
Protected By My Mate 2

It started with my mother and father, but now it continues on with me and my mate. My name is Athena King and my mate's name is Storm Dreyer. And this is our story. If you have not read the first story of Protected By My Mate, I highly recommend you read it first. --------- This story is only on WebNovel. No one is allowed to copy this story or chapters without the me(the author) permission. Thank you.

Queen_Vellon · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Hello My Nephew

(Athena's POV)

"Ms.King, your father has requested for you to come to his office. It's something urgent." Dante said over intercom, interrupting my work. "Tell him I'll be there in five minutes." I replied over the intercom. I fixed up the files I was working and put them aside. I then got up and walked out of my office to go to my dad's office.


(In the CEO's office.)

"WHAT!?!" I yelled at the news that was just told to me. "You heard me. I need you to go with your mother to Selena for emergency business matters and you have about an hour to pack your stuff." he answered. I was completely shocked. "And you decided to tell me now! And why do I have to go, why can't it be Nathan or Jered or even Julian?" I snapped at him. He sighed as if he was irritated and said "Athena, this just came up. Please just do it and go get packed and say goodbye to Storm."

He handed me a file and told me to go. "This is bullshit!" I exclaimed before l left the room, slamming the door behind. I know you might think I'm acting like a teenager, but I hate when he does these kinds of things. It's not the first he has done it.

As I was in the elevator, I mind linked Storm and told him to meet me at the car. When the doors of the elevator opened to the garage, I walked to the car and waited. I honestly wanted to burst into tears. I was mad at my dad and I was sad that I was going to be seperated from Storm all so suddenly.

"Hey are you okay?" Storm's voice suddenly said from behind me. I turned to Storm and quickly gave him a hug without any explanation. He stroked the back of my head and said softly "Baby what's wrong." I looked up at him and explained the situation, trying my hardest to not crying.

After explaining, he kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter. "It's going to be okay. I'll be here when you get back.Now come on I'll take you home and help you pack." he said and I just nodded. We opened the door to the car and helped me in and then he went into the driver's seat and we drove back to the house.

We went inside and he helped me pack up my stuff that I will need for the trip. I didn't want to leave but I had no choice. Once I had finished packing, I had only ten minutes left before I had to go to the helipad on top of the main house. I looked at Storm and he saw the uneasiness look on my face. He walked towards me and caressed my cheek.

"It will okay. I will call you everyday and I will be hear when you get back." he said. I nodded my head and pulled him down to me and kissed him. "How did I get so lucky?" I asked when a tear fell down my face. "No no baby. It is I who got lucky." he replied and I giggled a little.

We both walked out of the house and went into the main house to go to the helipad on the roof. My mom was already there in the helicopter waiting for me. The pilot grabbed my bag and put it in the helicopter. I turned back to Storm and gave him a one last kiss goodbye. "I love you." he said and I replied "I love you more." He laughed and said "Not possible. I love you most." I smiled and gave him one last peck on the lips and ran to the helicopter.

Once I got myself strapped in, we were taking off. I waved by to Storm and we took off, not knowing what will be ahead for us.


(Storm's POV)

I watched her helicopter take off into the distance and I already missed her. I missed her in my arms. I then smiled at a thought I had. 'This feeling of losing her is growing. The feelings I have for her is out of this world. Which means I think it's time. I going to propose when she gets back.' I couldn't help but have a big grin on my face.

Before I even saw her again, I had already had a ring for the one I fell for. Knowing it was Athena made my heart beat really fast in happiness. I ran down the stairs of the main house and ran to our home. I ran into my room and went through the stuff I had brought from my old house. "Come on where is it?" I said to myself as I searched the ring. "Yes found it."

I took out the tiny box and opened it to find the diamond ring I had bought years ago. I thought why not be prepared so I bought beforehand. The ring was a custom princess cut diamond and split shank engagement ring with an engraving on the inside that said 'Today, Tomorrow, and Always'. I stared proudly at the ring and knew it was exactly right for Athena. Now it's time to talk to her father about it.

I ran back out of the house and drove back to King Sights. I used the elevator and went up to the top floor where the CEO's office was. I was then greeted by his secretary when the elevator doors opened and walked to his desk. "May I help you?" he asked. "Yes can you tell Mr. King that Storm Dreyer needs to talk to him about something important." I answered and he nodded and picked up his phone. The secretary talked for a couple of seconds and then he hung up the phone. "Go right in." he said and I walked to the door and opened it to find Alpha Jacob looking at some papers.

He looked up at me and said "What can I do you for Mr. Dreyer?" he asked and I replied as I walked towards his desk "Sir, I need to talk to you about something. It involves me and Athena... I was hoping with your blessing that I could propose to her." He looked at me with an intense look on his face and just stayed like that. It was as if he was observing me. Then finally he spoke. "That is a big step. Are you sure that you are capable of keeping my daughter happy? Will that be your number one priority?". I frantically nodded my head and answered "Her happiness means everything to me sir. I would rather die than deliberately hurting her."

He then fell silent again and kept on looking into my eyes, as if he is trying to see if I was lying. Of course I wasn't. He then let out a deep sigh and "I was wrong about you Storm. I thought you would be like your uncle, but your not. I am happy you fought for my daughter while I was trying to take her away from you. You make her happy which makes me happy... So as a result, I am willing to give you my blessing."

You have no idea how happy I was because of his answer. I wanted to run to him and give him a big hug but I restrained myself from doing it. I was going to say thank you when my phone suddenly rang. It was Athena. I answered the phone real quick. "Baby are you already in Selena? Do you already miss me that you had to call straight away?" I said as a joke. Then my face went pale when I heard the voice on the other line. "Hello my nephew."