
PSC: Twin Powers

2 boys are born, both are transmigraters from earth trying their best to rise in a world of magic and war

W_RDPM · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 2

As we approached the forest we couldn't help but be amazed by its beauty. Even so early in the morning it's so full of life. Like if the Amazon was full of magical energy.

"Stay alert boys. Although beast don't usually appear here we must--"

"Always be on our toes we know"

"Alright we shall split up remember to stay together and don't go too far. We will meet back at this tree by sunset. If you encounter danger Tepp I expect you to be in charge of your escape and find me immediately. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Yes ma'am"

After that she took off. I check to make sure I have my dagger and sickle as Amen checks his sword.

"Ready? We can't mess this up or she won't ever give us freedom." I look to Amen

"Ready" he said.

"Alright my life is in your hands bro keep an eye out." As we scour the close areas we find a lot of low level common herbs usually used in elixirs. We made sure to grab everything that looked useful.

Like a plague of locusts we ransack everything that appears to be of value. While I do believe in quality over quantity, just not in this situation where we need money. In just 2 hours our basket is near full.

"Ok we can slow down. It's time to look for it lets get going. " Before setting out me and Amen agreed to a multi-step plan. First gather as many herbs as possible and then search for elemental essence. In this world in order to use magic you have to find items heavy in elemental concentration to be able to sense that element and be able to use skills for that element.

Mothers elemental affinity heavily leans toward wood. Which she uses to find high level herbs. But, most of her wood skills are for attacking. Yet, we plan to use the money we get from gathering to by some growth skills so that we can grow our own plants.

[Warning Strong Elemental Energy Detected]

Its coming from the tree and the fruit ahead.

[Great Oak: 55 years old

Come into contact in order for the tree to be consumed by the system. Acquire: bonus to Wood Affinity]

[Kamui Fruit: Ripe

Benefits Unknown]





Aggh I lost. Amen gets the tree, I get the fruit. (Who knew the fate of the world could be decided over a game of paper rock scissors.)

Hmm a legendary named fruit. Most people would love to find one as they possess great power but most would be scared to consume them as they come with major side effects.

"Should we ask mom" I ask.

"Up to you but I am consuming this tree now." Without a second thought Amen stepped up to the tree and it slowly began to decay at a rapid pace. This must be one of the benefits of the system because mother said that depending on how strong your affinity is to an element it will take hours at the fastest to absorb a good enough amount to make your body adept at harnessing that energy. Well it also must be due to the fact that we both more than likely have mothers level of wood affinity.

There I sat with a purple banana looking fruit in my lap. I was always hesitant with life decisions in my last life which gave my opponents enough time to plot against me in my last life. If only I went public with the cure earlier. Never again. No regrets. I consume the whole thing barely even tasting it.

[Unknown Energy Invading Host: Analyzing]

[Analysis Complete]


[Kamui Fruit:


Might 45

Will 30

Durability 50

Intelligence 30

Spacial Affinity


Personal Dimension]

Energy, so much energy. Its pervading my whole body. Its excruciating. I can feel myself getting stronger slowly but surely. Hours go by then it finally ends. As I catch my breath I can see Amen getting up it seems he went through a similar situation. I look over myself to see what's new my stats wow my stats are amazing and I have a skill.

[Name: Tepp

Age: 12

Level: 1

Tier: 0

Might: 47

Durability: 54

Intelligence: 44

Will: 33

Known Affinities: Space

Skills: Kamui Dimension

Skill Points: 1]

Woah that's at least 15 levels of stats right there. Our luck must be insane. To find something like this here so easily. Wait, this was to easy. I need to look around after I am done checking on myself.

First let's put my skill point in my skill so I can use it. Instant regret. It felt like getting shot all over again. Ahh right in the head. Woah I can sense something in my head.

I try to sense it with my consciousness and immediately get sucked in. Woah it really is a personal dimension. Looks about 20x20x20 km. Not bad. I can work with this ok how do I get back out. Woah wait I can sense where my body used to be wait I don't have to go back there I can go up to 1 km in any direction of where I used to be. Wait let's go by Amen. When I come out I feel a powerful fatigue hit me. It must be the price of using my powers.

"Woah brother did you just teleport?" Amen looked at me with awestruck eyes.

"I think so. How long was I gone for?"

"I don't know. You were there then here instantly I think. Wow that's so cool you lucky bastitch. What debuff did you get?" He asked half joking half upset.

"None, I am pretty sure that there would have been one but the system cleaned it."

"What it can do that too? Darn next named fruit is mine." He said standing up.

"Well I mean its not like they grow on tr--. Wait I don't think that works here. Well what I mean to say is that they are supposed to be extremely rare so there must be a reason one was here. We need to leave." I immediately set off in the direction we came from with Amen right behind me.


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