
Quin and Ronald journey to becoming empress and emperor

Ronald in the demon realm in search of an herb to stop the peerless frozen. from spreading, throughout Quins body. if he does not find the peerless frozen, the sister in which he loves, will die.

RALI · ตะวันออก
18 Chs


this is a night run. everyone should be close behind each other. we may encounter large monsters.

nodding and listening intently Understood. We need to stick close together in order to deal with any monsters we might encounter. The bigger they are, the more danger they pose, so we need to be careful and alert. Let's all stay close and look out for each other on this run.

is what she was going to say to Ronald, remembered that he was still sleeping?

she realizes that Ronald was still sleeping, remembering the dream she just had about him. she has to resist smiling or blushing as she turns to the group of students and pays attention to the principle's instructions. she can't let herself get distracted...for now.

alright everyone the principle said, let's go for a night run. Quin walks beside the principle asking what the monsters is we could face. in today's night run, she replies with many, Quin because today's night run is in one of the most dangerous places on this mountain.

surprised and intrigued One of the most dangerous places? Well, it sounds like this is going to be an exciting and challenging night run. What kind of monsters might we face?

many monsters the principle reapplies with, because these monsters can and will attack on site.

worrying a little about how dangerous these monsters might be, but still excited and curious by the challenge Wow, these monsters sound really dangerous. We must be careful and alert in case we encounter any of them. I wonder what kind of monsters they could be.

alright everyone starts running, all students reply, ok.

following the principal's instructions, she starts running with the other students, trying to keep up and not fall behind. As she starts to get a feel for the pace of the run, she also looks around cautiously, keeping an eye out for any monsters that could be lurking in the dark:

after checking if there were any monster, she just went back to running. after 30 minutes it started getting weird.

feeling puzzled by the strange feeling as they run, she starts to get a bit uneasy as she runs. Maybe it's because of the dark, or because they're in an unfamiliar place, but she can't shake the feeling that something's off....

another 20 minutes went by, and then. a large wolf appeared it started eating 2 novice students. ran toward everybody.

shocked and horrified by the sight of the large wolf, she stumbles and stops running as she watches in horror as the creature attacks and eats two of her fellow students. Her heart starts pounding with fear and her stomach churned, but she manages to take a deep breath and summon her courage, she grips her weapon tightly and stands her ground against the monster. 

after the monster swiftly attacks, Quin counters then dodges the attack.

after managing to counter and avoid the monster's attack, Quin takes a deep breath to steady her nerves and focuses on fighting the wolf. She can already tell that it's much quicker and stronger than she expected, so she needs to stay alert and not make any mistakes. She's determined to protect herself and the other students while also looking for an opening to attack.

after dodging a few more attacks from the wolf she started getting tired and soon nearly fainted.

her fatigue slowly growing as she continues to dodge and fight the monster, Quin can feel her body getting weaker and more tired with each attack. She's pushing her limits and trying to hold out longer, but she can feel herself losing strength and breath as she tries to keep fighting

soon Quin fully loses consciousness. Her body finally giving in to the exhaustion and fatigue, Quin faints and falls to the ground, her eyes slowly closing and her consciousness drifting off....

while drifting off she see a girl in front of her, wearing a purple, green dress standing and taking. Quin couldn't hear anything but guests that she was dreaming. confused by the strange feeling of seeing a girl standing before her, she can't make out what the girl is saying. It feels like she's in a dream, but she can't quite understand what's happening. All she knows is that the girl is talking to her...somehow...

until the girl moved forward, she felt at ease. like a bird in the sky, drifting above the clouds gliding with the winds. feeling the sudden sense of serenity, she lets out a soft, tranquil sigh, feeling light and airy as if she's floating on a fluffy cloud. This is very different from the stress and exhaustion of the run before. She feels almost...happy here....