

A_Girl_56 · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Love In Triangle

When I got back the bakery was closed but thanks to the spare key I was able to get in, There was a letter on the desk from my boss wishing me farewell because she sold her restaurant to someone else that morning.

I don't know if it's because I was in jail and things have changed but do people sell their businesses like vegetables in the market? And where the fuck I'm I supposed to go?

" Let me wait for the new owner "

My thoughts about the bakery make me forget everything that happened this afternoon,  At least for a moment I guess.

The time went by and nobody showed up, It was about midnight when I heard someone opening the door, I grabbed the knife and headed to the bakery just in case it was some lunatic like the one earlier this morning.

" Name yourself before I cut that tongue of yours " I commanded.

" Don't you think it's rude to talk to your boss like that?"

" So you are the one who bought this place? "

" I tripled the amount the old lady couldn't resist "

" I still hate you, don't think this will change anything Raphael,  you will always have that traitor mark on your forehead "

" And what about you, Are you that innocent? "

" Get out "

" I think you forgot this is my place "

" I'm leaving then "

I was about to go when he held my hand, I wanted to punch his damn face but right that moment the phone rang he picked up and his face was down the moment he hung up.

" Your boss is in the hospital," He said calmly,  I wasn't so close to her but somehow I felt bad about it. " Which hospital "

Asked him and he offered me a ride. " Are you sure you have nothing to do with her accident? "

"My hands are clean "

I'm not sure if I will come to trust him again, My asshole father once told me to keep my friends close and my enemy even closer, I wouldn't find out about his plans if I keep pushing him away, will I?

It took fifteen minutes and we were in front of the hospital,  " I'll go first " I said as I locked the door.

She was in the ICU. I stood there waiting,  nobody else was there, she had a family,  a wife, and two beautiful daughters, I headed to the reception desk and ask the nurse about her family,

" You were the one she recently call so we called you,  here please call her family before I handed it to the police "

" Why police "

" She was attacked,  It wasn't a normal accident,  does she have a lot of enemies, what is her job anyway? "

I didn't answer any of her questions,  Right that moment I started to wonder if her accident has anything to do with me.

I clicked the numbers and call but nobody answered.  It was a little strange because at this time she shouldn't be at work or asleep.

I had to check on them. I could wait for Raphael and run out as if my life is depending on it, I called the taxi and headed to her home address,  

My boss Caro is a lesbian,  married to Rachel and they have two surrogacy daughters Lina and Lia.

I can't say I'm an angel and I'm so worried about them, No!, I just don't want to be the reason why everything turns out this way, I'm just another coward.

As I was deeply in my thoughts I found myself standing at the gate thinking about whether to ring the bell or not, I pulled my everything and ring it. Quiet.  Nobody answered.

I did it again but the reaction was the same,  I called the police and waited for them at the gate because I didn't know the password,  " One of the family members is attacked but no one is answering the phone they wouldn't open the gate either "

I told them as soon as they reached there, "  Okay,  calm down,  take it easy,  we will break the door and see what is inside"

After breaking the door they head inside and told me to wait but I insisted because I'm the only family friend there and I thank God I did.

The house was a mess, Glasses, windows chairs everything was either broken or out of place, on the wall there was huge writing in capital letters " CATCH ME IF YOU CAN " 

And there was one middle finger on the floor,  it has to be Rachel's because she is the paler in the family. Now I was sure whoever did this knew I would come here, that asshole knew me so well but I know nothing about him.

" I have to find him " I run outside without saying a single word,  I had my doubts but now that I knew exactly that everything is happening because of me, I couldn't help but worry,  didn't they want me to live a quiet life?

Was my life not quiet enough,  where did I mess up and where I'm I missing the point? The answer must be very close to me but what is it?

" Momo, where have you been? "

" Damn it, how could I forget about you, Raph It's you, Right? "

" What are you talking about?,  I don't understand "

"You are behind the kidnapping,  and Caro's accident, you needed the restaurants,  is that why you are doing all of this ?"

