

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs

Don't turn away

"When are you going back to your home country, Will?" Asked Jackson in the middle of a party that Gwen's grandfather threw to celebrate Gwen's birthday.

It's been three days since Jackson asked him to return to his home country to become a governor and Jackson never discussed it again, William thought that Jane had succeeded in persuading Jackson but it turned out that Jackson still wanted him to return to his home country.

William doesn't mind just being a governor but marrying another woman is something he can't accept, especially since Gwen's health condition is getting better, which means their marriage is getting closer. William didn't even think about marrying any other woman besides Gwen.

And to Gwen, William was a painkiller, her condition slowly getting better after they talked about their marriage which meant the more likely she was to get well.

But Jackson suddenly came as if to give him a big hammer to destroy the foundation that William and Gwen would build, even though William initially thought everything would return to normal but in reality, it was the opposite.

"I will be governor but I will not marry anyone," William answered firmly.

Jackson then laughed before taking a sip of the wine he had been holding since earlier.

"Unfortunately, you can't. The condition for you to easily enter a political party is to marry the daughter of the party leader. She is young and talented, also famous throughout the country. You don't have to do much to gain fame before an election."

"Then I can't do it."

William downed his wine in one gulp before walking away from Jackson.

"So you don't want to see your brother anymore huh?" Jackson asked making William's steps stop for a moment.

Jackson smirked before stepping closer and whispering.

"I'll get rid of him then." He whispered in passing.


"Okay..." Finally, William with a heavy heart clenched his teeth and suppressed the anger that was soaring in his heart, he gave up.

Jackson turned and smirked, "My son is obedient." He said before leaving to hang out with his business partner who was also present at Gwen's birthday party.

The party had started an hour ago, a lavish and classy party that reflected the graceful Gwen. Gwen herself is currently dancing with Mark although with an annoyed face but because William asked her to dance with Mark, finally Gwen wants to dance with Mark.

"Gwen is so pretty." Praise Mark, his smile is perfect for being able to dance with Gwen even though his dance moves aren't that great.

Gwen rolled her eyes in disgust, even though she had only been dancing with Mark for fifteen minutes but it felt like a long time, especially since Mark kept praising her and making her a little sick.

"I'm tired Mark, let's just stop dancing okay?" Take Gwen carefully, she doesn't want Mark to cry because she doesn't want to stop dancing.

"But Mark still wants to see Gwen's face up close."

"You know my condition right? What if I fall unconscious? I even have to go back to the hospital tomorrow."

Although reluctant, Mark finally complied and stopped dancing. Gwen immediately stepped away to look for William's whereabouts while Mark with a disappointed feeling rushed to his mother who had been waiting on the edge of the altar.

"You dance well." Praise Jane, which made Mark's disappointment fly away, replaced by a big smile.

"Would Gwen like Mark because Mark is good at dancing, Mom?" Mark asked innocently, a question that made the smile on Jane's face drop, remembering that Gwen loved William and Jackson's words on the night of their fight came back to Jane's mind and added to the pain in her heart.


William had drunk the two glasses of wine the waiter gave him but he was not drunk because his alcohol tolerance level was quite high and this was the third glass of wine he would drink and hoped he becomes drunk so that he can forget the tightness in his heart.

"You want to get drunk at my birthday party?" Gwen asked grumbling, she snatched the wine glass from William's hand without permission and told the waiter to take the wine away from William.

"You are very beautiful." Praise William smiled, he ignored the wine that Gwen had taken because he didn't want to start a small argument with Gwen like what had always happened before Gwen was sentenced by the doctor.

But even so, Gwen is indeed very beautiful, even though she is wearing a wig because her hair has started to fall out due to the therapy she is undergoing but her face still looks charming like a Barbie doll.

"Come on, no beautiful women wear wigs." Gwen's protest, a protest that Gwen threw to cover her nervousness over William's compliment.

"Then, should I call you handsome, honey?" William teased, not forgetting that he grabbed Gwen's tiny waist and made her stand close to him.

The place where William and Gwen were currently was quite far from where Mark was because they were in the outdoor garden while Mark and Jane were in the large hall.

