
Princess Not in Distress

Ever heard of the word, "damsel in distress"? Ever wished these damsels were never in the position to be in distress? Aria is a princess from Glacier, who was drugged and taken to the neighboring Kingdom of Azalon through the notorious magical "Mirage Forest". What makes this forest so notorious? Why did the neighboring Kingdom have to resort to that devious means to get Aria? Who masterminded the whole plot to get her kidnapped? What would happen when the young King of Azalon, Zane was poisoned by none other than Aria on their first official encounter, left with no other option than to oblige due to her being in possession of the antidote. Why would King Zane suddenly develop a liking to Aria's special kind of antidote? How would these enemies turn lovers? Until then, they have no choice but to watch as Aria freely uses her advantage over them to her pleasure. She has to bend the situation to her will and her captors are in for a pleasant surprise. What to expect: • Comedic relief • Plot twists • Detailed description (to say the least) • Unforgotten side characters • You might have to play detective in some instances • Hidden antagonist who uses others to do his bidding • Friendship between rival Princesses(Yes, you saw that right) • Action • Daily updates! Do check back daily Mass release of 5 chapters once we hit the top 100 in powerstones or more. Silver Tier winner of WFP #29(Role Reversal), please do: ¶ Add to your reading list ¶ Vote ¶ Click on the heart in the book tag ¶ Drop your reviews ¶ Buy a privilege chapter for the win-win event ¶ Send your Gifts ¶ Care to participate? Join the Collection section in my auxillary chapter. WARNING: This book is in it's unedited phase until chapter 128, so please bear with the cringe worthy write up until that chapter, it is bound to get better after that!

Bloom759 · แฟนตาซี
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203 Chs

Kiss me! Now!


| The Kingdom of Azalon ~ Royal Garden |


"Let me in!" An ear piercing scream could be heard behind the door.

"Sire, don't you think it's unwise to leave Princess Maelin at the hands of the guards, she is Royal after all." Royal Advisor Curtis chipped in.

"I didn't realize this at first, but lately you have been questioning my authority, and in my understanding it's because I have been too lenient with you." King Zane narrowed his eyes, his chin resting on his clasped hands. "Things needs to be restructured around here." The King nodded, looking over at the steel door which was bolted shut.

°It is because of situations like this I made a steel door at the entrance to this garden° King Zane shook his head upon realizing the person he had tried to protect was the very person being kept out on the other side because of this door.

°He is definitely not in a good mood today, but has he ever been in a good mood?° Royal Advisor Curtis debated in his thoughts.

"My apologies once again, Sire, it will not occur again, unless I'm being asked to speak." He bowed.

"hmm." He grunted, shaking his head.

"Let me in... don't you know who I am?" Maelin's voice boomed, "I know he is in there, Zane! Zane!" She yelled.

King Zane had been one known to enjoy the garden, this, Princess Maelin had noticed during her stay in the castle 10 years ago. He would always go to the garden to think, to relax or just to get away from the troubles of the Kingdom or his father, this, she loved about him and that had never changed about him, he was the same Zane she knew, if not even more handsome than she had remembered him to be, and she was glad, but now she frowned at a new development, why was a gate here? Why isn't she allowed access to the garden?

The King buried his face in his palms before gliding them down his face.

°Why now? Why do you have to come ruin everything?° The King stood up abruptly from his bench, walking towards the door.

The King gave a quick succession of coded knocks on the steel door.

The guards stationed at the other side of the door were alert as to the meaning on the knock, before pushing in on the handle of the door, open. "Sire!" They both bowed.

"Zane!" Princess Maelin craned her neck to the side trying to get a better view of King Zane due to the guards obstructing her.

King Zane closed his eyes, her melodious voice pulling on a fragile string. "Let her in." he retreated into the garden once more.

"Finally!" Princess Maelin sighed in relief, he still cared about her.

Taking careful steps, she walked through the paved footpath, the scent of variety of flowers clouding her senses.

°He had planted more flowers° Princess Maelin looked at the new species of flowers, the bright white hue captivating her attention more than the others.

°He suddenly plants that specie?° She looked on puzzled.

"I didn't think you would eventually plant a Cynia." Princess Maelin tore her gaze from the flower as she focused on King Zane who sat laid back, his arms hanging loosely on the bench.


Royal Advisor Curtis froze on her choice of topic. He stood still, waiting on the King's next move, standing at the side of the King was extremely difficult at this moment as he had to act as invisible as possible, Princess Maelin not making his work any simpler.

°Why do both Princesses never act like a conventional Princess? They always look for ways to wake the sleeping dragon° Royal Advisor Curtis resisted the urge to speak up.

"Zane? Why are you not speaking? You are making me feel crazy, talking to myself." She pouted, walking up to the bench, where he sat.

°It is better crazy than feeling the wrath of him° Royal Advisor Curtis lips drew into a thin line, his head turning slowly, his shocked feature meeting with the brow twitching, eye shut King, who in his years of serving him, Royal Advisor Curtis knew how the King behaved when he's in this similar mood.

