite channel Dimensional Bullshitting Adventures! Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap." I start talking and I don't really clap, I just make the sounds with my mouth.

[Cha Hae-In: Leonhard.... do you really plan to make streams?

Yoruichi: Hey let him try, I really want to know what kind of situation he will find himself in now.]

"Thanks to our followers for their comments! By the way, I feel fine in case anyone is interested..." I look at the surrounding buildings trying to find clues to where I am...

[Pyrrha: It's a good thing you didn't get hurt this time...

Kuroka: Why do you always have to be in situations like this nya? Are you so unlucky that you just go from a bad situation to a worse one nya?]

"Why do you make it sound like I really has that intention!? It's not my fault that the system wants to kill me! If you have any problems, tell the system!" I notice something strange, even though everything is destroyed... it really doesn't seem like it happened that long ago... in fact it seems like they were just destroyed today...

[Serana: Can the system do that? If you really believe it, stay still and let's see what happens.

Fairy of Frozen Beauty: Don't blame others for your bad luck! You really must have done something horrible in your past life for this to happen to you!]

"As if- Oh! Aboriginals!" Before continuing speaking I hear a sound like an engine and my map show some people closing in quickly... So I quickly hide behind some rubble and watch from a distance as some robots approach my position. It doesn't take long for these robots to reach my position and I think I have a good idea of what world I am in...

"As you can see, dear viewers, the people of this world seem to have a high technological level that allows them to create personal flying exoarmors. Come let's get a little closer!" I quickly use [Body Relocation] and appear behind the AST girls.

[Kurumi: AST!? Did you end up in my world!?

Kuroka: Nyahahahaha, then are you a Spirit as well!? Now you're going to have Shidou after you to seal you nyahaha!]

"How funny... anyway as you can see, these women wear very advanced armor, combined with a classic swimsuit design for... less air resistance? Who are we kidding, it's clearly for fan service, so let's enjoy it too... can I zoom in? Yes I can!" I quickly manipulate the 'camera' showing the curves of the captain, and really waiting when they discover me since I am only about 3 meters behind of Kusakabe.

"Be careful! The energy we detect is bigger! We are probably facing a new spirit!" Kusakabe raises her voice and gives orders to the others girls, who quickly descend a little, disperse and begin to search the area. I quickly crouch behind her and move the camera so it shows me too.

"Shhh.... Apparently this group of aboriginals is very alert and detected my presence! I still don't know if they are hostile or not so it is best that they don't see us!" I put on a helmet that covers my face and look in my system store for an object... a microphone and install it on my helmet.

[Nightingale: Leonhard why are you wearing that armor? Don't you like your previous suit more?]

"Thanks for the comment Nightingale! It's easy, in a modern world, if there are law enforcement forces they will shoot me first when they see a Nazi, on the other hand someone in medieval armor, that will confuse them and they will want to talk to me first." I speak and instead of my voice a woman's voice is heard surprising everyone in the chat.

[Cha Hae-In: Why do you speak like a woman?]

Before I can respond though, I move to the side, practically moving my feet like I'm dancing, dodging all the shots Kusakabe is firing with her Gatling gun, quickly approaching her again and grabbing her gun, She quickly lets go of it and quickly steps back, levitating a little in the air and taking out a light sword.

"Look what we got chat! An Aboriginal weapon! We will really have to study a lot this type of weapons that-" I quickly jump from where I am before being hit with the missiles they shot at me, it's not like they're going to hurt, but they shouldn't know that yet.

"Hey let me finish talking! What's your problem! Do you have no manners!?" I quickly approach one of the girls who shot me, really startling her. I raise my hand and get into a punching position making the girl close her eyes, only to hit her lightly on the head.

"If you act like this, it's like I'm taking advantage of you! I don't want problems so I'll stay here and do nothing." The girl doesn't even hesitate and moves away from me quickly, so I activate my visual effects and use [Defender] causing a gray aura to form around me before being bombarded again by bullets, some lasers and missiles again.

