

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs

Wedding plans

"I will endure and wait for your return, and the day you come to see me will be our wedding day." - Gwen Lady McQuarrie.


A sweet dream, a promise that William had to say to his girlfriend Gwen.

Poor Gwen was alone and in pain and her boyfriend left her to marry another woman. A heart-wrenching melodrama.

William never once thought about marriage if it wasn't with Gwen, his lover.

But the universe doesn't seem to support them to unite.

Feeling guilty, William steps out of the country he has lived in for eighteen years, which turns him into another human being who forces him to leave his past behind without a trace.

Then then the book of his life suddenly opened a new chapter that he never expected.

Should he come back like this? After leaving the same way, which was to leave a trail of wounds for his brother. Why does he always leave scars in the hearts of those who love him?

Used to be his brother and now Gwen.

"Hurry back," Gwen whispered into William's ear without loosening her grip one bit.

Currently, William is already at the airport. No one escorted him to his departure except for Gwen who forced herself to accompany him.

Jane wanted to accompany William but William knew, that if Jane and Jackson later had a big fight because of him because Jane was against Jackson's orders to ask William to return to his home country. William didn't want Jane to be in trouble so he asked Jane to stay home and wait for him who promised to come back soon.

Now William is on his private jet.

While looking at Rose's video which is currently being broadcast by a video search page featuring an exclusive interview conducted by a well-known magazine with the twenty-five-year-old girl.

She was beautiful, and her smile had alluring magic. William realized that this girl was not only beautiful but had something that made him want to keep looking at her face even just because she laughed lightly without feeling he smiled too.

Is this the woman who will be his soulmate?

"You are still very young, but are there any plans to marry young?" The interviewer asked Rose who was wearing the pink dress.

"Married young? I think my current age is the ideal age for a woman to marry." The answer is a straightforward and passionate narrative.

"I will not refuse if someone dares to go to my parents and propose to me." She continued, chuckling softly.

"Yeah, definitely not some random guy to meet your parents, considering who they are."

Rose's smile slowly dropped, making William wonder why the girl's smile disappeared when the host mentioned her parents.

"My parents are just like any other parent who wants happiness for their children. Whoever will marry me, he is not a man who is only seen from where he comes from or what his social status is but from how sincerely he loves me. My parents are not the caste type, so either in a month or maybe in a week I will get married, then that man is the man I love."

Just by looking at the way Rose spoke, William could tell if the girl's heart had belonged to another man and it was likely that he would inflict even more pain on people he didn't even know.

It seems that being a selfish man has become his destiny.


"Are you nervous?"

"Not!" Rayhan answered firmly the question that Rose threw at him. It was obvious he was lying because he could feel the sweat dripping freely down his forehead, even his hand gripped Rose's hand so tightly.

"Ok fine, I'm so nervous," Rayhan replied, who finally turned his head to look at Rose after previously only looking straight ahead.

"Relax, my parents are very kind, they won't eat you, Ray," Rose said reassuringly but Rayhan didn't look calmer at all, instead he became more nervous.

"What if I meet your parents after I propose to you at your concert?"

Rose lowered her smile, for her if Rayhan did something like that, it would only make his parents disapprove of their relationship even more.

Rayhan just doesn't know that Rose's parents have known about the love relationship between them for a long time and her parents are clearly against it, but Rose always tries to make sure that Rayhan is a kind and sincere man but sincerity is not enough in a marriage, especially for her big family who is famous throughout the country even Asia.

Rose only hopes that Rayhan's arrival to propose to her can melt the hearts of her parents but if Rayhan chooses to propose to her after announcing their wedding plans in public, her parents will be even more convinced that Rayhan is an orphanage child who doesn't have the ethics they thought all along.

Seeing Rose's slowly gloomy face made Rayhan feel guilty, by taking a few deep breaths to make his nervousness disappear, Rayhan finally smiled and said with certainty.

"Okay... I'll propose to you right now."

Rayhan got out of his car which was parked in a large parking lot at Rose's residence which looked like a magnificent palace in a modern classic style.

Rose came out following him, she stepped closer to Rayhan who was standing waiting for her and took her by the arm, and led him into her house.

Just when Rayhan and Rose were in front of the door, Rayhan deliberately stopped his steps to ensure the position of his tie because he very rarely wore a suit which he thought was very uncomfortable but Rose forced him and finally, he relented instead of arguing with Rose and now he ended up wearing a colored suit navy blue and a maroon tie that hangs beautifully between the collars of his shirt.

After confirming his appearance, Rose was just about to open the door when the door suddenly opened wide to coincide with a limited edition luxury car stopping right in front of her terrace.

Rose and Rayhan, who originally intended to enter, were slightly distracted, especially when a driver hurriedly opened the car door for someone who came out from behind the car door wearing a black suit and gray tie.

The man's stature is tall and straight so he looks very dashing in that suit, especially with his hair that looks black and shines and his face is no doubt a man who is very concerned about his appearance. He is handsome and handsome without any blemishes or acne scars or maybe a pimple will slide considering his face that looks very soft. Without Rose realizing it, she was transfixed without blinking when she saw the man getting closer to her, and Rose only realized when the man deliberately blinked one eye while smiling seductively as if he didn't care that Rayhan was standing right next to Rose.


Rose immediately turned to the familiar voice, her father's voice sounded very friendly which she rarely heard because all this time, Adam Cheruson, his father always spoke in a serious tone and seemed stiff, and who was William?

Not yet finished with Rose's surprise about her father's 'friendly' voice, now she was surprised by the sight where her father and mother even hugged the man who was called William alternately.

Oh come on, even Rose herself is rarely hugged by them.

Meanwhile, Rayhan felt a little inferior because he seemed to have come at the wrong time. The man who was about five centimeters taller than him looked very welcomed by Rose's parents.

"Did I come late?" William asked very kindly, he used a soft tone like when he spoke to Jane.

"You came on time. How come you didn't even miss a second." Nisa Cheruson replied, Oh my God, it seems that the god of goodness is on the side of her parents who suddenly became friendly and very gentle, even her mother didn't hesitate to praise the mysterious man making Rose feel a little jealous.

"I don't like wasting time, every second of it is precious," William replied.

Adam smiled satisfied with William's answer.

"Then come on in, we have prepared dinner for you."

Ignoring Rose who came with Rayhan, Adam, and Nisa invited William to come with them while Rayhan started to feel uncomfortable.

"Come on in, I will soon introduce you to my parents, he seems to be my distant cousin." Invite Rose while trying to comfort Rayhan.

Rayhan tried to smile, his heartfelt is uneasy at feeling unwelcome.

"Rose what are you waiting for there? Don't let your future husband wait here alone."

As if hearing the sound of thunder rolling out, Rose and Rayhan's steps stopped at the same time when Nisa approached them.

"What do you mean, Mom? I haven't even introduced Rayhan yet." Asked Rose who was still trying to stay calm.

"Rayhan? is he your new manager?" Asked Nisa not to understand.

"No, he's Rayhan, my lover."

Nisa looks stunned for a moment, she notices the man standing next to Rose, he looks different from a suit like this because usually Rayhan always looks like a thug to her.

Nisa then smiled, she then grabbed Rose's hand which was wrapped around Rayhan's arm, and then slightly pulled Rose's body to her side.

"Rayhan, you look different in that suit." Nisa's comment, she smiled gently and made Rayhan feel a little relieved, Rose said that her parents were very friendly.

"Thank you, Auntie," Ryan replied smiling.

"Since you're already here how about you join us for dinner and hear about Rose and William's wedding plans to be held this weekend?"