" Why the fuck would I pay her if I was going to take it forcefully,  I had the power to but I didn't "

" Are you expecting me to believe you? "

" No "

That asshole,  he can't even defend himself. But If It's not him then who could it be and what the fuck I'm I missing here? I should wait for the police report,

" Magret what are you doing here? "

I heard a deep shocked voice I didn't expect to hear at a time like this, I raised my head and saw Kennedy with the woman I saw the other day and suddenly my smile melted.

A lot has been going on in my life and I didn't want to deal with a love triangle at the moment " My boss is injured "

I replied and gave him a cold smile, I guess he took the hint and didn't say another word after that. I heard his footsteps getting further and further until I couldn't hear them anymore.

A day passed, then weeks but nothing happened,  Caro was still in a coma and her family had disappeared like they never existed in the first place. The blood sample test never comes out and every time I went to ask about it they gave me an excuse, excuse over excuse.

" Things would be better if you just hold my hand "

" No! "

" I would do all I can to help "

" Do you think I have the strength to trust you,  Raphael? "

" Then don't,  you don't have to trust me just let me take care of you, let me help you,  you are so blinded with your emotions that you can't tell a friend from a foe "

" For fuck sake give me a break "

Did he take me for a fool, A friend,  A foe? I wish I was with Kennedy right now,  every second with this lunatic is making me sick,

It's like he doesn't have other things to do, he has been hanging in my tail days and nights,  and he would follow me to the lavatory if not for the rules,  I admit I'm less lonely but it's annoying.

" Let's grab something to eat "

If I don't do anything he would starve to death, and besides maybe he might be of help, I grabbed my jacket and started to head outside,  I called a taxi and we both hop In.

There was a new franchise restaurant so I wanted to try it out, Thirty-five minutes and we were in front of it, " Let's find somewhere quiet "

" Do you have a reservation? "

" No "

I forgot these types of restaurants need reservations,  do I have to go back without eating,  I was about to leave when Raphael's masculine hands grabbed me " I Have It "

" Mr. Hunt, we are so glad to have you,  this way please " With a wider smile the waitress welcomed us, She didn't sound rude like she did with me.

We went to the table and my seat was facing Raphael and behind him, there was an ocean, because it was at night the waves were low despite the heavy wind.

" Are you rich nowadays? "

" I'm not sure but people call me that "

" Can you help me? "

" Whatever you want princess "

That moment I had sinfully thought,  I might as well use him, he owes me a lot after all, but also if by any chance he is involved,  wouldn't he be hindering the process?

" Momo? ", Said a deep commanding voice.

I turned my neck and saw Kennedy's angry face I have never seen him like that ever since I come to know about his existence,  did I do anything wrong?

" Raphael,  I'm coming "

I whispered but suddenly the hand grabbed me, hard, I tried to free myself but fail " Don't go " He said in a calm and painful voice,  what with him?

" I said I'm coming " I repeated but it was like I'm speaking to a goat, he didn't even bother to listen,

" Let go of her " Kennedy grumbled as he held my other hand,  it was so embarrassing but I guess they both don't care, " Raphael I thought we were making a progress but now you are doing this? "

After he heard my sentence he let go of me, he looked dissatisfied though but I didn't care, I have a rich, caring, and handsome boyfriend,  I shouldn't be worried about other men, should I?

Kennedy was holding my hand until we reached the car, I didn't even look back after leaving Raphael alone,  I was so focused on having my time with Kennedy,  It have been ages ever since we were this close together

" How is your fiancee? "

" Is that important? "

" For me, yes, It is important to know about my boyfriend's fiancee ".

" Let's talk about it some other time, but right now you have to stay away from that boy you were with "

" Why, are you jealous? He is my friend and my Ally "

" He is my sister's real killer "

" Do you have proof,  didn't you say the same thing about my dad the first time we met, Kennedy? "

This man is a mystery,  do I know him? His personalities changes according to the weather and somehow I started to question his intentions, It's like he purposely tried to make me feel guilty.