"Well, dear viewers, as you can see, we cannot communicate with these people, so they use the basic strategy of the guide to combat unknown creatures or entities, section 5, paragraph 3, shoot/kill first, ask questions later." I turn around and turn my back on the AST members to talk to the camera, something that seems to really bother them as they start shooting a lot more.

In the end raising a smoke screen in my position with all the dusk they continue shooting for another minute, at this time I decide to use [Reflect Shield], [Auto Guard] and [Parry], since what is going to follow is Origami blindly charging at me with her sword, so to make them a little more angry I decide to sit in my position taking a departmental catalog.

I accelerate the time of dispersion of the dust in the air with my magic, showing myself sitting in front of them with my back turned to them, seeing the catalog of appliances in the grounf in fornt of me I take it with my hand, and just as I expected before Kusakabe of another order Origami blindly charges at me.

"Origami wait! Tch... Cover Origami!" Kusakabe gives the order and the rest of the girls start shooting at me sporadically, stopping when Origami appears behind me.

Just before hitting me a green shield appears protecting me, without really moving I see how Origami continues attacking me from behind, while I seem totally fascinated with the object in my hand as I observe it from different angles and I can hear Origami screaming for me to die, she really is another of the girls with a tragic past in this world.

Origami continues attacking me when I suddenly disappear in front of her, everyone present quickly searches their surroundings, without being able to find me and I can hear Kusakabe in front of me giving orders to disperse and search the surroundings. So I put my arm on her shoulder, leaning on her a little from behind and placing the catalog in front of her.

"Hey can you tell me what is this? What do they use this thing here for? Is it some kind of painting?" I can feel her petrify while I stand behind her as I show her the television section in the catalog and use my normal male voice to talk to her.

"You... you are a male!?" I can practically feel the confusion in her voice and actions, around us the rest of her team realizes my position and surrounds us.

"What are you talking about? I am who I am, no matter what else, so tell me what this is... the frame is very strange for a painting." Again I spoke with a woman's voice, confusing her even more.

However, before I can continue confusing them, my instinct tells me something, so I look up and quickly turn behind me with Kusakabe in tow, where in the distance a figure as if they were pixels is standing watching me, she really works fast enough to come watch me immediately or I made a bigger problem than I thought... it could also be that she's looking for Kurumi ...

"You finally show yourself, Phantom..." Kusakase looks shocked when she hears me say that and turns to look in the same direction that I was watching also seeing that strange pixel figure that is on the roof of the building.

However, before I can do anything I see Reine disappear from where she was standing, she really has good instincts, but it doesn't matter Kurumi is going to take care of her... as we look, the rest of AST members surround us and Origami attacks me again.

"Let go of the Captain, you damn spirit!" Origami attacks me again with her sword, and is again stopped by my defenses, although that doesn't stop her since she keeps trying to hit me desperately.

So I can only sigh and remove my hand from Kusakabe's shoulder, and turn to stop Origami's sword with my hand, making her hurt herself with my [Reflect Shield] skill, making her finally drop the sword and I take advantage of that moment to put her to sleep with magic, but to my surprise Kusakabe just stay still and stares at me.


[I invented the second job of the Gunslingers, since canonically Rebel would be a 3th Job so they only pass the job and I really don't think I'm going to use for anything. Their Level Up Bonuses: +1 STR +2 AGI +2 VIT +3 DEX +2 LUK +3 INT every level up.]

[Rebellion: The mercenary soldiers who survived the Mercenary Rebellion have been hiding their identity and living scattered here and there in Einbroch. The revolt of the past had since faded into mere memories. There, in an Einbroch basement, the survivors created a secret meeting place to exchange information. At first glance, the place seems to be an ordinary pub where clients commission requests or so the rumors say. No one have yet to confirm this and there are only speculation. However, dilettantes call them Rebel. Level Up Bonuses: +3 STR +7 AGI +6 VIT +10 DEX +5 LUK +9 INT every level up.]