
Quin and Ronald journey to becoming empress and emperor

Ronald in the demon realm in search of an herb to stop the peerless frozen. from spreading, throughout Quins body. if he does not find the peerless frozen, the sister in which he loves, will die.

RALI · ตะวันออก
18 Chs

I've picked my treasure

While "Ronald on the other side", looking for an "item or sword, spear for his martial rank". Quin on the "other side looking for a suitable technique or item for cultivation". she is "looking for an item or technique book", because "Shes mostly a mage fighter". "Whistle Ronald a physical fighter looking for a sword or spear". "Technique book". or even a spear or sword".

Quin "exploring the treasure room" and "soon making her selection After some careful inspection", I've "found the perfect treasure for my cultivation": a "rare and powerful technique book" that will help me "improve my martial skills" and "increase my fighting prowess". I can "continue expanding my strength and power with this book", and "I can't wait to begin studying" it and "putting the techniques into practice".

Ronald in the "other hand found a spear sword". The "tip of the spear was shaped as a sword". also "known as a pole sword". its "handle shaped in a dragon like shape". whistle the "tip. a dragon's head".

Ronald "admiring the spear sword That's a beautiful spear sword!" The "design of the weapon is stunning", with the "dragon-shaped handle and the sword-shaped tip". It "definitely looks like a very powerful weapon". I wonder "if it has any special properties or abilities". The "dragon-shaped handle is a definite highlight for me", and "I can imagine the grip would be comfortable to hold".

so, Ronald "try's the pole sword". "Attacking in different styles from his arsenal but found nothing that felt right with his handle of the pole sword". so, he "just started trying different types of martial arts". And "when learning Ronald found a good mix of martial arts. that when fit together making a good technique for the pole sword". and in "which when quin was done and started heading back". Quin "came across Ronald practicing his new manmade technique". Quin "was fascinated. then started to head back to the entry". Quin was "fascinated but surprised how elegant and fierce this technique was". Ronald then "done with practicing headed back to the entry". meeting Quin and the principle waiting for him".

Quin "approaching Ronald with curiosity and excitement" I was just "watching your technique with that pole sword", and it "was truly impressive! Your mix of martial arts combined with the movement of the sword was elegant and ferocious". I could tell you really "put a lot of thought into creating that technique and learning how to use the pole sword". Your "technique would be a dangerous weapon in battle".

thank sis "I've tried a lot of combinations and found!" a "few techniques" that "work well with the polo sword".

I can tell you've "Put in a lot of effort" to find the perfect combination of techniques for the pole sword". From "what I saw, your technique was fluid and dynamic", moving smoothly with the movements of the pole sword to create an effortless yet devastating attack". It's "obvious that you have a great understanding of how to use the pole sword and its potential in battle". I "can't wait to see more of your martial arts in action!"

thanks. also thank you to principle. it's "fine also just call me ava". "Thank you, ava. no problem you two", alright let's go to the "main training area for a quick test of your fighting abilities". Quin and Ronald "agree and follows ava to the training area".

"It's nice to meet you, Ava". I'm glad that we're going to get to have a quick test to show off our fighting abilities". I'm confident that I'll be able to showcase my skills and demonstrate my mastery of the technique book I found in the treasure room". I can't wait to see how I perform in the training area". let's get started!"

"Arriving at the training area Quin and Ronald was surprised at the large field". Quin asked ava who are we training with?

Ava replied, "We're going to train with other students from the academy". They'll be challenging you to see how well we can fight against them. "It's a chance to test your skills and prove your worth as cultivators. get started."

"Alright bring in the first". Quin asked. then "ava replies", "very well". the "first opponent is a senior martial art student". that has "trained for over 7 years". is a "martial expert", and her "martial rank level is at the peak of level 8". Quin "replies with an expression filled with confidence and determination".

"Confidently and determined" Let's do this! I'm ready to "face this senior martial arts student and prove my worth". I'm "confident in my abilities and how far I've come in my cultivation". I'm "ready to face this challenge and show them what I'm made of! Come on, let's do this".

then the "peak of martial level 8 arrived". "Bowing to Quin then asked", I'll do my best to fight you. "Showing her respect in fighting and express honor in each fight Shes been in". Quin "respecting that, an in which bows back. having a fair fight".