
Primordial Awakening

Asher is a boy who has a calling from his ancestors but refuses to follow through with it , all he wants is to love his life the way he sees fit. As the effects of his calling my increased Asher became more apathetic changing from his usual cherry self into being a play boy until one day he played with the wrong kind of girl and this is where everything will begin. If you're looking for a simp mc then this not for you. The mc will be ruthless and will do anything for his goals.

Ghostt · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Escape

Chapter 04

The Escape


Booming sounds continued to sound as the Scarred man and the masked leader continued to fight. Selene and the hyena had jumped off the whole in the ceiling and went to fight somewhere else and during Selene's fight with the hyena she tried to grab Asher and escape wit his body because they had wasted too much resources on his body so they couldn't just aboundon the body just like , with Asher they could raise another Grade 2 Zombie and a grade 2 Zombie had equal power to a Level 50 Imp rank and anything below Level 50 was of common rank but before she could jump out of the hole in the ceiling the hyena bit appeared out of nowhere and bit her hand which was the one holding Asher and ultimately she was forced to drop his body and go fight the hyena outside.

"Damn you Boross and the Hyena clan always ruining my plans!!!"

The aked leader shouted at the scarred man who was named Boross, Boross did not seem to mind what the masked leader was saying as he continued to use his claws to trade blows with him. Boss was from the Hyena clan or by their indigenouse name as the Mpisi clan , most people chose to avoid making enemies the Hyena clan because they were known as people who knew how to keep a grudge and once a grudge was formed between you and the Hyena clan you would be one unlucky fellow as their keen sense of smell and their mysterouse totems the Hyena would always find where you hiding and to show that they know how to keep a grudge they would have you under their radar but always choose to come find trouble with at the mot crucial steps of what you were doing.

A good example of them ruining the plans of their enemies at the most crucial step was the the masked man and his group who were in a process of creating a zombie , how members of the Hyena clan knew you were in a cucial step or just vulnerable it was a mystery. The was a saying that goes that if you want to defeat the Hyenas best bring the Lion [Bhubesi] Clan or just a pack of of the Wild Dog Clan. It was know that the Hyena clan and the Lion Clan were like water and fire , the were mortal enemies where as whenever they meet a fight was long in the making and as for the Wild Dog Clan they were a menace , a group of thieves that steal anything in sigh as long as it was deemed valuable by their standard and as for how they were a good way to deal with the Hyena clan well the people of the Hyena clan always carried their most treasured ornament with them and with a case of meeting a group of Wild Dog Clan members they would get beaten senseless and their valuables stolen.

"Bados you once killed my companion even tho I begged you not to but you still proceeded and just know that I will always hunt you down as a predator does to its prey."



Bados the masked man was knocked back by a powerful kick from Boross which was followed by a wild surge in power as Boross retracted one of his claws then made his hand into a fist and focused that surge of power into his hand and punched the ground hard which created a shockwave that further more pushed Bados back even more. Asher felt the shockwave and this was what he was waiting for as the shockwave blasted him up he used his body and propeled himself more up and when he reached the hole in the ceiling he held on to both sides of the whole and pulled himself out of the underground space. When he got out of the underground space he could see fighting everywhere , it was Selene and Borross's Hyena in the middle and even further out was Bados's people where they where fighting people wearing animal hide just like Boross and they had Hyenas fighting on their sides.

Asher looked to where the where no one fighting and it was a forest two hundred meters away from the fighting and knowing this was his only chance at escape he made a bline for the forest. Asher did not even bother to look back and he ran with all his might and while running he notice his body was feeling much lighter and it was filled with explosive power , he did not mind all of this as his only goal was to run and get as far away as he could from Bados and his gang.

It was finally when he reached the forest that he even bothered to look back and see what was going on an he could see that most of Bados's man had been killed with only a few of the stronger ones still standing but they were also destined to fall as those that had finished their fights went to reinfoce those that were having a tough time with their opponents. With that last look Asher dived into the forest ,he continued to run while hoping that he could find somewhere safe to rest for the night. He knew that he would not stop anytime soon because he just had to get away as as he could and he planned to run till his legs ached and had the sense that he was safe.

Asher continued running for what was about four hours and on the way he passed around two or three caves and his senses told him that there was danger which meant that even if he wanted to enter them he would forfeit his life and he just continued running and didn't enter any and by trusting his body's senses he even managed to avoid the strong beast that hunt in the night while running he followed his senses which led him to a cave and his senses were telling him that it was not occupied like the other caves he passed on the way , he entered the cave and slumped down falling asleep without even bothering to try and hide or close the cave.