
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · ภาพยนตร์
78 Chs

Chapter 73: Battle in the North

"Are you sure you don't want my help dealing with that Daemon character?" Aiden asked his siblings as they walked out of Winterfell's main gate.

Aiden couldn't help but admire the group, they were all wearing custumized Kryptonian skin suits similar to Aiden's, however rather than having the sigil of House El on the chest they had the sigil of the three headed dragon, the symbol of house Targaryen.

They had been modified so that they wouldn't absorb sunlight like his own since they weren't Kryptonian, well except for Daenerys' since like Dacey she had chosen to stay by Aiden's side, so she had chosen to become Kryptonian as well.

"Aye brother, if I am to retake the throne I must do it myself. If you did it for me, the other Lords wouldn't accept my rule. Me and Rhaenys would have to constantly watch our backs." Aegon stated with a smile.

Aegon VII, Rhaenys, and Sansa had grown close and decided to marry, while Aegon the sixth, Rhaenys brother, had grown close to Margaery Tyrell and Shireen Baratheon over the years. This was how they bonded the realms together.

Sansa had ties to the North and Riverlands while Margaery bonded them to the Reach, and Shireen would help solidify the Stormlands once they retook the throne.

"Good man, I am proud of you brother. So I guess we will take care of the Others while you take care of that pretender. Remember, kindness will be seen as weakness, so don't show mercy to your enemies, but don't cause unnecessary deaths either. There is a fine line between ruthlessness and cruelty, so don't kill the noncombatants, you will rule them in the end." Aiden responded as he gave them each a hug.

Aiden's group was made up of his own wives; Dacey, Daenerys, Angela, Val, and Ygritte, along with Spawn. While Aegon would be going with Rhaenys and her brother Aegon along with Gerold Hightower, Ned Stark and his Northern Lords, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane and several other Free Folk.

The Northern Army and Free Folk Army was already a massive number, they had a combined force of just over one hundred thousand men and women. Once they reached below the neck they would meet up with the Riverlands, Westerlands, and Reach armies as well, bolstering them by another ten thousand or so.

Shireen was staying behind so that she could defend against any Ironborn raids, she had received a dragon egg from Aiden as well for her wedding gift so she too had a dragon of her own. Sansa too had a dragon, but rather than a fire dragon, she had bonded to a ice dragon.

Ice dragons were more docile than fire dragons, they preferred to laze about and only fought to defend its territory, they could be used in war but they weren't fond of it. Like Nightwing, they were reclusive creatures, which is why not many were seen.

They were very protective, and also much bigger than fire dragons. Aiden had stumbled on a ice dragon one day that was at the end of her life, he noticed she had a single egg and using his ability to speak directly to the dragon offered to protect her child.

He could tell the dragon was only hanging on because it feared it's only egg would be found by the Night King, she knew he would be after her egg when he awoke.

When he brought it to Winterfell, Sansa surprisingly bonded with the egg, their nature was very similar. Sansa too preferred not to fight, but if you threatened someone she cared about, her protective side would take over.

Arya was fostering with the Mormonts on Bear Island, learning to fight and living the warrior's life under Maege Mormont. She was too young to participate in the war. So with Shireen and Sansa staying in the north to defend it with their dragons, Aegon and the others could leave knowing that the north was safe.

Aiden then wrapped his bio-electric field around his group and took off towards the north, although the girls had been turned into kryptonians, they didn't have the ability to fly just yet. It would take a few more years of absorbing solar energy before they would gain that ability, they were just regular kryptonians after all.

It took Kal-El till he was in his early twenties before he gained the ability to fly, granted that was also because he didn't know he could fly, but even at the earliest he would've needed to absorb the yellow sun's radiation for at least a decade.

The only reason Zod and his army were able to fly after a few days of exposure was due to they were already adults and were of the warrior template, therefore they had a better understanding of their powers than Kal-El. The only reason Kal even won was because he had absorbed the yellow sun for over twenty years, he still had trouble dealing with Zod but that was because he was a farm boy and Zod's group were warriors.

Aegon and his army headed south, he was a top his massive armored white polar bear while the dragons flew in the sky with Rhaenys and her brother to scout ahead, to check on the enemy positions.

