
Primordial Awakening

Asher is a boy who has a calling from his ancestors but refuses to follow through with it , all he wants is to love his life the way he sees fit. As the effects of his calling my increased Asher became more apathetic changing from his usual cherry self into being a play boy until one day he played with the wrong kind of girl and this is where everything will begin. If you're looking for a simp mc then this not for you. The mc will be ruthless and will do anything for his goals.

Ghostt · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Failed Zombification?

Primordial Awakaning

Chapter 03

Failed Zombification?

Asher's body was still floating as the man was holding the stainless soul and approaching Asher's body. The masked man placed the stainless soul on top of Asher's forehead directly where the was the nail after placing the stainless soul of Asher's forehead , he then began to chant some kind of spell and as he continued chanting the stainless soul began to melt and as if the nail was some kind of medium between Asher's pineal gland and the stainless soul.

Bit by bit the stainless soul melted and passed through the nail before finally reaching Asher's pineal gland ,upon reachin the pineal gland the stainless soul and thepineal gland fused together. Five minutes passed with thid process still ongoing until the pineal gland had fully turned translusant which signaled the end of the fusion process meaning thatthe fusion was successfull. Now thst the fusion process jad become successful the man knew that he had to quickly program the stainless soul before it vanished from the pineal gland and entered Asher's consciousness.

"Now to program the s.."



Before the man could finish what he was saying violent explosions rocked the place they were in startling all of them and now they had been interrupted at the most crucial step.He quickly turned to the group he was with and by the look of things those fuys were his surbordinates.

"You guys go and stall them while i try and remedy the situation"

Those guys all hid his orders and ran outside towards the source of the explosions , all of them went and only two people stayed behind not counting Asher , the ones who stayed behind were Selene and the masked leader. It seemed that Selene's position was special amongst the group of people. Unbeknownst to them Asher's soul returned and became active again it was finally one with the stainless soul. The stainless soul gave him vast information about what he was now , he was now a zombie but he was different from those zombies that ate blood he was a zombie created using whitchcraft/dark magic.

There were many different kinds of magic from magic , whitchcraft was a form of magic that used the power gained from dark entities whether it be demons , evil spirits / evil ancestors and the kind of zombie that Asher had been turned into was from evil spirits. He was a pure bred zombie not one cooked up from some kind of virus. The stainlesss soul had told him how to use his power and his power was very simple , if he wanted to increase his power he must consume blood and heart and the more powerful the creatures heart n blood there more power he would gain from them.

Right now he knew that he was no the masked man's opponent hense why he still pretended that his soul was still in deep slumber and he had nnot regained consciousneess , he was hoping that whatever was happaning outside would continue and finally draw the masked man's attention so that he could find a way to make his escape and run as far as his feet could take him. He still thought that he was in som kind of nightmare ocastrated by the ancenstors to make him listen to their command and go be initiated to be a trational healer.

Back to the masked man.

The masked man began chanting and now Asher could finally understand what the masked man was chanting before even tho his soul was in slumber he coul hear what was being chanted but he did not understand one iota of it.

"Ohh mighty dark spirits the ancestors of darkness I ask for your assistance in making this zombie before to listen to everyone of my commandads.The power of darkness must fill every part of is being so that it can be the bringer of darkness and sacrifices for you ohh dark ones."

The chanting continued and Asher could feel that something was trying to invade his soul but now that he was awake he was not going to let anything harm his soul so he did what eveyone would he tried with al his power to fight whatever was trying to nvade his soul. He was now in a death struggle he so hoped that whoever attacked these guys at fisrt could do it again so that ghe could get a glimmer of a chance to escape. He could feel that his soul was not strong enough to keep resisting whatever was trying to force itself inside his soul. Deep down he hoped that this nightmare could quickly end so that he could go back to his playboy ways and being a rich heir having everything that he wanted.

Little did he know that this was no nightmare and that if it was a nightmare this was only the beginning of his troubles. The battle between his soul and the unknown invading force continued and finally his little wish came true.



A hole was struck at the ceiling and a figure wearing animal skin fell feet first creating cracks on the floor , his appearing was that of a person with ucombed hair wearing animal hide his face having a scar that ran across it starting from his ear to his lower lip. The man quickly gained his footing the man did not waste anytime and went to attack the masked man but before his attack could land he paused and jumped back quickly dodging an attack that came from behind him , the attack was a fireball that came from Selene. The man whistled and a hyena jumped down from the hole ad it went to attack Selene , seeing that the distraction was now handled the man went to attack the masked man.

The masked man seemed to be farmiliar with the scarred man as if they've fought before , as soon as he saw that the scarred man was coming to attack him he quickly stopped chantimg and pulled out a sickle from his back and slashed at the scarred , the masked man parried the attack with his bare hands as they turned into sharp claws and met with the sickle producing sparks.As the masked man went to fight with the scar faced man he stopped chanting and the invading forced on Asher's soul dissappeared and he catched his long awaited break that could have taken his soul's freedom if he had no fought with all his will and everything his sou could provide.

"Now that the damned masked man and Selene are occupied it's for me to find a way to slip out without being noticed or else if I am noticed i could die without even knowinghow I lost my life."

Asher thought of how to find a way to make his great escapeand maybe with hia escape this damned nightmare would end after he just lost his adverseries. Thinking about about how muc he suffered and he could not get revenge as all this was a dream and you can't return to the same dream without external influences.Little did he know that his old life was long since gone and he had now entered into the supernatural meaning that h could no longer get peace.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ghosttcreators' thoughts