Gwen's blush made William smile involuntarily. He gently touched Gwen's face before kissing Gwen's lips briefly.

"You have to heal and go back to being the annoying bitch you used to be," William asked after letting go of Gwen's lips and putting a necklace studded with diamonds around Gwen's innocent neck.

"Of course, I will recover and we will get married," Gwen replied excitedly, especially because William also gave her a very beautiful necklace as a gift.

"Want to dance with me?" Invite William, he can still feel the anxiety in his heart but William doesn't want to waste this opportunity tonight to make Gwen's smile continue to bloom.

"Of course, I've been waiting for you to ask me to dance a while ago," Gwen replied jokingly which made William chuckle softly.

"Okay princess, would you dance with me?" With William, he held out his hand before taking Gwen and leading her down the aisle to dance.

Gwen deliberately snuggled closer to William so he could talk in a whisper.

"Tell me if you're tired."

"I won't tired, Will. I wish I could dance with you forever."

"You are indeed the queen of the party."

"Oh come on, that's a very old term."

Gwen couldn't help but laugh at the light joke William threw at her.

Seeing Gwen smiling and even laughing happily made Mark feel sad instantly.

"Gwen doesn't laugh like that when she dances with me." He muttered before walking away, Jane who was standing next to Mark immediately followed Mark while Jackson who also heard Mark's murmur could only put on a displeased face before finally following Jane's steps.

Even a fool could see the special relationship that existed between William and Gwen.



Gwen lifted her head and looked at William's handsome face who was currently smiling at him.

"Promise you will recover," William asked gently.

"Of course, I'll be fine soon."

"Don't worry, I won't be sad anymore. I will fight to live a long life and spend my old age with you." Gwen continued, she smiled gently before leaning her head back on William's chest.

Spending the old days with you...

Once again a scratch was cut on William's aching heart.

"Gwen..." William called again, his heart ached at having to leave Gwen but he couldn't let Jackson hurt his brother.

"Yes, honey..."

William's tears finally dripped helplessly after hearing Gwen answer him with an affectionate call. William then kissed the top of Gwen's head briefly.

"I have to go..."

Gwen raised her head and looked at William's sad face this time.

"Go? Where are you going?" Gwen asked not understanding.

"To a country in Asia, for quite a long time," William answered with a heavy heart.

"Then what about me?" Gwen asked, her eyes quickly heating up and tears welling up in her eyes.

"I will be back..."

"How long?"

"Two years..."

Gwen took a deep breath before lowering her hand from William's shoulder and taking a step back.

"What if I can't survive and die without seeing you first?"

"You promised you would get better didn't you?"

"BUT THAT'S ALL IF YOU CONTINUE BY ME WILL!!" Gwen screeched from being so emotional.

She held her aching head for a moment before finally, fresh blood came out of her nostrils.

"Gwen ..." William immediately rebutted Gwen's body which finally fell unconscious.


Gwen has been unconscious for two hours, her birthday party has ended in chaos and now Gwen is lying on her bed with William who continues to be by her side and holds her hand tightly. He felt very guilty for making Gwen's condition immediately worsen.

"William... Don't leave me, I need you, Will." With her eyes still tightly closed, Gwen was delirious and kept calling William's name.

William, who had been waiting for him, immediately called his name so that Gwen would wake up.

"Gwen, I'm here..."

Gwen's eyes slowly moved restlessly behind her eyelids before finally, Gwen opened her eyes slowly.

"Will..." She called weakly.

"Don't go..." Got Gwen, tears streaming out of the corners of her eyes.

"Don't leave me, Will."

William wiped Gwen's tears gently and kissed the back of Gwen's hand for a long time.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just going away for a while, honey. I used to go on business trips a lot before, didn't I? And I'm still here in the end, with you." Persuade William.

Gwen looks very displeased, her face looks gloomy again.

"Honey, please..." William said again, not forgetting that he gently touched Gwen's cheek which finally made Gwen melt, and nodded as a sign of letting William go even though it was with a heavy heart.

"Visit me as often as you can and never turn your back on me."
