
Purity Of Heart

Collection of poems dedicated to Lord Krsna and His Hladini Potency, Srimati Radharani. Please, don't compare them to ordinary romantic couple. They're divine. Everything about Them is divine. If you want to know more about who's Krsna and who's Srimati Radharani, well, I've explained it a bit in the first chapter! Thank you for choosing to read my poems!

RadhaKrsna · ย้อนยุค
93 Chs

The Reflection

She approached her bathing lake,

Entering deep into the water,

With a sad expression on Her face,

With tears in Her eyes,

With Her throat and chest burning so bright.

Constantly She searched for a familiar face,

A familiar tune of flute,

Her heart yearned for Him once again,

But no where She could find Him in this grove.

Suddenly, She saw Him in Her reflection,

Her heart leaped up with excitement,

She reached out to him,

Only to touch ripples on the surface

What She thought was His descend,

Was merely His reflection,

Where He had a mild smile on His face.

Suffering from extreme pain in Her chest,

She silently whispered to that image,

"Oh Kanha, I know You're here,

"So why don't You come?

"Why don't You soothe My heart,

"Before it tears apart?"