
PRINCESS SAVIOUR! The Only Destined Princess

This is a story about a girl called Aurora a 5-year-old mysterious girl who possesses both mermaid and phoenix power. Not only that she also possesses goddess power the strongest power. But as the saying goes with great power comes great responsibility. Her responsibility is to keep all the 7 realms safe & kill the devil lord and bring peace to all the realms. But in this journey will she fall in love with the man she admires? If she falls in love can she fulfil her duty, her responsibility? Though she has a lot of secrets that no one knows but her intention and soul are pure. How can such a pure girl exist in this Celestine world? No, how can such a person exist in the whole universe?

CrystalNellie · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Introduction - Chapter 1

In this universe, there are 7 realms 3 in the sky 1 in the middle and 3 in the underworld.

Among them, the 1st one is Heaven where superior Gods live.

Then comes Celestine's realm where Gods, Goddesses and Immortal cultivators(Who came from the mortal realm after improving their cultivation) live.

Then there is the Eternal Empire also known as the mystical kingdom. No one knows much about this kingdom (since nobody ever sees this kingdom) except the only information that there are mystical beings who have mystical powers that can even bring dead person back to life and the kingdom being most beautiful.

After that comes the Mortal realm where live humans and cultivators.

After that, there are Demon & Devil realms which are now separated into 2 realms there lives demons and devil live.

And finally, there is Hell where people who do bad things are being punished after they die.

I am Crystal Illyria Elinor Aurora De Asteria. I was...ah no, I am the Empress of Eternal Empire. In this universe, every being has bad and good, strong and weak. And it's the nature of every being to get scared and feel jealous towards the strong and feel pitiful toward the weak. Something similar happened to me too. I appeared in heaven suddenly without any memories of who am I. Though I had the purest soul but my strong and mystical power always made people worry. And because of this reason, the former king of heaven kicked me out of heaven.

That's when I made my own kingdom the Eternal Empire. I decorated my kingdom with full of nature. This is also where the world tree is located. It is said that only I can enter the forest of the world tree and only I can go near the world tree. If anyone else dares to go there they will immediately burn into ashes. Anyway, after finishing the decoration of my kingdom. I then brought Fairies, Elves, Witches, Wizards, Dwarfs and Magical creatures from different kinds of dimensions. I also brought different kinds of plants of Flowers, Fruits, Herbs and Poisons from different dimensions. In meantime, I also finish learning different kinds of magic from different dimensions like Magic, Divine power, Cultivation & Controller Power.

The world tree was an existence that everyone wanted to own. That's why I also put 3 protector barriers to protect my kingdom and make it invisible to others.

Anyways, the fairies of mine were similar to elemental spirits who liked nature. The witches knew magical spells and could make amazing potions. Wizards were a being who liked to research and had powerful magics. The Elves were beings that had amazing healing power and medical knowledge. The Dwarfs were beings who could make amazing weapons no matter if it's magical or non-magical. And lastly, the magical creatures were similar to magical beasts & divine beasts but they could use their own unique magic & divine powers.

As for me, I had 12 spiritual power of nature such as Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Force, Time, Flower, Shadow, Light and Moon.

1. Earth represents the soil and rocks that we live on.

2. Water represents the seas, oceans, lakes and all the water bodies.

3. Wind represents the air that we breathe and the sky that we live under.

4. Fire represents the heat and the flames. 

5. Thunder is the element that represents electricity.

6. Ice represents snow and cold.

7. Force is the element of combat and spirit.

8. Time is the element that represents our past, present and the future.

9. Flower represents the plants of the nature.

10. Shadow is the element of darkness and negativity.

11. Light is the element of divinity and purity.

12. Moon represents spiritual space and the other dimensions.

Not only that but I could also use the strongest magic, divine, Controller and cultivation power.

The dimension power of mine was a little shocking for me too since only the king of heaven could use it. But I learned a lot of things thanks to my dimension power such as cooking, Escaping, Tricking, Trapping, tracking, herbs and poisoning, medical knowledge, Fighting, voice changing, material arts and special makeup.

Now I can make medicines, pills, potions, elixirs, tonics and ointments etc. I am not only a doctor but also a physician & Alchemist, medicine refiner.

Anyways, soon demons & devils declared war towards heaven and when they couldn't win. They came to me begging me to help them. And in this process, I had to use my mythical star sword & Invisible strings. Later I also had to self-destruct to stop the war. At last, I got some respect after I died. I thought that was the end of me but I was reborn once again with all my powers.

So once again let me introduce I am Crystal Illyria Elinor Aurora De Asteria. The youngest princess of Nethilor. I am 5 years old and I am the daughter of the mermaid Queen and Phoenix Emperor. So naturally I have both mermaid & Phoenix power also the power of goddess. I am a Purple-silver mermaid & Golden Phoenix. Just like my previous life now I have 2 appearance one represent night and another represent morning. Because I am the granddaughter of King of heaven god of sun Aelius & also I am the grandaughter of King of night god of moon Atlas.

That's why in morning I have skin as white as snow, mysterious long wavy pure golden hair and long beautiful curled lashes with sparkling jewels like Amethyst eyes which also resembles the night sky decorated with full of stars. And at night I have skin as white as snow, mysterious long wavy light purple-silver hair and long beautiful curled lashes with sparkling jewels like Amethyst eyes which also resembles the night sky decorated with full of stars. Only when I use my divine power my eyes and hair turn sparkling pure golden colour.

As a mermaid, I gained beautiful canary-like voice to sing and as a Phoenix, I have the 12 elemental Phoenix power. I can change back to both Mermaid and Phoenix as well as Goddess.

Now it's time to introduce my family I have 3 biological older brothers & 1 step-older sister.

My big brother's name is Leon nickname Leo. Current age: 12. He is the crown prince of the Nethilor kingdom and is being trained to be the next emperor. Also, he is a Red Phoenix. People call him Fire Phoenix because he have the power of fire. He has golden hair and blue eyes just like father.

My 2nd older brother is Levi nickname Lev Current age: 9. He is being trained to be a paladin of White Phoenix of the imperial temple. Also, he is an Ice-blue Phoenix. People call him Ice Phoenix because of his Ice powers. He has long Silver hair and purple eyes just like mother.

My twin 3rd & 4th big brother's name is Aron nickname Ron and Alex nickname Lex. Current age: 8. They are trained to be the knight commander of Imperial phoenix army. They are Silver Phoenix. People call them wind & Space Phoenix because of their Wind & Space power. Aron has Silver hair and Blue eyes. While, Alex have long Silver hair and Blue eyes. Alex is 1 min older than Aron.

My older sister's name is Eliana nickname Lia. Current age: 7. She is also known as the saintess of Nethilor. She has Golden hair and red eyes. She is a Ocean-blue Phoenix. People call her water Phoenix because she has the power of water.

My mother is the most beautiful woman with long straight Silver hair and Purple eyes. She is the Queen of Mermaids and she has the most beautiful voice and the strongest power. She is the daughter of the king of night god of moon Atlas and a mermaid. She possesses the power of water and ice. She is the Queen of marmaids who lives in the Magical ocean of Magical forest that leads to Eternal Empire.

My father is the Emperor of Nethilor he is a Creamson-Red Phoenix. People call him Divine Fire phoenix because he has the power of fire. He has Long Golden hair and blue eyes. He has the strongest fire Phoenix power and divine power. He is the son of King of heaven god of Sun Aelius.

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