
Quin and Ronald journey to becoming empress and emperor

Ronald in the demon realm in search of an herb to stop the peerless frozen. from spreading, throughout Quins body. if he does not find the peerless frozen, the sister in which he loves, will die.

RALI · ตะวันออก
18 Chs

fighting with honor

"I'll do my best to fight you as well". I "appreciate that you show respect" in each fight and "express honor". Let's have a "fair fight and give it our all".

let's go. "Attacking, Quin blocks and counters with a strong blizzard and moves forward". that was good, "also just call me Nina". Quin replies with a thanks. your attack was also good "if I didn't dodge", I could have "gotten very injured". so that "was very close". Nina "replied with alright I think we should end this". Quin "replies, alright I got another strong attack waiting for you". alright "Quin, Nina then attacks. "While Quin uses her blizzard rain". "Nina dodges and an touches Quin, by touching Quin forehead. Quin then admits defeat". 

"It was a good fight! You had me on the edge of my seat and had me in a tight spot with your strong attacking". I had to keep "my guard up and watch out for your movement to dodge and block your attacks". I'm "glad you came out victorious in the end; you definitely deserve it". You have "great skill and are a formidable opponent". Let's try again some other time".

"Nina replies, Quin that was great attacking and posting". I just have better experience". if I didn't, I "would have definitely lost that training match, but other than that it was a good match". Quin and Nina reply to each other with a thanks. that was a great match. but now I think your brother is fighting".

"Surprised and curious My brother?" Is he fighting too?" Let's go and see how he's doing. I'm excited to see his fighting abilities in action".

Ronald, dodges an attack from the senior disciple. and swiftly counters.

Quin "watching with keen eyes" and interest "My brother is quite agile and fast with his movements". He's "dodging the senior disciple's" attacks with ease" and countering with a swift and effective strike". It's impressive!" He's definitely proving his skills and worth in this fight". I can't wait to see his next move".

Ronald "then engages in a fierce swift strike". completely "knocking down the senior disciple". Quin and Nina "are surprised in the flaunt speed of the attack".

Quin exhilarated and excited Wow! "That was an explosive and powerful attack!" One "quick strike and the senior disciple was knocked down". That's impressive speed and power!" My "brother has shown that he's no pushover and can contend with even more experienced fighters". That's "some serious skill he has there".

give up. Ronald said to the senior disciple.

Quin "surprised and impressed by Ronald's assertiveness and strength My brother is clearly taking the fight seriously and is showing no mercy to his opponent". He's "not holding back" and is demanding the senior disciple to surrender". The "senior disciple seems stunned and taken aback by the boldness of Ronald's statement".

the "senior just attacks, twirl wind!" Ronald "couldn't get out of the twirl wind! technique in time". so, Ronald then Justs uses his fist of asura technique". completely breaking the twirler technique of the senior". and then "lands on the ground walking towards the senior an asked again for him to emit defeat".

"Excited and mesmerized Wow! My brother is truly displaying a remarkable level of skill and strength!" He was "able to break through the twirler technique of the senior disciple and is asking him again to emit defeat". The "senior disciple seems stunned and reluctant to surrender", but it looks like Ronald will not back down until his opponent concedes defeat".

"The senior emits defeat. Ronald then leaves to his sister".

"Overjoyed and relieved He did it!!! My brother is amazing! He fought with skill and determination and finally got the senior disciple to surrender". It was a "thrilling fight to watch", and I couldn't have been prouder and more pleased with him". I'm so happy for him and his success". I can tell he's really grown as a cultivator and has improved his skills tremendously".

"Senior then went to Nina", sister I lost against Ronald". it's "alright brother you did well against him". so, good job". alright, senior replied". so, "he then goes towards Ronald". telling his name", hello Ronald my name is ash". nice to "meet you ash my name is Ronald". both then shake hands.

Quin "watching and nodding with approval It's nice to see these senior cultivator students showing respect and camaraderie towards each other despite their losses and victories". I'm glad that "the senior disciple told Ronald that he did well despite his loss", and it was "nice for them to introduce themselves and shake hands". That "demonstrates maturity and respect between these students", and it's great to see".

alright nice job everyone, Ava replied.

"Glad and relieved It looks like the training session is over", and everyone has "performed well". I'm "glad that the principal is pleased with our performances and that we successfully completed the challenge". I "feel confident that our results will speak for themselves", and we "can continue improving and growing in our cultivation".