

A_Girl_56 · Urban
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6 Chs

Our Past On Our Backs

" Hey! Momo Why are you so damn slow? finish the dishes and come help me serve ".

It has been a week and I started to wish I had a life sentence,  I enjoyed my five years of jail time than being a civilian for a week,  how do people survive in capitalism? Jesus,

And warning don't call me lazy, it's a part-time job with less than a dollar wage per day, the only thing they provide for me is food and I'm allowed to sleep in a small room in the kitchen,

You might be wondering didn't I save up money before I went to jail? Well that is not the case, First of all, those guys will kill me if they found out that I'm out of jail but the most surprising thing is Aliyah Paul is dead

Yeah,  correct, Rumour has it  I'm dead, I was killed when I was in prison,  and they even held the funeral for me so I decided to play along,  whoever is behind it, wants me dead, or playing dead to be exact.

Until I found out what's going on I'll live like a dead person. Just for the time being

" What the hell are you doing magret? " Yuda, my employer yelled at me, I'm magret now. New identity but shortly call me momo.

" I'm coming boss "


It was around midnight. and Tuesday there weren't many customers so my boss leave early but I couldn't close the bakery because there might be customers coming for late-night snacks.

I was just coming out of the shower and all I could smell was the soft smell of my strawberry shower jelly, with a piece of bread in my left hand and strawberry juice in my right accompanied by a Netflix horror movie my night wasn't as boring,

" I guess it's time to close,  I will finish my movie tomorrow "

There are a lot of perverts these days, have to be careful. I slowly put down my bread and juice and headed to the door. I was about to close it when I saw a man standing in the rain,

I was so focused on the movie that I didn't notice that it was raining " Are you a customer? " I asked calmly.

The guy was trembling,  probably because of the coldness of the night plus the rain,  somehow I pitted him, I was once like that. Astray.  He didn't seem homeless though.

" Come in, I'll make you a cup of coffee " I added but he didn't say a word but run to me instead and hugged me. Tightly.

I should have pushed away but I didn't,  his scent was somewhat familiar,  maybe I'm going insane but his build seemed like someone I knew" Kennedy? "

I called but he was quiet, and he slowly let go of me, I pull him inside and when I saw his face I wished I didn't,  It was him and I regretted letting him in despite having doubts.

" I will call you an Uber,  go home," I said coldly as I gave him my back but he held my hand and put my face into his well-built chest.

I wasn't going to give in, " Let go of me, " I said angrily and I take his hands off me that's when I saw something I shouldn't have,  he was crying,  the man who is above all right here in front of me, A nobody,  with teary eyes on top of that.

" Kennedy,  are you drunk? "

" Help me, Aliyah " He kneeled.  I wish he didn't coz how I'm I going to say no to that? his face was all red. He must be going through something terrible.

I kneel and hugged him " What the hell have you been through? " I asked but he didn't say a word.  When his lips touch mine my whole body started to tremble like a puppy,  we kissed, touching and licking for god knows how long but I was never tired of it.

" Can you spread your legs a little more? "

It was a soft yet calming voice, I couldn't bring myself to say no to that, I don't remember how many positions I changed that night but my inside that were burning says it all, It was a fire on fire.


When I woke up I was alone and I was late for work but my boss didn't  come to wake me up, after taking a shower I went to the bakery and there were a lot of people than usual,  " Good morning,  boss "

" Good Morning! "

" Are you okay? "

" Ooh! Yeah, your friend is helping us"

" My friend? "

I was surprised I don't have any so I looked around and saw a tall young man with wide shoulders short black hair and a dark blue shirt,

Kennedy? What is the meaning of this? , don't tell me he wants something more than just one nightstand. I was excited because now I began to understand,

The obsession I had for him all this time may be what they call lo..., does he like me too? , Wait, wait first do I truly love him, me?

" Mag you are here? "

I heard a deep and familiar voice but it wasn't the one from the other night,  this person, I know him, he is among the people I couldn't forget " Raphael, what the fuck are you doing here and how did you find me ? ".

