
Quick Transmigration: Who are you?

She could not find the joy in life. It was not like her life was miserable. She had enough money, power and status. While there were people who cursed at her there were also people who loved and respected her. But something important, some crucial part of her was missing. She had no idea as to what it was but she know that someday, that part will come find her. "Her soul has been destroyed and scattered among the hundred thousands of dimensions. It is impossible to find her." "Even if I have to spend the rest of eternity searching, I will find her."

10293847561 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 4(1.3)

Why? Why do these paperworks follow me no matter where I go?!

I understand that it had been tight for this company recently after chairman Jia collapsed but the amount of paperwork is even worse than mine.

'Master, are we not going to save your soul?'

'If I go will you take care of all this work?!'

Why should I work even in a VR game?! Could it be someone thought I was a business genius and kidnapped me to work me to the bone?

Nah... that can't be. If it was like that the goal would be build a successful company rather than save my soul nonsense.

'Voice do you have any information on my soul fragment's mother?'

'Master I have a name you know. I am called Xiao er.'

'This is the first time I am hearing that.'

'Did I not introduce myself to you Master?'

'You did not.'

'Anyway the information?'

'As far as I know the soul fragment's mother has been dead. I don't know anything more because I can only access the soul fragment's memory.'

'Then how did I get Jia Yue's memories?'

'I can access memories of the characters mentioned in the story but others I can't.'

'You are quite useless.'

'Master! I am not useless.'

'Then go find the information of that kid's mother for me.'


'What you can't?'

'I can't.' Xiao er said in a pouting tone. 'If I use my powers here those old foxes will notice me.'

So useless. With that Wang Yue went back to the paper works at hand. By the time she completed all those the sun was already setting.

Jia Yue came down from her study.


Looking at Jia You who had wiggled her way to the door but had fainted, she wondered

Did they just leave her like this from yesterday?

She called for the bodyguard waiting outside her house asking him to take care of Jia You to make sure she doesn't die.


So hungry...

'Is there any good restaurant near my soul fragment's house?'

'I thought you had already forgotten about it.' Xiao er said sulkingly.

Such a pain.

'I am sorry okay. I was busy with work.'

'Are you really sorry?'


'Then I will forgive you.' Xiao er chirped.

So easy.

'So is there such a place.'

'There is.'

'Woah! Xiao er is so useful.'

'Let's go!' Xiao er said excitedly.


'Are you sure we are on the right track?'

'Yes Master. After this just turn right and you will reach it.'

The car whizzed on a smooth road. The street was filled with dazzling neon lights.

I was expecting the surroundings to be a bit more run down but...

Unlike the Jia Mansion that was secluded the hotel the voice recommended was at the city, clamorous, variety of shops booming as people moved about, crowded and noisy but lively.

Jia Yue found a place to park her car. She had already refused the driver and drove here alone.

She asked the voice as she got out of her car, 'Where is my soul fragment's house?'

'Just behind this restaurant.'

'So close.'


Jia Yue clutched her stomach.

'What the-'

This time searing pain shot from her arms. If it were not for her high pain tolerance she would have screamed right now.

But Wang Yue calmed down.

'Master what happened?!' Xiao er asked in an alarmed voice.

'Tell me the way.'

Thankfully Xiao er was quick witted for once, quickly answering her.

Jia Yue hurriedly pushed the door open, thankfully it was not locked.

The pungent smell of alcohol mixed with the rusty smell of blood entered her nostrils.

Empty bottles, an acrid smell, a pained scream lingering in the air as it pierced deep through her heart.

It was not the first time Wang Yue had seen a violent scene but it hit differently this time. Maybe it was because the victim was a child or maybe because the victim was supposed to be herself.

A sense of disgust welled up in her stomach along with anger. Anger raging like a fire that it threatened to burn her sense of reason into nothing but ashes.

"WHO ARE YOU?" the man bellowed as he snapped his head in her direction.

The little child on the floor curled up even more on hearing the man's roar.

The man staggered towards Jia Yue slurring incomprehensible insults.

Jia Yue just silently watched on as the man incessantly rambled making his way to her.


Jia Yue took a single step forward moving closer to the man before kneeing him right in the stomach.

The man stumbled, falling on his as he groaned in pain.


Jia Yue stomped hard.

The sound of bones cracking could be heard.

The man screamed in agony, rolling around cradling his hand.

Jia Yue was about to continue beating him up but... looking at the little girl timidly raising her head, she kicked the detestable man's hand away as she moved gently toward the child.

Watching the child flinch and curl up even more, Jia Yue felt murderous rage. She wanted to go back and continue beating the man up but tending to the child was more important.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you." she spoke trying to sound as gentle as possible.

"Let's get out of here, okay?"

Her hand moved forward but flinched after seeing the bruises all over the child's body.

She gently patted the kid's head.

"I will get you out of here so, please come with me okay?" she pleaded.

She gently combed through the child's her only to find that the temperature was scorching hot.