"Your Highness, if I might-" He ate his words, the glare from Princess Maelin shutting him up.

°I did try to warn you though° Royal Advisor Curtis shrugged, keeping his suggestion to himself.

"Didn't your father prohibit you from planting those?" Princess Maelin pointed at the beautiful bed of Cynias.

°How can she still think of him after all I did for her?° King Zane boiled in jealous anger.

"Why shouldn't I? Doesn't the death of my father give me enough reason to plant the very flower I loved?" King Zane barked.

Taking a step back, Princess Maelin looked on in shock. She didn't dare move an inch forward.

°This is the first time he would get angry at me, what more might have changed while I was gone?° Princess Maelin wondered.

°You mess with the chains of a dragon, you mess with the dragon itself° Royal Advisor Curtis smiled in satisfaction.

"Curtis?" King Zane called, his voice weak and out of breath.

Royal Advisor Curtis felt alarmed at the tone at which King Zane had called him, the last time this happened was when that incident occurred. He knelt down to get a better angle in listening to the King's request.

"How is Princess Aria?" The King replied in barely a whisper.

°Why did she come into my thoughts?° King Zane brows knitted in a frown.

"She's as agile as ever, Lady Leah is right with her in the Infirmary." Royal Advisor Curtis replied.

"Tell the guards to leave the hallways." He ordered out of breath. "Take me to her now!" King Zane's vision blurring, he hated himself for being too weak right now.

°What did you do to me Aria?° The King shook his head to keep awake.

"Zane are... you okay?" Princess Maelin gathered the courage to walk up to him, rushing to a kneeling position, she tried to stroke his back but he dodged her gesture, falling to his side on the grass instead.

°He resisted my help?° Princess Maelin's hand suspended in the air in another wave of shock.

"Tell... one... of the maids to... show Princess Mae... lin her chambers." King Zane struggled with breathing, he desperately needed to see Princess Aria and he couldn't do it if Princess Maelin was hovering and watching his every move.

"Yes Sire!" Royal Advisor Curtis pulled up King Zane, aiding his balance, swinging the King's arm around his shoulder. "Canon!" He yelled.

Canon scurried in, saluting.

"Do tell one of the maids to show Princess Maelin to her bedchambers and tell the other guards they are dismissed for today, while we attend to some issues." Royal Advisor Curtis adjusted the weight on his side, the King's weight increasing by the second.

°Do not lose consciousness now, Sire° He pleaded as he looked at the King who fought to keep his eyes opened, his head hanging low.

"Sire!" Canon yelled, "What's wrong with the King?" Canon inquired, looking at Royal Advisor Curtis.

"That's none of your concern, do what you're told and ask no more questions." Royal Advisor Curtis scolded. "Do not make mention of what you saw here, you know what happens to those who can't keep their tongue." Royal advisor cautioned.

"Y-yes Sir!" He saluted, not in this life would he try to say of what he just witnessed, he still valued his tongue.

"What's going on?" Trail of tears ran down Princess Maelin's cheeks, she wanted to help but neither did she know what was wrong with him nor did she know why it seemed he was trying to avoid her.

"Right this way, Princess!" Canon bowed as he gestured towards the door.

"Hmph!" Princess Maelin faced her nose to the air, clearly disappointed with the treatment she was getting but too shocked to do anything about it than to follow the guard.


| Royal Infirmary |


"You seem alot better now." Lady Leah beamed, even though Princess Aria was a tough nut to crack making her work feel like a nut job, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she enjoyed the Princess company and her manner of speech.

"Am I never?" Princess Aria rolled her eyes before bursting out in laughter. "You cared about my welfare, how cute!" She pulled Lady Leah into a cheeky hug.

"Princess Aria!" Lady Leah tried pulling her face away from hers, but the Princess grip on her head was too overwhelming, gentle yet firm, all she could do was stay still until she was done.

"What's going on here?" A demanding tone came from the door, Lady Leah struggled and this time broke free from her grasp. Looking behind her, she almost shrieked in fear.

"S-sire?" Lady Leah adjusted her dress, clearing her throat she bowed slightly. "What happened to you, Sire? Should I call the doctor? Do you need his attention?" She blabbed.

°He looks pale and in need of a doctor's help° Lady Leah observed.

"Leave!" He croaked narrowing his already half closed eyes, "Take me to her beside." He ordered Royal Advisor Curtis.

"I suggest we leave for now." Royal Advisor Curtis explained to Lady Leah.

"Right!" She replied without any hesitation.


As soon as the door closed shut, King Zane pulled on the hem of her dress, her face forcefully brought inches away from his, "Kiss me! Now!" He demanded.

"What?!" Princess Aria's eyes bulged in shock.


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Why do you think King Zane's behavior suddenly became demanding?

The next chapter would be trip down memory lane, you could just choose to ignore it, if you do not want spoilers

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So if you haven't noticed, an Easter egg has been laid yet again so do pen it down as more words would be dropped in the upcoming chapters. Please do stick by with me on my journey.

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