

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs

Not love but happiness

As William said, he will take Rose to meet Rayhan.

Currently they are still on their way to the agency where Rose is sheltered and there is also Rayhan working as a music producer.

Unlike yesterday, William today looks calmer, he also doesn't talk much even William hasn't talked about anything since earlier but it all made Rose wonder in her heart, about what William is currently thinking.

Rose was really confused by William's attitude, he looked like a different man from William who had spent the whole day with her yesterday.

"Anything you want to ask?" William asked without turning his head, it seemed William realized that Rose had been staring at his face.

Rose suddenly became nervous because of William's question, she shouldn't have looked at William's face.

William then glanced for a moment, he then gently touched Rose's cheek then returned to focus on driving.

"You've fallen in love with me? I feel today you keep staring at me." William asked teasingly.

What William said finally made Rose realize, she shouldn't be so concerned with William's attitude today. Why should she be bothered by a man she's only known for two days.

"Don't get me wrong, I just saw you were a little quieter than yesterday." Rose answered in a flat and cold tone of voice. Rose finally chose to turn her face away, she didn't want William to misrepresent her and finally made William think that she had fallen in love with him.

Rose was still lost in her thoughts of regret for caring too much about William's attitude today until William heard a heavy sigh and then the car they were driving suddenly stopped.

"Why did you pull the car over?" Rose asked confused.

William didn't answer and just stared at Rose with eyes that Rose couldn't understand.

Gwen haunts William since his phone call last night, William has decided to cancel his wedding plans with Rose, he doesn't want to hurt Gwen even though he loves Mark but Gwen needs him more.

But this morning he heard something he should never have heard about Rose.

"For the first time I don't regret giving birth to Rose. All this time I thought that giving birth to a daughter was useless but who would have thought that Rose would marry a rich man."

"It's true, the girl is not good at academics, seeing her as a singer makes me feel ashamed but who would have thought that her profession actually made her be loved by William Alexander."

"I will remove her from our family card if that girl fails to marry William."

Such was the conversation between Nisa and Adam that William overheard this morning when they were preparing for breakfast without knowing that William had just entered the dining room.

William even remembers how sad Rose's voice was when she said, "I still feel lonely even now."

Rose... Was he trapped in a golden cage just like himself? William wondered. Could it be that Rose felt the same pain as him? Because even though Rose is the biological child of her parents but her parents don't seem to love her much, even William still feels a little lucky because he still has Jane and Mark but Rose is really alone.

"Will... Are you sick?" Rose asked because William just stared at her silently.

In one heart there can be no two loves, between Gwen or Rose, he clearly doesn't love Rose but William wants to protect Rose.

"What's the matter, Will?" Rose asked once more.

"Rosie... I can't promise my heart but I will make you happy." William said in his heart.

First his brother, then Mark, and this time because of Rose, William will marry her because that woman is Rose, at least they don't love each other so no one will get hurt when their marriage ends and as long as they are married, William will make sure that both Rose's parents won't see Rose one eye again. Rose couldn't drown and end up being like herself.

"You look beautiful today." William finally spoke up, a compliment that wasn't completely a lie to cover his doubts because Rose did look very beautiful today, before he looked straight ahead and started the engine of the car he was driving.

"So you're quiet because you're nervous sitting next to me? Don't love me too much Will or you'll be heartbroken because we might never get married." Rose said, she knew he sounded mean but she would not leave Rayhan for a man she had only known for two days.

"Don't be too confident honey, you should take care of your heart from now on. I don't want to hurt you but maybe you will get hurt if you unknowingly fall in love with me." William replied smiling.

William's words made Rose feel a little scared, could she possibly fall in love with another man besides Rayhan?

"We're here, you still want to keep looking at my face?" William said teasingly, they have now arrived at the company parking lot.

"Who's looking at you?" Avoid Rose nervous.

Seeing Rose's nervousness made William chuckle softly, "Yesterday you scolded me because I was looking at you and now you can't stop looking at my handsome face? Did my charm attack you so quickly?" William teased, not forgetting that he also moved closer and leaned his body towards Rose.

Rose tried to dodge but once again her position trapped her.

"I'm not fascinated by you don't be too confident." Dodge Rose who of course nervously.

William smiled again, "You are so adorable!" William said as he pinched Rose's cheek with exasperation.

"I'm afraid to fall in love with you." William said in his heart without letting go of his pinch even though Rose had been babbling asking for his cheek to be removed.

"You want to make my cheeks big, huh?!" Rose said angrily while holding her right cheek after William let her go.

"Never mind I'm annoyed to see your handsome face!" Rose said as she moved to open the car door until she realized that she had just said that William's face was handsome and now she could only curse in her heart about her stupidity.

"I know I'm handsome honey, thanks for the compliment!" William shouted while waving his hand from inside the car after lowering the windshield to Rose who started to walk away.

"Whatever!" Rose said turning her head for a moment only to stick her tongue out to mock William.

Rose had disappeared from his sight now the smile on William's face was slowly fading.


"You crazy man!" Rose cursed when she entered the elevator, she felt embarrassed and annoyed with William and herself.

How stupid she was for accidentally calling William handsome, the man must be flying right now.

"Who is crazy?" A voice came from behind her, a familiar voice to Rose's ears, and then Rose felt an arm move around Rose's neck.

Judging from his tattoo, Rose could tell who the owner of the hand that was currently hugging her from behind was.

Rose was so lost in her thoughts about William that she didn't notice Rayhan was in the elevator.

"It seems so much fun for you to be escorted by a man who freely touches your face, I can't be seen." Rayhan said in a whisper making Rose even more silent.

"Ah or maybe you've thrown me out of your heart so you don't recognize me anymore."
