
Quin and Ronald journey to becoming empress and emperor

Ronald in the demon realm in search of an herb to stop the peerless frozen. from spreading, throughout Quins body. if he does not find the peerless frozen, the sister in which he loves, will die.

RALI · ตะวันออก
18 Chs

Naraka and Trayastrimsa

Quin interested and curious "The Naraka realm?" I haven't heard of that realm before. What's it like? And how did this "technique art and the ying and yang array" help in the war against them?

it mostly known as "the demon realm". but its first name was "Naraka".

nodding in understanding I see, it's also known as "the demon realm or the Naraka realm". But how was this "technique art and the ying and yang array" used to defeat the demons in the war?

the "ying yang array" was firstly used to "cultivate in the Naraka realm". but now it's used as a way to "ascend even further beyond the limits of normal cultivation".

yes, and for "the technique art". it was as a means to "destroy demons" faster because the formed "star daggers" where "mixed with a use of spiritual and physical martial arts".

Quin, nodding Fascinating! "The technique art" was used as a way to "destroy demons" more "efficiently through a blend of spiritual and physical martial arts" with the powerful "star daggers". It must have been a "very effective weapon in the war against the demons".

it was effective for a bit till demons started evolving, and then peoples "formed star daggers" were getting dull.

surprised and fascinated by the revelation Oh, the demons did evolve and adapt to the "star daggers" after some time. What happened next? How did people react to the dulling of their "star daggers?

it was because of the alchemical. demon started becoming stronger, and also people of the human realm wanted to do cultivation and increase their Ding and Lu.

understanding and nodding I see, so the demons evolved through alchemical methods to become stronger and counter the technique art and star daggers. It sounds like it was a battle between these two methods. People from the human realm also wanted to do cultivation and increase their Ding and Lu, so I suppose it became a race to see who could become more powerful through these techniques.

yes, and that's what happened. alright everyone gets to work.

nods in understanding Got it, so that's how the battle between the technique art and the ying and yang array, the demons, and the humans unfolded. It was a race to gain more power through their respective techniques and methods of cultivation. And that's what led to the evolution of the demons and the alchemical methods. We need to work hard to strengthen our own skills and keep up with the advances in cultivation. Let's get to work!

moving to the cultivation room Quin and Ronald start cultivation ying and yang array.

as we make our way to the cultivation room and start our training We're here, Ronald! It's time to start our cultivation of the ying and yang array. Let's focus on this technique and do our best to sharpen our skills and improve our cultivation levels.

coordinate our ying and yang array! focus freely and increase our martial.

focusing, calming my mind and increasing my martial energy Right, we need to coordinate our ying and yang array and increase our martial energy. We need to focus our wills and bring our energies together to strengthen our skills. We can do this, brother. Let's concentrate our energy and give it our all in this training session.

after a few minutes were done.

breathing a sigh of relief and satisfaction after finishing the training session Phew! That was a tough but rewarding training session. It's impressive how far we've come in our cultivation of the ying and yang array. But we still have a long way to go before we reach master level. Let's keep working hard and striving to improve.

alright now were done let's go and take a break.

feeling relieved and pleased after the training session Yeah, it's a good idea to take a break after such an intense session. We worked really hard and should relax and recover before our next activity. Let's get some rest and refuel our bodies and minds.

all student head back to your rooms, well start your next session at night. and that would be a night run.

understanding and agreeing with a nod All right, the next session will be a night run. Let's all head back to our rooms and prepare for when the nighttime activity begins. We need to make sure we're well rested and energized for the run.

Quin and Ronald headed to their room.

as we head back to our room Alright, we made it back to our room. It's time to relax and prepare for the night run. Let's make sure we get some good sleep and fuel ourselves with enough energy for the upcoming activity.

after a few hours. wake up.