Aiden and his group made their way through the icy tundra beyond the wall. As soon as they entered the true north the group felt an incomparable chill, the temperature had a dramatic change the further north they travelled. He could feel the anger coming from the Night King, this was having a dramatic effect on the environment.

"Do you all feel that?" Dacey asked with a shiver, to which all gave her a nod.

Although they had a high resistance to extreme temperatures, this was no ordinary cold, magic was involved. The Night King had began his assault south after fully awakening.

He began to use his command over death and ice in an attempt to give his forces a advantage over the living. By drastically dropping the temperature any living creatures movements would be slowed dramatically, their reaction time would be reduced greatly while his own forces would be sped up.

Even Daenerys' dragon was affected the further they went north. Fire dragons didn't like the cold, had she not wanted to fight alongside her rider, she would've turned back as soon as she flew over the wall.

"I think you pissed him off quite a bit there Spawn." Aiden chuckled as he began to release his aura in the form of heat to try to combat the cold.

"Well I did basically absorb a large amount of his Generals, so I'm not surprised. But I can feel we are in for a tough fight, the forces he has with him now are much stronger than what I was facing before." Spawn responded calmly.

He had a special connection to the undead, so he could feel the dark energy almost as good as Aiden.

"Everyone needs to be mindful of your surroundings when the fighting starts, do not try to tank hits from the ice blades and arrows they will have. Right now you have durable bodies, but that is only strong against typical weapons, magic can hurt you and even kill you if you are pierced thru the heart or the brain." Aiden reminded them, he didn't want to see them hurt from overconfidence or negligence.

Not long after Aiden's reminder the group came upon a sight that would cause fear to any who weren't prepared for it, a sea of undead was moving south. Their numbers were too numerous to count.

The army was made up of not just undead humans, there was various creatures within the army as well. Bears, large spiders, giants, shadowcats, Children of the Forest, and even a few skelatal dragons could be seen towards the rear.

These species were all long dead, the bodies had been dug up and reanimated by the Night King's forces. There was an invariable number of bodies within the ground, so many wars had occured throughout time, this was why Aiden knew he couldn't allow the Night King to get further south.

As long as the body was relatively whole, they could be reanimated by the Night King using his necromancy. In every castle south of the wall were crypts filled with potential undead, many of whom were ancient kings and heroes of the past, especially under Winterfell.

Seeing the vast army of undead including the undead dragons Daenerys' dragon let out a defiant roar that shook the very air, she was angered by the sight of such abominations being created.

This roar caused the undead dragons to release a roar of their own, their boney wings spread as they began to take to the air.

"Daenerys, you may want to have Krypto assist Daelora in fighting those dragons, Flamebird will be here shortly to help but she is coming from very far away." Aiden suggested as they landed on the ground in front of the army.

Daenerys gave a nod and looked to her kryptonian dog, "You heard him Krypto, make sure you protect Daelora well." She said as she gave him several head pats.

After giving a few barks in response, Krypto flew up into the air to stay close to Daelora, unlike the others Krypto had absorbed enough solar radiation to have full access to his abilities.

The ground began to rumble, causing the frozen snow to fall from trees as the vast army of undead began to charge forward towards the small group.

Aiden then began to coordinate their own forces, assigning roles to each person, "Here we go. Try to stay together as much as possible. Spawn, Angela, and myself will take the front, Dacey and Daenerys you get our flanks, Val and Ygritte focus on taking out the ranged attackers. Remember your training and you'll be fine. Spawn, do you want the big guy or do you want me to deal with him?"

Spawn just shrugged, "You can take him, I no longer need to absorb any more energy, so even if I absorb him it won't improve me much more than I am. I think you would would have an easier time than I would, once he is dead, this whole army will fall apart entirely. They are all linked to him."

"So make sure you handle him as soon as possible. No matter our strength, we are still at a serious disadvantage. There is just so many of them." Angela chimed in as she pulled her dimensional spear from her own storage space.

