
PRINCESS SAVIOUR! The Only Destined Princess

This is a story about a girl called Aurora a 5-year-old mysterious girl who possesses both mermaid and phoenix power. Not only that she also possesses goddess power the strongest power. But as the saying goes with great power comes great responsibility. Her responsibility is to keep all the 7 realms safe & kill the devil lord and bring peace to all the realms. But in this journey will she fall in love with the man she admires? If she falls in love can she fulfil her duty, her responsibility? Though she has a lot of secrets that no one knows but her intention and soul are pure. How can such a pure girl exist in this Celestine world? No, how can such a person exist in the whole universe?

CrystalNellie · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Sneak into imperial Palace - Chapter 2

*At Imperial Palace Of Nethilor*

*The birthday banquet of Emperor Louis*

"Congratulations on your birthday your majesty the Emperor of Nethilor. The King of Tethoris kingdom send you 1 Immortal peach, 1 purple Bead and best rare herbs from our kingdom which has full of spiritual energy" An Envoy from the Tethoris kingdom proudly said as he present the Immortal peach box and purple Bead box to the Emperor together with a big full box of herbs.

As soon as the people attending the banquet heard what the Envoy said they start whispering to each other.

'I heard in 5000 years only once the Immortal peach tree bears 5 Immortal peaches. Our kingdom always got 1 first and others are always either put to sell or other kingdoms fight to get. It's not easy to have one but the Tethoris kingdom just gives it away. How generous of King they have.'

'Oh my...did he just say purple bead? Do you know in every 10 years only once the jade toad bears a jade and still people go crazy over it and fight to get it. Oh my, the king is really generous.'

'But why do I feel like he is stupid rather than being generous?'

'You are right to why would someone give away such a treasure this easily?'


"What...What's wrong my Lord? Why...why are you so angry?" The Envoy who was shocked spoke as he was trembling in fear.

'What's going on?'

'What happened just now? Why does the emperor look angry?'

"You asked what's wrong. Heh...how dare you give me an empty box while talking about immortal peach and purple bead. We shall just cut your head as an example for other kingdoms to not look down on us." Louis said in anger as he take out his sword.

"Y...Your majesty p...please listen to me first...th...there must be some misunderstanding. How about I open the herb box I am sure you will be happy to see this rare herb of our kingdom." The Envoy spoke as he was trembling because of Emperor Louis's death glare.

"Very good, then let me see what else your kingdom has to make us unhappy on our birthday."Emperor said as he looked at the envoy.

*Inside the box*

*Elinor's POV*

After being reborn I have been with my mom for more than 5 years now. Soon, I will have my 6th birthday. My life here wasn't that bad at all instead it was really interesting and fun. I could go to my kingdom Eternal Empire whenever I want and all of my people recognized me. I couldn't believe it at first but my mother who is a mermaid was also a being protected by me. It's just they don't who am I? Since they have been in Celestine realm for years. After my death they couldn't get back and were stuck there it's been 10,000 years since then. Now there are a lot of mermaids who made their own kingdom inside the magic forest under the magical ocean that leads to Eternal Empire. Though I am still their Empress but they have temporary queens now who take care of all the mermaids and I am happy to see that. My mom is now the Queen of mermaids and I still don't intend to tell them about my identity. Since they live in the magical forest, where other than people of the Eternal Empire no one else can't enter. I think the mermaids will be safe there for now.

Anyway, my mom Mia the queen of mermaids meet my dad the emperor of Nethilor by accident years ago. My mom saved my dad who was drowning. They didn't knew each other's identities when they fall in love. But unfortunately, the day my mom found out she is pregnant she also found out my dad was the tyrant crown prince. Though later she get to know he wasn't bad and all the things about him were just rumours and he had a bad childhood. My mom wanted to stay with him but in order to hide her and my identity (who was half mermaid and half Phoenix with the most strongest powers) she had to leave him later after she give birth to my 4 brothers. Because she knew my older brothers is Phoenixes just like my father, my mother left them as well. And after that when she became a queen she never had time to meet Dad. Just like that 5 years passed.