" Is that how you greet your old friend? "

" Cut the crap you damn traitor,  what do you want? " I grabbed him and went inside the kitchen, I didn't what to cause commotion at my workplace place

" Rumors have it that your father didn't kill the daughter of Franklin's Family so it is more likely to be an investigation "

" I don't need stories, I asked you, what the fuck you want?"

" You hate your father too right? Testify he is the murderer then this bakery and your old house are yours plus cash "

" Go to hell "

" I won't go after your lover as well, I had a hard time cleaning  after your mess this morning,  think about it but just know I'm not very patient"

That cocksucker, that damn asshole,  fuck, fuck fucking, damn! I wanted to scream at him but I didn't

Raphael was my friend,  a childhood friend, and a best friend but when he testified that I'm his drug boss, I knew I was raising a snake and now my doubts are right, he must be the mastermind of whatever the fuck is going on.

I hurriedly head to my room and took my jacket, I couldn't even ask for permission when I stormed out " boss, I'm out to buy groceries " A petty excuse,  but I didn't care because I was already on the tax and out of my mind.

I stopped at Golden Empire Group headquarters,  there is where to find him. Unlike five years ago everything has changed,  the building is way more magnificent,  tall, and fabulous I guess

" Do you have an appointment? "

The receptionist asked after I said I wanted to see the Chief Executive Officer,  I know I don't but will he send me away if I lied?

" Yes, We have an appointment "

" Your name? "

" Kennedy Franklin " I replied with a cold tone.

" Sorry but I ask you to leave now"

" Tell him that I'll go if he doesn't want to see me or else I'll go by force and no guard can stop me "

That pretty receptionist who was somewhat angry and afraid take the phone and make a call, in three seconds she hung up and smiled " This way please "

I smiled and tell her not to escort me " I know my way "


The office was larger, dark, and soulless,  it must be lonely to stay here every day,  that was my first impression the moment I opened the door of his office, he was busy, buried his head in his files.

" I was so mad when I woke up and you weren't there " I break the silence,  he didn't flinch a bit though.

I slowly walked around his table and stand behind him,  "You took my first kiss, my innocence, my first moan, my first orgasm and then you run away, what were you thinking? "

" I'm sorry I was drunk,  I'm so ashamed of myself right now, I'm trash, I'm sorry " It was a calm and annoying voice.

" If you say it was a mistake I'll kill you "

" No, it's not, I don't go around sleeping with women,  Yes I was drunk and shameless last night but the main reason it was you, you are the reason why I'm just a coward that's why I run away "

" The world will collapse if they see this side of you, Mr. Franklin "

" I don't say much but you still take my breath and then I become a dumb coward, I'm so afraid when I'm sober with you "

" When did you start to like me again? "

" Twelve years ago " Lies.

" Fuck, you were like sixteen I was ten or eleven I guess, What a naughty boy "

We talked that day and resolved some of the misunderstandings,  Kennedy has philophobia, the fear of being in a loving relationship,  it has something to do with his past and it somehow affected his love life, most of his relationships are confidential and he needs time to consider having a loving relationship.

" I love you, Aliyah, I don't want to hurt you with my incompetence "

" I like you too and I decided that we will go through this together, okay?

Everything was going smoothly so far and lunchtime was approaching,  Kennedy suggested making our first lunch date today. to be honest, I started to feel like everything was going too smoothly. Suspiciously smoothly.

" You owe me millions of dollars you know "

"  My black card is unlimited you should ask for it instead, Isn't that what girlfriends do, using their boyfriend's cards? "

" Forget it "

The lunch date was so much funnier than I thought and my day was great, I even forgot about Raphael,  if it was for my command I would wish for this time and this moment to last forever,

I wish I could ignore everything the way I'm doing when I'm with this man but the truth is more hurtful,  as soon as we part ways I'll become the same old me as always.

" I'll drop you first "

" Kenny? " The tall model-like woman who was closing the door of the white 2023 Maserati new model called in a soft voice.

" Who is that? "

" Juliana, My fiancee "

" What? Do you have a fiancee? " That was new to me. Didn't they say he had a girlfriend?