

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs

Don't fall in love


"William, can you hear me?"

Gwen's soft voice was heard several times calling his name but William still kept his lips shut tight.

Was he being too nice to Rose? Had he been so enchanted by Rose's charm that he didn't think about Gwen at all when he was with Rose?

Gwen is waiting for him and for him to return while struggling to live there.

"William, you don't want to talk to me anymore?" Another voice came from Gwen.

"What are you saying, I was too happy to hear your voice just now." William replied.

"I miss you, every time I always think of you." Gwen said softly, William could feel that Gwen was crying behind the phone but he covered it up.

"I miss you too honey." William replied but inwardly apologized because he didn't miss Gwen at all let alone think about her, Rose distracted all of his attention without William noticing.

"I'm having chemotherapy and my hair is starting to fall out. Good thing you're not by my side. I don't even want to see my own face.

"What are you saying, in my eyes you are still my girlfriend Gwen. You will always look beautiful no matter what your circumstances are." William said calming Gwen, William's face now looks gloomy again.

Today he even praises Rose a lot when he rarely praises Gwen as beautiful even before Gwen was sentenced to have cancer. Although Gwen is a very beautiful woman she has even been a photo model William will not praise Gwen if Gwen doesn't whine and ask him to compliment her.

"Are you eating well?" William asked after Gwen had been silent for a while, maybe his praise of Gwen sounded like a lie to Gwen.

"Of course, I want to get well soon." Gwen replied.

The atmosphere was quiet again, Gwen was silent again and so was William, he didn't know what else to say now.

"William..." Gwen called again breaking the silence.

"Don't fall in love with another woman there." Gwen continued.

Like being hit hard in the chest, William was stunned for a moment, William couldn't imagine at all if Gwen knew about his wedding plans with Rose.

"Of course," William answered quietly.

"Promise me to keep giving your whole heart to me. Never turn your back on me." Gwen pleaded, her anxiety being afraid that William would turn his back on her. Made her health condition worse but Gwen didn't want William to worry about her condition.

Once again Gwen asked him to promise, every time someone asked him to make a promise every time William was afraid that he would not be able to keep the promise but he knew that Gwen would continue to wait for his answer.

"Don't think about things that make you uncomfortable. You should focus on your health Gwen." Said William who finally chose not to agree with Gwen's words.

"Get some rest, it's two in the morning here. I have to sleep now." William said again, with a feeling of disappointment Gwen finally turned off the phone without saying a sentence of love to William first, the usual thing she had always done before.

William couldn't help but sigh heavily, he would have almost fallen into his own game if Gwen hadn't called him and reminded him.


Morning finally came, William could barely sleep at all, he fell asleep after four in the morning and it was now seven in the morning.

By now William was sitting at the dining table with Rose's parents.

"What time did you get home last night?" Asked Nisa.

"Half past twelve, yesterday we visited the house we will be living in after we get married." William replied.

"Have you bought a house yet?" Adam asked almost in disbelief.

William nodded, Rose's parents looking at each other now. They were not wrong in choosing a husband for their daughter.

William is not only handsome, he is polite and most importantly his background is from a respectable and wealthy family. Of course all parents in this world want the best for their children, including themselves, especially since Rose is their only child.

"Then where is Rose? Is the girl not awake yet?" Nisa said confused because usually Rose always left early in the morning.

"Yesterday Rose fell, sprained her leg." William's story.

"She should be more careful. How she hurt her leg when he was going to have a solo concert and also getting married soon." Adam said from the look on his face, William could see that Adam looked displeased as well as Nisa.

Aren't they worried about Rose's condition? William wondered.

"You don't want to see Rosie's condition?" William asked.

"For what? she has injured her leg so many times. That girl is so clumsy sometimes." Said Nisa.

William understood now why Rose felt lonely because her parents didn't take good care of her.

"I'll introduce you to the party council once you've married Rose for now you just keep Rose company." Adam said.

"Okay." William answered, he felt a little annoyed with the attitude of Rose's parents now.

"I'll bring Rosie breakfast then." William said, actually he felt lazy because Adam would definitely ask about what assets he had like when they ran yesterday morning.

"We're going to the office then." Adam said, Nisa is a member of the people's representative council so she also has to go to work while Adam is no longer an official, he is just busy taking care of his big party and some of his business.

Money also seems to cover the conscience of both Rose's parents so that they are more concerned with their work than seeing Rose's current state.

William knocked on Rose's door before entering.

"You want to go?" William asked after seeing Rose neatly dressed.

"Yes." Rose answered briefly while putting earrings in her ears.

"Your leg still hurts, right?"

"Feels better already."

William then placed the tray containing the breakfast he brought on the nightstand.

"Have you put medicine on your feet?" William asked.

"I forget." Rose replied, she wanted to get away from William immediately but William continued to speak in a soft, caring tone of voice. It would be nice if William provoked a fight between them because Rose couldn't start saying harsh words to William because last night William had been very good to her.

William then grabbed the medicine which was located not far from the night lamp, last night he actually put it there and squatted right in front of Rose.

"What are you doing?" Rose asked pulling her leg when William's hand slowly touched hers.

"Treating your feet, what else really?" William replied.

"I'll do it myself." Rose said, she tried to take the medicine in William's hand but William didn't allow it.

"Just eat your breakfast, let me treat your feet." William said.

"But, Will..."

"You want me to feed you too?" William cut in for Rose to finally comply.

"Eat a lot, I'll take you if you want to go but I won't allow you if you practice with your legs like this."

Oh come on, stop being nice and warm. Rose really couldn't resist William's charm at this time.

"I'm not going to practice but I'm going to meet my boyfriend," Rose said honestly, actually she felt very sorry for Rayhan because she allowed the distance between herself and William to get closer.

William didn't respond to Rose's words, she continued to apply the ointment given by the doctor and slightly massaged Rose's ankle which was no longer swollen but still had bruises.

Rose was wondering, was William angry? he was just silent even he looked very calm in contrast to the previous day who looked displeased if he mentioned Rayhan.

When finished, William then went to the bathroom to wash his hands and then sat back down next to Rose.

"Don't you like the menu?" William asked because the two sausages and the oxeye egg he brought still looked intact on Rose's lap.

"You are not angry?" Rose asked carefully.

"Angry about what?" William asked.

"Because I met my lover."

"Of course not because we are not married yet but if later after we get married and you still see him then I will be very angry." William replied.

"So you really fell in love with me?" Rose asked again.

William didn't answer and just smiled faintly.

"Eat, I'll just take you. I can't accompany you today." William said before rushing to leave Rose's room, leaving Rose with a thousand questions in her heart about William.

Who is that man really? Did he really want to marry her out of love? Or did he just turn it into a tool? Why is he always different every time? He's sometimes cold but sometimes warm, sometimes wise then digress, sometimes close and then distant, sometimes annoying but at the same time fun.

So which one is his real face? Was the sadness that Rose saw through William's eyes because of an injury or because William was drowning in his own darkness.

William himself didn't even know who he was and what happiness he should choose.
