
Quick Transmigration: Who are you?

She could not find the joy in life. It was not like her life was miserable. She had enough money, power and status. While there were people who cursed at her there were also people who loved and respected her. But something important, some crucial part of her was missing. She had no idea as to what it was but she know that someday, that part will come find her. "Her soul has been destroyed and scattered among the hundred thousands of dimensions. It is impossible to find her." "Even if I have to spend the rest of eternity searching, I will find her."

10293847561 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5(1.4)

"Are you the child's guardian?" the nurse stared at the disheveled Jia Yue who was guarding the door with judgemental stare.

"I am not." Jia Yue replied in a hoarse voice.

"Oh..." the nurse was obviously embarrassed of her thoughts.

She had thought that Jia Yue was a negligent parent who ignored their child for work but remembered the child's preciousness after it got hurt.

It was not that the new nurse was too creative but just that Jia Yue had been unmovingly staring at the door for an entire night neither going inside nor going outside. So the nurse had assumed that she had been feeling guilty.

"Then can please you inform the guardian of the child. We need the guardian's signature."

"Wait a minute."

Jia Yue took out her phone and dialed for her family doctor.

"Dr. Qian." Jia Yue's dry voice echoed, dry due to the lack of moisture.

"Jia Yue! Did you go drinking again?! If you want a painkiller just ask your driver or assistant to buy one. Don't wake me up so early just for a hangover!"

Jia Yue looked at the clock hanging over the door. It was 4 a.m. in the next morning.

"No it is not-"

"Did you beat up someone till they are near death again? Just do the chest compressions I taught you last time as long as the ribs are not broken. Did you not bring my apprentice with you?"

"No, it is not that. Well I did beat someone up but that is not the problem-"

"Are you hurt anywhere? Did you get shot?" Dr. Qian panicked.

"Can you please let me speak?!"

Dr.Qian finally quietened down.

"Don't worry I am alright. I just need you to admit a child without that guardian's sign."

"Ok. I will take care of it."

"Please wait for some time."

The nurse curiously looked at Jia Yue trying to figure out if she was just bluffing.

It did not take long for the head nurse to rush over.

"Sorry Chairwoman Jia. This kid was newly appointed. Please take no offense."

The head nurse dragged the newly appointed nurse to apologize.

Before Jia Yue could reply.

"We will do our atmost to take care of the child."

In the end all Jia Yue could say was a thank you.

On hearing Jia Yue's hoarse voice the head nurse hurriedly offered, "Does Chaiwoman Jia need anything to moisten your throat?"

"No it's okay. I will go get some water myself."

The head nurse enthusiastically lead Jia Yue to one of the nearest vending machine.

After finally sending away the head nurse who was latching onto her like a leech, she could finally get something to drink.

Of course her peace did not last long. Before she could even take a single sip of the black coffee she had just bought, she felt a heavy stare on her back.

Jia Yue swiftly turned back trying to find that nuisance.

Her surroundings were quite empty except for the conspicuous person at the corner.

With dark black hair that resembled a starless night sky, eyes closed with sharply defined facial features and a healthy bronze coloured skin that seemed to be shining even in the dimly lit hospital corridor.

The man had his arms were folded as he leaned on the wall in a way that it highlighted his long and slender legs.

Very handsome and sexy if Jia Yue did not consider the fact that he had probably posed that way as Jia Yue had turned her head to look at him as it was pretty obvious that he was the owner of that fierce satre a no one was around.

Does he think if he closed his eyes I won't figure out he stared at me?

Even if he is handsome, a pervert is still a pervert.

Let's ignore him.

'A good choice.' she thought as she nodded her head.

Jia Yue went back to her seat in front of the room hesitating for awhile but decisively entered the room and sat down beside the bed.

She gently traced the bandage that covered the child's entire cheek, continuing to trace the fractured arm that was all bundled up.

The doctor had said that it would atleast take a month to heal.

That damned piece of scum that deserved to be grinded into dust and scattered into the universe!

In an attempt to distract herself lest she went back to beat him up again, she ended up thinking about the strange man she had just met.

"Xiao er who was that idiot I just met?"

"Master need not worry about him. He is the Fl's cousin. Well step cousin to be exact. They share the same grandfather."

"The Meng Family is always so disgusting."


What happened till now in simple words.

Original name: Wang Yue

Character name: Jia Yue, a barely existant canon fodder in the original story. (legitimate daughter)

Jia You: Female lead of original story. Killed Jia Yue. Also step sister of Jia Yue. illegitimate daughter.

Meng Family: Female lead's mother's family.

Unknown handsome male : Jia You's step cousin. Jia You's grandfather had two children from two different wives. One is Jia You's mother who was also a illegitimate daughter. A pervert( Wang Yue's opinion).

Aim/Mission: To collect Wang Yue's soul fragments by earning their trust. Wang Yue doesn't trust this and thinks she is in a game.

The child: The soul fragment.