
Chapter 29: Maria vs Olivia Phase One

“It’s your funeral, human.”

Olivia closes her eyes, she really doesn’t take me seriously huh?

Doesn’t matter! I rush in and throw a few dozen punches to feel things out. As expected, Olivia easily dodges everything.

But I don’t give up, there’s too much on the line. I switch it up and deliver a few leg sweeps which does force Olivia into the air.

I follow it up with an uppercut which Olivia catches. Finally, she counters by tossing me away by the arm. I quickly recover my stance and continue the assault.

“Mana Blast Punch!”

“Tch, how childish.”

But instead of letting loose a blast of force, I dash to where Olivia is dodging toward. Before she can notice the sounds of my footsteps, I tackle her to the ground.

“Mana Gun Blow!”

I pummel Olivia with everything I’ve got. Praying that she gets knocked out before she gets-

“You’ve had your fun.”

Oh no…