
PSC: Twin Powers

2 boys are born, both are transmigraters from earth trying their best to rise in a world of magic and war

W_RDPM · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 3

"Crap, wolves. They must be the ones protecting the fruit if so, they must be space wolves."

"Woah, they sound cool what can they do?"

"Their claw strikes can traverse space."

"What that sounds like cheating."

"Yeah but they have a major nerf. They are stupid. So once we run through that river near where mom told us to meet her. Lets go" With our new stats we maintain a good lead but they are slowly catching up. It also doesn't help that now that I pointed out where to go Amen runs right past me. How is he still faster than me. He must have got some sweet stuff from that tree too.



As we came out the other side the wolves lost our scent and eventually gave up on us. Somehow Amen still managed to keep the plants from getting wet. Then we sat at the meeting point waiting on mother.

Hours later…

"There are my boys. How was your first day?" She asked. "Looks like you boys had a pretty good encounter." She noticed. "Its fine as long as my boys get strong enough to protect mother one day I will not ask questions. Now, come on it's time to go home."

"Yes ma'am"

Once we got back mother set everything thing out including our share. "Imhotep calculate the profit"

"Yes ma'am. Taking into account what the army will take from us, we will still be able to sale the excess 10% for about 10gp." I stated. 10 gold pieces is a lot of money for a small village like this.

But it still hurts to think of the 90% loss every time. Once a month a caravan will come through with resources from other areas to sell and we can sell our herbs there only that 90% of whatever we intend to sell has to go to the barony for free.

"Good, good. I have been waiting for this for a long time. Hahaha now that you both are adept and can look after each other I leave all matters to you 2." We both were stunned at her abrupt announcement. What does she mean by this.

"I know about your plan and your little adventure in the forest. Although I am upset you didn't consult your mother, I am still happy all the same. Tepp you are in charge of all household matters and Amen you are in charge of gathering with your wood affinity. I can sense you have already developed it a little. I am going into closed door cultivation when I return we will be going to my clan estate."

With that she walked to her room with a strange box she retrieved from under the sink and closed the door.

"Oi well I guess she really trusts us? What a strange mother." Amen shrugged it off. So did I. Although I never had parents in my last life I knew that teenage mothers were unconventional. I guess that's the same in all worlds. Well time to get to work.

Immediately we got to work Amen went to build a fence and I began to make a farm near our house. The fence was for protection from critters mostly. We usually don't get prying eyes since our little house was built on the outskirts of the village.

For three whole weeks we spent on our crops. Fence, dig, and get seeds from the plants we have. In the middle of our project I also took time out to do a project of my own.

I put a piece of bread in my Kamui Dimension and it didn't spoil. So my hypothesis is correct, time does not have to flow in that dimension. Also living beings in my dimension cause severe magical fatigue and are kicked out after a certain point, including myself and excluding plants.

In the end if I go in that dimension then come back out I am as fast as time. I can only be in there for 5 minutes max. Also the things I put in there can be brought in and out at will. So we put all the plants in there to keep them fresh.

Finally, the day arrived where the caravan would be here, so we locked up the house, said goodbye to mom and left.

As we approached the village it was bustling with vigor. In the village center you can see the giant tent that represents the caravan. We instantly hop into the line at the security check. After 2 hours and the army taking all the best herbs we had they finally let us in.

Inside it looked like an old fashioned Bazaar. There were stalls everywhere selling everything. We begin searching for apothecaries and potion masters as they are usually the buyers of herbs.

But, all of the big stalls have long lines so we keep looking and we find a potion shop with an old woman sitting at the front desk. The walls lined with various bottles of unknown liquids and books. I am tempted to go through them but am also afraid she will get mad if I don't buy anything first.

But there was one specific display that caught my eye it was an extremely worn out book with weird characters on it. Wait, that's english.

"Hey Amen don't these look like English characters?."

"Oi I was Korean on earth and I didn't do well with English but they do look familiar." He said.

On top of the book it read in the common tongue that whoever can read this book will receive the knowledge crystal that came with it. Woah knowledge crystals. Knowledge crystals are crystalized versions of memories.

Hmm in simple terms if Bruce lee crystalized his knowledge right before his death and an average person were able to consume the whole crystal that person would be able to fight at the highest level of martial arts instantly.

"Grandma I wish to accept this challenge."

"Little rascals if you want to play do it somewhere else. That is an ancient text from millennia ago if you could read that book I would eat my shoe." She said.

"Then let's make a bet I will read to you the instructions on this page and you will create the concoction and give it to whoever is suffering from this illness and if they get better I want a second knowledge crystal and for you to buy all of our herbs."

"And what If you lose?" She said slightly interested.

"Then we'll be your slaves from now on"

Hello my name is JHVaterking, and I would like to welcome you to the beginning of TWIN POWERS. Please Rate and Comment as much as possible to show support. If you would like to be a patron you can access it here: https://www.*******.com/JHVaterking

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