
Quin and Ronald journey to becoming empress and emperor

Ronald in the demon realm in search of an herb to stop the peerless frozen. from spreading, throughout Quins body. if he does not find the peerless frozen, the sister in which he loves, will die.

RALI · ตะวันออก
18 Chs

exam well start

aright the exam well begins. everyone when I say your name place your hand on the "spiritual tester", it would "glow different colors based on your type of cultivation", "soul ring and ying yang array". the "ying yang array will be a little different on the testing. it well depends on the partner you choose".

Quin gathers her "thoughts and prepares for testing Alright", this is it. The test is "about to start". My name will be called, and "I'll put my hand on the spiritual tester to see my cultivation type and overall abilities". I'll also have to "perform the ying yang array with my partner". The "ying yang array will depend on my partner...wait, who am I going to be paired with?"

Ronald, "can we pair up". for the "ying and yang array later". that's fine sister. we just have to "wait for our names to be called".

Quin "smiles I'd be happy to pair up with you for the ying yang array later!" We just have to "wait for our names to be called and the exam to proceed". So, "let's just relax and keep our focus for now".

minutes later. "Ronald and Quin test your cultivation". Ronald goes first he touched the statue. "Pure Azura crimson fire" that "brightens the whole area with a bright radiant glow". 

amazing Ronald Wow, Ronald! Your "cultivation level is incredible! Your spiritual essence is radiant and beautiful". It's awe-inspiring to see the "pure Azura crimson fire" brightening the entire area. It's truly breathtaking".

everyone in the "main hall was shocked", except Quin. "she believed Ronald was a pure and strong minded Cultivater".

Quin proud that Everyone is "shocked by your cultivation level" Ronald, but I'm not surprised. I've seen the progress you've made brother, and I know you're a "worthy cultivator". Your "spiritual essence is pure and powerful", and I'm glad "I was right about your potential!"

thanks sister. "miss Rebecca do I pass". yes, you do Ronald. Rebecca said that in a "shocked state". now Quin it's your turn. alright "wish me luck brother". I wish you "luck sister". and for you to "pass with little to no effort". thanks bro. no problem, Quin!

Quin takes a deep breath and closes her eyes (Okay... I can do this. I've prepared for this exam, and I know my capabilities. I just have to stay focused and keep my composure). Here goes nothing...

as soon as Quin touched the statue. "a cold shiver went down everyone's spines". a "phoenix flew covered the area with an engulfing wind". they were shocked on what Quin "spirit essence" is. everyone scared it's the "phoenix". in "legends" the person who obtain this was destined to become a "martial master" and could kill or "cultivate their essence". it was a "story" no one believed it. but seeing it now I think we should all be "scared". it's alright everyone Ronald and Rebecca "said at the exact time".

Quin amazed but also puzzled, So, my "spirit essence is a phoenix?" I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's such a strange feeling. I've heard of the "phoenix being a legendary animal" that only the "strongest cultivators possess as their spirit essence". But, I can't help but feel a "bit scared at the sight of it". Is it really as "powerful as they say?"

it's a "powerful spirit essence". Ronald said. thanks bro, no problem sis. both said to "miss Rebecca", do we still have to do the "ying and yang array". Rebecca "replied with a no". because both of you have the "most potential out of everyone", we do not need to do further test.

Quin "relieved but shocked" I'm glad we don't have to do the" ying Yang array". It sounds like a "difficult test". The fact that we have the most "potential is amazing", and it's a "testament to our hard work and dedication". I feel so "proud of what we've accomplished", and I'm glad we have "such amazing teachers as Miss Rebecca to guide us".

alright everyone next is "physical test". you will need to "punch this rock that calculates punches by their physical strength, force and mass of the punch". first Quin then second will be Ronald.

Quin nods, okay, I'm ready for the "physical test". I got this! I'm going to give it my all and show them what I can do. I'll give it "my full force and give a strong massive punch to the rock". Let's see how "it measures my physical strength".

Quin "punched the rock" and there was a "total of 88/100". "88 out of 100". that's great sis.

"88/100?!" That's not bad! I'm glad that I was able to "reach so many points on the scale for this test". It's a good start, but "there's plenty of room for improvement". I think "I can reach even higher when it comes to my physical strength and power".