A few weeks ago when I meet Natalia my only best friend who is also the goddess of destiny and the 1st person to know that I am still alive I got a book from her it's about the destiny of mine and my family. Where I get to know my mom will meet Dad & my older brothers again together with me when I am 9 but unfortunately we will all get killed because of a misunderstanding. The murderer hates my dad and thinks he is a tyrant who not only kills bad people but also kills innocent. This is why I hide from my mom left a letter for her and sneak into the palace on the day of my dad's birthday by hiding inside a box. Though I probably know that Mom will be sad & angry but I decided to change my destiny.

Natalia warned me before she said there are two kinds of destiny one that is already decided and the one that we decide for ourself. But the latter one is dangerous since we don't know what the consequences will be. But as always I don't believe in destiny because I believe that I am the creator of my own destiny. So now, my top priority is saving Papa, Mama and all of us.

While thinking all of this I fall in asleep and because of the noise outside I wake up to hear Dad asking to open the box I am hiding in.

*End of Elinor's POV*

"Well...then*creak*open*...."As the Envoy try to open the box a kid around 5 years old suddenly jumped out of the box.

"*Yawn*...Are we home yet? Eh...(Why? Why is Everyone staring at me?)" Little Elinor who hide in the box to come to the palace to meet her Father thought.

'Woah, such a cute kid.'

'Look at her skin which is as white as snow, mysterious long wavy Pure gold hair, long beautiful curled lashes with sparkling jewels like Amethyst eyes. I feel like an angel from heaven came down.'

'To me, she looks like a portrait that came to life.'

'Hey, you guys aren't you focusing on the wrong thing? You should think about where this child came from. Did that envoy kidnap her? Or is he trying to sell her as his majesty's concubine to please him?.'

'SHUT UP...You are thinking too much' Everyone said together.

"*Whispare*Papa...*Shout* PAPA... hehe, Papa, I have finally met you." As Elinor notice her dad she called for him as she drugged her Rapunzel like long hair out to run out of the box then she jumped flies clinging to Emperor Louis. The emperor who was stunned after looking at her and was thinking about his only love of the life Mia he immediately come back to sense.

"(What is going on?)" Everyone thought especially the princes & princess were stunned and confused.

"(wait, something is a bit strange right now...why am I dangling in midair?)"

'Oh my god, guys look at her hair just how long her hair is.'

'What the hell are you noticing right now. Have you gone crazy?'

'Shut up, I am saying did you ever see a 3 or 4 years old child having such a long hair that most of the hair is still on floor being dragged.'

"First of all, servents cut her hair. Otherwise, my court will be buried under her hair." Emperor Louis who calmed himself down said.

"*Shout* NOoooo...I don't wanna...(wait, my hair contains all my powers. Because I have strong power but my body is small so my hair store all my powers. I don't have to really it right. There must be a way to keep my hair right). Wait a second, I...I can use magic to make my hair at least...as short as my ankle length." Elinor shouted.

'Woah...isn't she just 4 or 5 years old. How can a 5 year have power?'

'Right...even his majesty himself wake her power at 6.'

' Well, it's possible after all we are talking about the imperial family of Nethilor here.'

'That's really amazing that she could awake her power at 5.'

"Fine, then take care of your hair." As Louis said Elinor snapped her finger and her hair became shorter now it was short enough to reach her ankle-length.

"Is it alright now papa...hehe" As Elinor smile brightly everyone was stunned by her appearance even the Princess who was jealous and was planning to hurt her was stunned. Elinor turned and look toward the only 4 princes of Nethilor kingdom as she smiled and run toward them.

"*murmur* It's still long enough for your age, you still have to drag it. *sigh* forget it." Louis murmured.

"*Shout* Brothers...Hehe...you must be Bro Leo, Bro Lev, Bro Ron & Bro Lex. Right." Elinor shouted and called all of her brothers by their nicknames. The Princes was stunned and confused to say something.

"Hey, little girl you have been calling me Papa and calling them brothers just who are you?" The Emperor Louis asked in a cold voice.

"Oh, sorry for the late introduction. I am Crystal Illyria Elinor Aurora De Asteria. You can call me Illy or Chrissy but you are not allowed to call me Nellie because only my mother call me with this name. I am 5 year old. My mother's name is Mia Grande." Elinor said as she walk toward Emperor Louis.