Dacey, Daenerys, Ygritte, and Val also pulled out their Valyrian steel weapons that had been gifted to them by Aiden. Dacey had a Valyrian steel morning star and long sword, Daenarys a shield and long sword, Ygritte and Val both had Valyrian steel bows and arrows that they pulled from their storage bracelets.

"Alright, I will make it quick, but not too quick so that I don't ruin your fun." Aiden said with a chuckle.

Dacey rolled her eyes and responded, "We have very different definitions of the word 'fun' apparently, and they say I'm the battle junky."

Aiden shrugged and began to consentrate on the charging sea of undead, the ground quaking getting more prevalent as they got closer, "See you all soon, and watch each others backs."

With that said Aiden dashed forward with lightning speed directly at the incoming army of undead. Using his heat vision he cut thru the army, creating a massive gap down the center of the sea of undead.

Up above the undead dragons clashed with Daelora and Krypto, dragon fire spewed from Daenarys' dragon as she took out one of the dragons with ease. Daelora dodged and spun gracefully thru the air, the attacks of the undead dragons passing right by her.

Krypto too began to launch his own heat vision attacks onto the undead dragons, cutting large chunks from the massive creatures as he danced around them. He was a much smaller target so it was harder for the dragons to target him.

Below the aerial battle, Spawn and Angela moved forward. Angela's dimensional spear cutting through the undead like a hot knife thru butter, any undead touched by the spear were instantly disintegrated by the spatial fluctuations caused by the spear.

Spawn's chains, covered in dark green flames, tore thru the undead as if they were made of paper. Even as both of them took out large numbers of Wight, the undead army pressed forward like an ocean tide.

The undead had no fear, felt no pain, there was no such thing as moral when it came to the undead, they just charged forward with reckless abandon. Dacey and Daenerys moved along with the two in the front, using their weapons to slice and bash their way forward, destroying those that made it past the front line attacks.

The army of the dead began to encircle the group at the command of the White Walkers, they knew that just coming from the front would have little to no result, if they could attack from all sides they felt they had a better chance.

It was easy to see that the rear of the group were the weaker ones, however getting around them wasn't going to be easy. Daelora had made sure to stay above the undead dragons, this way when she launched her dragons fire attacks they would also hit the unsuspecting army below.

All the Targaryen dragons had been trained to fight by Nightwing, they weren't just your average dragon that fought on instinct alone, Daelora baited the undead dragons into attacks, using it to her advantage to help those below.

Val and Ygritte launched their arrows at the undead who were trying to attack from long range, they were easily able to pick them out from the sea of the dead using their kryptonian sight and strength to hit them from vast distances.

Aiden easily cut thru the army, taking out thousands of the dead as he made his way towards the rear of the army. He wanted to reduce their numbers as much as possible while still aiming at the Night King himself, this would help keep his group from getting overwhelmed.

As he got closer to the rear he started seeing large ice lances being launched in his direction, rather than dodge he used them as additional help to take out the dead. As they neared him Aiden would catch them and launch them into the sea of undead, destroying vast numbers of enemies as they passed through the army.

That was when he saw the Night King riding a top a large undead direwolf with three heads, he was flanked by four White Walkers who were riding large creatures of their own, two on each of his sides.

'He must've used his ability to combine three direwolves into one then raised them from the dead, there is no way he got his hands on an actual Cerberus.' Aiden thought to himself as he picked up speed.

Seeing Aiden approach the Night King and his followers began to launch attacks of their own, massive ice spikes shot out of the compacted snow underneath Aiden, attempting to impale him.

Aiden dodge the spikes, using this chance to begin to take out even more of the undead since he was quite a distance from the front lines. He began to fire golden flames from his hands which were similar to phoenix flames, they caught the undead on fire and spread quickly, jumping from one Wight to another, spreading like a wild fire in a dry forest.

Aiden flew past the Night King taking out two of the White Walker generals and their mounts that flanked his right side and landed several yards behind them.

"Yo. I've been waiting for you for quite some time now. Hope you enjoyed your time awake while it lasted. You won't be escaping to recover this time around." Aiden smirked at the Night King as he turned around.

The Night King and his remaining generals turned to look at Aiden, though their faces showed no emotion, but their anger was evident in their icy blue eyes.